Love and money.

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Re: Love and money.

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:31 am

BigBlastGuy, you are simply posting unsolicited offensive and discriminatory content, which is in violation to the terms of the forum. I could understand if you post an opinion that is contrary to common thinking once, but you are spamming all the time with the same offensive content that reflects ONLY your own view.

So, I'm new to this forum and don't know you so long to take a decision myself. I will ask the other members to express their opinion about the following options:

1. Should we freeze the 2 threads "Love and money" and "Babies babies babies"?

2. Should we ban BigBlastGuy?
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Smiley » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:45 am

Come on now people. PLAY NICE!! :o

There are 2 sides to every discussion.Both sides can be valid and still not be totally co-supportive.This discussion is beginning to polarize our forum and I think that it is time for everybody to just take a deep breath,repeat if necessary.
We have all seen schoolyard discussions escalate into arguments which then escalate into fights.Nothing good will come from turning this into a feud.
In the words of Rodney King "can`t we all just g-g-g-get along? "
Lets give a little,bend just a little, It`s time to be more like a willow than a brittle stick.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:51 pm

Smiley wrote:Come on now people. PLAY NICE!! :o

There are 2 sides to every discussion.Both sides can be valid and still not be totally co-supportive.This discussion is beginning to polarize our forum and I think that it is time for everybody to just take a deep breath,repeat if necessary.
We have all seen schoolyard discussions escalate into arguments which then escalate into fights.Nothing good will come from turning this into a feud.
In the words of Rodney King "can`t we all just g-g-g-get along? "
Lets give a little,bend just a little, It`s time to be more like a willow than a brittle stick.

Yea, I have an opinion, others have their opinion. But I never try to ban them because I disagree nor do I call their opinion spam because i disagree. I thought a basic tenant of christianity was non-judgement. I could understand if I were espousing some horrible evil but my saying resources are a primary reason filipina seek western men is not exactly evil! So we have here several people espousing christian principles but yet acting very non-christian judgmental.

Basically what I have said in these 2 threads that Mystic wants to ban is: resources are an important reason filipinas seek western men and filipinas seem obsessed with babies. Both statements are easily substantiated: the Philippines is a very poor (lack of resources) country so obviously filipinas look for opportunity (resources) elsewhere and the Philippines has a huge population explosion, many babies (babies, babies, babies) being born into poverty.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:26 pm

mystic wrote:BigBlastGuy, you are simply posting unsolicited offensive and discriminatory content, which is in violation to the terms of the forum. I could understand if you post an opinion that is contrary to common thinking once, but you are spamming all the time with the same offensive content that reflects ONLY your own view.

So, I'm new to this forum and don't know you so long to take a decision myself. I will ask the other members to express their opinion about the following options:

1. Should we freeze the 2 threads "Love and money" and "Babies babies babies"?

2. Should we ban BigBlastGuy?

There are other options

3. Ban Mystic. Ha! Ha! Just joking I do not believe in silencing people for expressing an honest opinion. That's communist strategy. Or today we can say political correctness run amuck.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:32 pm

Quote: "You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Jade and Rune Pen Pals” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “Jade and Rune Pen Pals” has the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit."

So, BigBlastGuy is posting:
1. abusive content (spamming repeatedly with the same offensive statements)
2. obscene content (saying that all Filipinas only think of having babies and western men only want to exploit Filipinas sexually)
3. vulgar content (treating Filipinas as money diggers and westerns as sex addicted)
4. slanderous content (slandering a nation)
5. hateful content (lowering not just Filipinas, but everybody)

I think there is enough for a ban. No, it's not about judgment. It's about preserving the other users from abusive content that only promotes hate. If you accept to live in a community that welcomes you, you are expected to follow its rules. Aside the infringed penal laws, a ban is really a Christian treatment to save somebody from worse consequences.

Indeed, I am aware that there are a few people acting as BigBlastGuy is saying. But there are polite ways to raise the problem in a discussion, and hateful and intolerable ways. It has a lot to do with the tones, in my opinion. Anyways, the other readers need to be protected from abuse. I agree with Smiley, but if no break takes place, an admin should decide.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:56 pm

Golly! Ha! Ha! I am laughing so hard I am crying. Mystic what country are you from-remember Crisi and Edwin say you must answer all questions ? You say you are computer engineer, what kind of training program? Any legitimate computer professional knows banning someone is words only, it has no real value as there are many thousands of proxy servers with millions of IP addresses. You are a funny guy and laughing is good. Thanks for that.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:16 pm

Dimenoc, Orlando. Wanna try?
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:43 pm

mystic wrote:Dimenoc, Orlando. Wanna try?

Sorry, but Orlando is not a country. What is your country of origin? And describe your computer training.

Remember, according to your criteria if you do not answer the question to my satisfaction you are guilty of a crime. Also according to Edwin and Crisi you are not honest and are evasive if you do not answer. And what does that "wanna try" comment mean? That was a very insensitive remark and hurt me deeply.

On second thought, I am calling your response abusive and demand you be banned. Ha! Ha!
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Re: Love and money.

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:06 pm

People would try to find solutions to problems in life. Some tend to do wrong and lost their integrity and some really take advantage of the situation. Like so many americans or western men, one of the top reasons why they find filipina women to be their wife it is because their american wife is not committed at all. The issue here is not about love or money, but it is about what your hearts is all about.

Your observation about filipina should not be generalized that it is about money. No matter what is in the mind of the person, and that we do not know. We cannot make conclusion it is because we do not read the mind and heart of the person.

When your heart is evil, it will always seen in your actions. But we can intervene that the person will change his heart because we can pray for them. Instead of giving a conclusion, rather we should make an effort to change it. But how? Of course through intercession.

Just like many american woman tries to treat their western husband badly, why don't you intercede that your wife will be changed. Sometimes, we make wrong choices in life. And it makes us wish we could start all over again. It will really leave scars in life though past can be healed.

I am using my mind as well as my heart.

The problem with the people over here is that they are very good in pointing out wrongs and mistakes to other people while not seeing dirt in their own eyes.? The problem again is that they always add to the problems instead of a solution to the problems? Why are there so many who are intelligent and seem so knowledgeable but do not contribute to the solutions in the problems in the world. They are trying to say or show facts where in fact they are not so sure of 100% or it. Why making conclusions that it does not really imply as it is. Next time you make argument, make it sure that it is true as it is. True to all and not false to some. The next time you make your observation as you claim to be facts , be sure that you are not changing your words and be consistent about it. Sometimes, people are blinded because they tend to rely on their own understanding and knowledge. Instead of using that to make a solution but they add problems. The worst thing is that it creates gap to other people instead of how will he make good image and be genuine and be honest and be true and be part of the solution. There are ways of man that seems right but the end thereof is the ways of death, as Proverbs 14:12 read. Your words seem right but the output is not helping but ruining the image of people. Instead of lifting up and help to give out the best of the person, but you are discouraging. You are knowledgeable but you did not apply what you have learned and that is still useless. Use what you know and make the best out of it, therefore, redeeming the time.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:02 pm

crisipicada wrote:People would try to find solutions to problems in life. Some tend to do wrong and lost their integrity and some really take advantage of the situation. Like so many americans or western men, one of the top reasons why they find filipina women to be their wife it is because their american wife is not committed at all. The issue here is not about love or money, but it is about what your hearts is all about.

Your observation about filipina should not be generalized that it is about money. No matter what is in the mind of the person, and that we do not know. We cannot make conclusion it is because we do not read the mind and heart of the person.

When your heart is evil, it will always seen in your actions. But we can intervene that the person will change his heart because we can pray for them. Instead of giving a conclusion, rather we should make an effort to change it. But how? Of course through intercession.

Just like many american woman tries to treat their western husband badly, why don't you intercede that your wife will be changed. Sometimes, we make wrong choices in life. And it makes us wish we could start all over again. It will really leave scars in life though past can be healed.

I am using my mind as well as my heart.

The problem with the people over here is that they are very good in pointing out wrongs and mistakes to other people while not seeing dirt in their own eyes.? The problem again is that they always add to the problems instead of a solution to the problems? Why are there so many who are intelligent and seem so knowledgeable but do not contribute to the solutions in the problems in the world. They are trying to say or show facts where in fact they are not so sure of 100% or it. Why making conclusions that it does not really imply as it is. Next time you make argument, make it sure that it is true as it is. True to all and not false to some. The next time you make your observation as you claim to be facts , be sure that you are not changing your words and be consistent about it. Sometimes, people are blinded because they tend to rely on their own understanding and knowledge. Instead of using that to make a solution but they add problems. The worst thing is that it creates gap to other people instead of how will he make good image and be genuine and be honest and be true and be part of the solution. There are ways of man that seems right but the end thereof is the ways of death, as Proverbs 14:12 read. Your words seem right but the output is not helping but ruining the image of people. Instead of lifting up and help to give out the best of the person, but you are discouraging. You are knowledgeable but you did not apply what you have learned and that is still useless. Use what you know and make the best out of it, therefore, redeeming the time.

Crisi, get real! You tell me "your observation about filipina should not be generalized that it is about money" then YOU generalize about american women by saying "many american woman tries to treat their western husband badly". So why do you tell me to stop generalizing while you generalize? I have much more experience with Philippines and filipinas than you do with USA and american women, how many american women you ever really know? So I can say based on real life experience that resources are a primary reason filipinas seek western men. You have no such actual experience with american women, you are merely repeating what you hear.

My argument is true, I challenge you to read thru this thread again and you will see I have always been consistent in my position. I believe I did say "all" when I should have said "most" but that was a simple honest mistake that I pointed out myself and corrected. And that one word does not change my position or consistency of my position.

The facts are, if Filipino men had the same resources (money) as American men many of the Filipina dating sites on the internet would go away because there would be many fewer Filipinas looking for American men. Most Filipinas given a choice of millions of Filipino men making $50,00 per year or a few American men making $50,000 per year would chose a Filipino man and stay in the Philippines with their family and friends rather than leave their family and friends behind for an unknown future in a foreign land. And if you are honest you know this is true.

I believe the real issue here is you know what I say is correct which hurts your feelings and Filipina pride. It is difficult to reason with a woman because she responds to her feelings and not reality or logic. But no matter how you feel about this situation reality is resources are an important reason Filipinas seek western men. Now of course Edwin will agree with you because that is what Edwin does but Edwin following you around on this forum and posting agreements with you does not change reality.
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