Relationship Problems

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Relationship Problems

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:12 pm

What Problems Have You Had In Your Relationship, And What Are Things That Someone Can Do To Avoid Those Mistakes? :cry:
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Re: Relationship problems

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:25 pm

Almost all of the problems that I have had in past relationships revolves around 'honesty'. I have been lied to so many times that it makes it difficult to trust again. And my heart has been broken more than once in my life. But when you enter into a relationship with someone, you have to open yourself up to them to be able to get close. When you do open up, then that makes you vulnerable. It's a risk we all take. Heartbreaks are no fun! But when someone misleads you, disceives you, or lies to you, then that makes it almost impossible to trust them again. So many times, those lies are completey needless, and they do so much harm. Some people just get into a habit of lying, and it becomes a part of their personality and everyday behavior. So to avoid creating some irreversable damage to your relationship, do not lie to your present or potential mate. Be honest and be truthful, and you will be much better off for it.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby BBR » Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:21 pm

Relationship problems arise when (generally) a third party enters the scene. I am fully aware of one mixed marriage where
a Philippine male, who apparently had a relationship in the past with the (now) married Filippina, visited her (she was married to a male of the country
of her new nationality) and obviously destroyed the marriage. Hmmmmmmm!

Of course, it could have been the other way around. However, he was married to another Filippna but he just couldn't resist
visiting "old times!"

I am sure that people will list some more facts as seen by them on "Relationship problems."

Integrity by both people and a knowledge of purpose will help tp cement a relationship together.

A third party can also mean an older sibling interfering (giving un-solicited and unwanted advice) with the marriage
of another family member.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby SOLEDAD » Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:22 am

jadegil6 wrote:What Problems Have You Had In Your Relationship, And What Are Things That Someone Can Do To Avoid Those Mistakes? :cry:

Some of relationships got misunderstanding because of pride...if nobody calm the relationship is difficult to save....must have one calm just to save reltionships....
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Shadith » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:01 am

If the female is wrong, it is due to a misunderstanding which was a result of something the male did or said wrong.
The male must apologize immediately for causing said misunderstanding. ;)

Speaking of Rights as a wife and husband well...i think personally that our marriage vows says all about it...accepting one another as lawfully wedded husband and wife through richer or for poorer,to sickness and health till death do we part?
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby jadegil6 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:32 am

I have heard so many times about relationship problems that have been caused by a misinterpretation (or misunderstanding) of what is said by one partner, and interpreted by the other partner. Since english is not the native language of most filipinas, there can be problems arise because of how the english sentence is interpreted. I once said to a filipina friend a quote from an old US TV show (starring the late David Carridine) called "Kung Fu". In the show, he was called 'grasshopper' by his teacher, and that was supposed to be a a simile for someone who was young and just starting to learn from their teacher. It was not a name given as an insult. But when I called her "grasshopper', she had an immediate and negative interpretation, and she was insulted and angry. It was not because I intended to insult her, but because she was not aware of the old TV show, she did not understand the manner in which I said it. So there was a major misunderstanding from the use of a simple word usage. the way...never call me lolo. hahaha
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby longhorn1 » Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:29 am

Relationship problems can begin when a couple become bored with one another, and start to look for alternatives that interest them. A couple needs to find new ways to keep each other's interest in them alive and on fire.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby jelai » Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:55 am

Shadith wrote:If the female is wrong, it is due to a misunderstanding which was a result of something the male did or said wrong.
The male must apologize immediately for causing said misunderstanding. ;)

Speaking of Rights as a wife and husband well...i think personally that our marriage vows says all about it...accepting one another as lawfully wedded husband and wife through richer or for poorer,to sickness and health till death do we part?

Sometimes, men must be careful of what they are saying because women are easily get hurt. Many instances that a relatioship break up because men dont careful of what they say and women get over reacted in the end they ended broken hearted. The best way is to talk about each concern in a right way and settle the problem. Remember, it is now what you say that matters, it is how you say it. Be honest and truthful to each other. There are men out there are do lots of lies to there partner like they are divorce but actually they are not. Others just playing woman's heart by telling them what would their future and i am saddened enough that there are men who keep promises to women to love them and to spend life for a lifetime. please, don't be a heart breaker, men! Women, also.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Mr.Magoo » Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:05 am

What Problems Have You Had In Your Relationship, And What Are Things That Someone Can Do To Avoid Those Mistakes?

I was communicating through email with a girl in the Philippines. She eventually started telling me that she loved me. Then I found out that she was writing to another man who I met online, and she was telling him the same things as she was telling me. Now that she has been 'exposed", she says how sorry she is for her past actions, and promises that she will never do it again. But now I don't trust her, and I don't think that she would change her stripes. Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Thanks.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Chas » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:11 am

Mr.Magoo wrote:I was communicating through email with a girl in the Philippines. She eventually started telling me that she loved me. Then I found out that she was writing to another man who I met online, and she was telling him the same things as she was telling me. Now that she has been 'exposed", she says how sorry she is for her past actions, and promises that she will never do it again. But now I don't trust her, and I don't think that she would change her stripes. Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Thanks.

Men write to a number of Filipinas until they find the right one, Filipinas will correspond with a number of men until they find one that will actually visit them. You cannot necessarily condemn either. I know of one case where a Filipina corresponded with a guy for a year until she realised that he was never going to set foot on that plane.

Until you actually meet at best it is only a 'virtual love'. A web cam does not count as meeting. When you are there and she looks you in the eye and says she loves you you can decide if she means it. Until you meet in person any relationship is heavily tinged by your imagination of how you want it to be.

If you do not trust her after meeting then run for it. No relationship will last if one partner does not trust the other.

If you want an introduction Pacita - profile 127/10, is a lovely caring honest intelligent lady who will make some lucky gentleman very happy. Her photos do not do her justice. She is currently based in Cebu. Email Jaderune for her details.
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