My Bathroom

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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:28 am


Another picture of one corner of our livingroom! Then here is more stuff from my bathroom. All that stuff had to go somewhere, and it really cluttered the house, but Carol has picked up and organized, so it looks better now even than in these pictures.
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:35 am


This was one of the nicer rooms in the house without having to repair it at all. The kitchen and my bedroom were not in bad shape either. After 4 years we still have too much clutter from moving, and have not organized things well yet! It takes time! :lol: We will get there eventually. This is the room where Carol sleeps. She has a number of age and disease related problems that keep her from wanting to sleep with me. I loved the years that we slept together, but they are over with. She can't stand covers on her feet, and she doesn't like many covers at all. She can't stand me snuggling with her, and I am a snuggler! :lol: I can't win, so she just sleeps where she wants to!
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:42 am


Three keys in two octaves do not work, so I can't play this beautiful old piano. It is very easy to play when it works, and has a beautiful tone. My dream is to learn to tune and repair pianos as I can never afford to have anyone rebuild the old piano, but if I learned I could rebuild it myself, and that is what I am hoping to do eventually!
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:51 am


I decided to learn to play the piano, so I bought this piano off from ebay, had it put on a boat and shipped to where we lived at the head of a lake where you could only get there by boat or airplane, played it for one year, put it in a reefer trailer, put it back on the boat, had it moved to where we live now, had it in that reefer trailer for 2 years, then moved it out into our house, bought the Steinway after playing the Cable in our house for a few month, played the Steinway for a year or so, before keys stopped working, went back to playing the Cable, and now I have been playing the Cable for a couple of years. I like the Steinway much better, but you can't play a piano when 3 keys within the 2 octaves that you play the most don't work! But it is okay, and someday maybe I will learn enough to rebuild my old Steinway. It was built the year my grandfather was born, 1872!
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:58 am


This is the old wood cook stove that came out of Honey Bear Bakery that was at the head of Lake Chelan only accessible with a boat or an airplane. That Bakery later moved to Seattle, Washington, then it was sold to a chain of bookstores that operated bakeries in connection with their bookstores. Now Honey Bear Bakery is in Seattle, Washington, but we have the original wood cook stove that they baked their goodies in when they first started that bakery!
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:07 am


Here is another picture of our kitchen. We are slowly repairing this place. It is actually now a very nice place to live, and we are very comfortable in it. We keep warmer than we want in the summer, and we keep cooler than we want in the winter, but we have enough clothes to keep us warm, and we can turn the pellet stove up and burn it hotter if we like. In the summer Carol runs as many fans as she can get her hands on as the heat and the cold bother her. We do okay though. Even though we don't have good sense, we are happy anyway, and we have Jesus in our hearts, and that makes life worth living. I spend some of my time here, and then I spend a lot of time playing the piano, church hymns/songs unto the Lord, and they bless my heart, and give me joy in the Lord. :D
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby wayne208 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:51 pm

Edwin.. Man You did a Lot of work On that Place .. It sure looks better Now But I have No Doubt You have more work to do ..I have worked on Bathrooms before and it was No Picnic for Me and my Friends .. I hope You get it done the way You want .. I think I would have Bought a New Double wide . But that is just Me . Hang in there .
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby crisipicada » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:44 pm

Wow, nice photos of yours, Sir Edwin. I am glad you take time to get them and post them here.

Wow, your house is full of things. I can't imagine to do a lot of stuff in your house. I prefer a house that not so many things because it makes my mind not clear and makes me stress. Sorry, but I would rather to stay in the house that is really not so many things. hehe.
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:18 pm

Yes, Crisi, we have two daughters who are like you, not wanting much in the house, but our youngest daughter is like us with lots of stuff in the house. I am worse than Carol for wanting to have a lot of stuff around. I never want to get rid of anything, but everything takes up space. Of course now it is worse with everything from my bathroom scattered through the rest of the house, but soon it will all be put away, and then at least there will be less clutter. Within two weeks we should have running water everywhere, so there will not be the need for water sitting in jugs and buckets anymore. You would be challenged in our house, huh, Crisi? :D :D
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Re: My Bathroom

Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:02 pm

basement 2012 012reduced.jpg

Progress is being made. I now have my sink on the wall, and the toilet installed. I brought a number of these sinks from where we used to live as they were throwing them away after redoing bathrooms there. This is a really nice toilet that they were throwing out as it was not a water saver. After they put in water savers I had to keep a toilet plunger handy all the time, because the new toilets did not flush correctly. This toilet actually uses less water because it flushes so well, you only have to flush it once. The toilet I removed was a water saver, and sometimes you had to flush it 3 times to get everything to do down, and that was not saving water! The progress on the bathroom came to a stand still, as I have had to devote my time to the cellar completion, dirt backfilling, block laying, and concrete pouring in the columns. We are puting rebar in and pouring concrete in every 3rd hole in the blocks! :D :D
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