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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:32 pm

Yes, Smiley, we were hopeful that it would have turned out differently, and yes it is dark day for truth and integrity! I am very sorry that it turned out that way. I don't know why people voted the way they did, but they did, I guess. Yes, it is amazing the he was able to fool the voters for a second time! :( :(
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby crisipicada » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:19 am

I heard that Obama won the election for the second time.

Many feel sad and do not like him, and on the other way, many wanted him to be the president and indeed, he won.

All I can say is that, we may vote for president we want and other position, but remember that God is the one who knows and in control. He has plan and His mind in everything that happens. For Proverbs 16: 33 reads, "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby mystic » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:39 am

Maybe it is never possible to forget one's first love. I guess Obama had a historical impact...
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:15 pm

It proves that it is a lot easier to fool a Liberal than to convince Liberals that they have been fooled.
Barry Soetoro,or Barack Obama,or whatever else he wants to call himself has proven himself to be a sneaky,lying,elitist.
No matter,the leftist media has fallen all over themselves to make excuses for him and to hide the truth.The Bengahzi outrage alone would have been enough to call for the impeachment of any other President but not this one.Anybody foolish enough to point out that he might be less than perfect it met by screams of " Dats Rayciss!!!!"
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:40 pm

I heard some people in Walmart, grocery, and hardware store, parking lot today talking about the election and the liberals, and they were using language that I hope I would never use. They were really upset and angry. I am thorougly disappointed in the outcome, but we did our part, and it still turned out this way.

I agree with you completely, Smiley, that Barac Obama is a very evil person, and you are right also that the liberal media has countless times covered up the evil that he has been up to. He supports everything that Christians oppose, and yet many so called Christians, including many in my family and relatives have been duped by him. He has been a disgrace to our country in numerous ways. I really thought that people were wiser than to put him in again! :( :(

I also whole heartedly agree with Crisi, that God is still in control. Obama is like Satan, and God has both of them on a leash! They can go no further than what God allows them to go. We saw this in Israel's history where the people and the rulers were evil, and God only allowed them to go so far before He punished them by sending other powers in to over take, and captivate them.

Just like with Satan, Barac Obama will have his day in judgement before the Lord. He may think he is getting away with all this evil, but he is not. God will have His way! :D :D
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby mystic » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:54 am

Well, it seems that God still does not want WWIII (starting with Syria and Iran) - which I think Romney would have started. But what will happen when the day will come, and they will have developed every sort of weapon, while the western economy will have collapsed even further?
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:43 am

I have heard of prophecies some many years ago of the colapse of American, and its destruction by foreign powers. Some have had dreams and visions of this. The basis for that is when America forgets God, America will no longer have His protection, and as God's judgement for the sin in American I have heard that he may allow foreign powers to destroy America, and then it will no longer be the free country under God, but it will be under God's judgement because of the commiting of sin. God will not tolerate people living in defiance of Him and commiting sin. America will have to pay the price! :( :(
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:45 pm

Strange that you should mention defiance there.
In Isaiah chap 9 we learn of the rejection of God and how God gave a wake up call by lifting his blessing temporarily and allowing the Assyrians to lay the Northern part of Israel to waste.
Later,instead of admitting their errors,Israel grew even more defiant and responded something along the lines of "The bricks have fallen,big deal,we will rebuild stronger with hewn stone! The killed the sycamore trees. . . . big deal,we will replant conifers,stronger,better.
They continued this defiant attitude,and we all know how well that worked out for them.
This same scenario played out in New york on and after 9-11. Instead of being humbled,the leaders have grown further from god and increased their arrogance and their defiance of God.
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:41 pm

You are absolutely correct Smiley in your comparisons and analogies! America and Israel can be compared with each other and the way they stray away and forget God. God tries to wake them up, but they are wanting their own ways. They don't get the message. The country can't commit moral transgressions, be defient against God and get by with it. Judgement is coming. It is like they think they can build strongholds that even God can't break down! They can't fortify themselves against God's judgement successfully. He will bring them down if they are not repentant.They are just kidding themselves if they think they are getting away with what they are doing. "If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves...." and that is what it will take, for people to repent and call on the Name of God in humility and repentance! :D :D
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:00 am

Do a quick online search on Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.He has done a lot of research into symbolic harbingers,and the links and similarities of Israel and the US. Be prepared to be shocked.
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