What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:13 pm

I got up at 4:30 a.m., so that I could make it down the hill to get our youngest daughter and her daughter and head for Wenatchee where I had a doctor's appointmernt. A year ago last July my PSA was 4.2, I think it was, and the doctor did a prostate gland biopsy because they consider anything over 4.0 to be elevated and I had been bleeding, so I got a biopsy, and it was traumatic for me, but they wanted to make sure I didn't have cancer, which I didn't. The next appointment about 3 months later my PSA was 4.6, and the doctor said that was nothing to be concerned about, so they said 6 months for the next one, but they forgot about me and waited 8 months to get me in again. This time my PSA was 5. something, and the doctor talked about doing another biopsy. He said we will test again after 3 months, and if it is down we won't do the biopsy, but if it is up we will. Well, this time my PSA was 6. something, and the doctor said we need to do a biopsy, so I guess I will have another biopsy. They want to rule out the idea that it may be cancer. So the doctor said we will hope we don't find anything, and I hope not, and time will tell. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:41 pm

Today Carol went to the knitting/spinning guild meeting/get together they have every other Saturday. My sister-in-law and her sister will not go because they think they should be the bosses, and other people don't share their opinion! It is fun for these ladies. They get together, spin, knit, and weave. They visit with each other, and they all bring food and eat before they leave and, it is fun for all of them.

I have 30 more blocks, and I could have built some more wall, but the wind was blowing, and the black plastic is a nightmare to handle with the wind blowing! So I decided not to work on that. I need to insulate the cellar roof, but I have to stand on a ladder about 12 feet high, and I didn't want to work standing on a ladder when I was the only one home. We had stuff sitting everywhere out front of our house from the job we have been doing, and it is all finished now, so I decided to clean it all up, so that is what I did today, and it looks really nice in front of our house for a change! From the time the truck brought 450 blocks, 48 bags of concrete mix, and 28 bags of mortor mix until the end it just got looking worse and worse, with everything thrown down where it was the easiest! Now it is cleaned up and looks nice!

I also loaded the cement/concrete mixer on my pickup truck. I took it to where it was a little higher ground. Then I backed my pickup truck up to it, and I thought that I would tip it over on the bed of my pickup, then lift it, but it is heavier than I am capable of lifting, so I got some heavy boards, laid it on the boards, then slid it with a rock bar up on my pickup bed. I have a hard time getting the boards unbound from the mixer after I got it on, but I made it, took the boards back, and reparked my pickup truck, and now I am ready to return it to my brother. He told me that when he was younger he used to load it all by himself! I don't think I was ever that strong! But, I got it on, and I am ready to return it, and that is the important thing.

I was stressing because I needed to go get some things for my bathroom remodel job that I should haul on the car, and my pickkup had no brakes, but I replaced the master brake cylindar, and now I have good brakes that will keep me safe while I drive! I will need to get the green rock, green gypum board, mold resitant for my bathroom this next week, so I will be ready for my kids to come help me with my bathrooom next weekend! If I were in the Philippines it would already be my Happy Birthday time, but here it is tomorrow. The kids are coming next weeken to help me for a birthday present for me! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:05 pm

It was snowinggggggggggggggg.... what a nice surprise. How pity that it already stopped, and no trace of snow anymore :(

Tomorrow it will be fun to go out with the motorbike :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:20 pm

I had to made a service call to a customer in Toronto friday,so I called around and arranged to take care of 3 customers with one trip as it is a little over 200 miles each way and I didn`t want to do all that driving for 1 service call.
There is a guy that sometimes hangs around the shop and runs the odd errand for us.Anyway he begged and begged to come along so against my better judgement it was decided that he could come and we would pay him an hourly rate.
We left at 6:30 am and before we had gone 35 miles I knew that he was going to really be on my nerves.I`m the kind of guy that usually talks when there is something to say or to make polite(usually) conversation.This guy prattles unendingly about nothing.The first truck stop,he wanted to stop for a coffee,the second one to use the washroom,the third for some candy bars as he thought his blood sugar was low etc.
In any case I`m way off the point here,the reason i`m posting this is that snow was mentioned :lol: . No. . . really :lol: .
About the time that I finished with the last Toronto customer the sky was getting dark and I thought that I had seen a snowflake out of the corner of my eye.I didn`t want to be caught in a Toronto Friday rush hour especially if it was snowing so I sorta kinda drove like a maniac to get to the highway before things got weird.Once on the highway it took about 3 miles before the roads froze and the snow just about buried us.The trip up took less than 4 hours,the trip back was almost 12.
I`m all rested now and back to work tomorrow.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:48 am

We have had snow several times, and then the weather has warmed, it starts raining and the snow disappeaers! I know before long it will start snowing, snow deep, and it will be on the ground until in the spring. Normally we doing get really deep snow here, but our wind storms have a way of piling the snow deep, and then it is impossible to drive anywhere unless it is ploughed. Our son-in-law here tries to take care of that, but in the past few years some of the storms are severe enough that it is difficult to get it cleared to be able to drive out of here.

Sometimes the snow can make a longer trip as a person can't drive as fast and make as good a time in the snow on the road. It is far better to be safe and make it to the destination than to try to push it too hard and have a wreck! Be safe always! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:22 am

Man, am I glad I was born! I am still getting Happy Birthday wishes! Our kids were going to come this past weekend and help me remodel my bathroom as a birthday present to me! But, our granddaughter whose birthday is also December 2nd, wanted her parents our kids to stay home and celebrate with her! Well, she won, and I lost! But not really, because they are coming this next weekend. I was stressing about bringing suppies up the hill to fix my bathroom as I had problems with my old pickup that kept me from driving it! I thought I needed it last weekend, but when I found out that they were going to come a week later because celebrating with our granddaughter that gave me an extra week to get my act together. So one day I changed the master brake cylindar, and since my lights work as well, I can drive it legally safely. I was worried about the weather because I had to put chains on the slick hill twice a couple of weeks ago to make it up the hill! One other day I almost didn't make it, and probably would not have had Carol not been praying that we would make it. But, we had nice weather today, and we went down the hill taking 11 twenty foot sticks of 3/8 inch rebar that I didn't need, and some R-11 insulation that I didn't want, as I am using R-21 instead. We then went hung out with our daughter and granddaughter, went to eat at KFC, and went to Rite Aid and got 4 gallons of milk, gave one gallon to the kids. After that we went to a building supply place and I got 50 concrete blocks and put them on my pickup. Then I went to another building supply place, got six 4X8 sheets of 1/2 inch water/mold resistant gypsum board, linolium and a few other things for my bathroom, and came home having a safe trip up the hill. When I got home Carol and I brought the gypsum board in the house. It was somewhat heavy as two sheet are together, but we carried and slid it on sleeping bags, so it was manageable for us. My other son-in-law informed me that he was going to help with my bathroom also, and so that is very happy news, and it will mean that it will get done easier and more trouble free, with many hands making light work! So I may be in style in that bathroom shortly, instead of being in the trashed bathroom. I am the kind of guy who is not fussy, so no complaints from me either way, but let me tell you, I am going to very happily enjoy taking a shower in my own bathroom, in my own tub, having linolim on the floor, with my sink and toilet all in first class style! I am going to paint it what is called Gypsy Belle, which is a lavender color, and the walls will look just like spring flowers! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:43 pm

Speaking of flu, i had it the other day and my little girl had it too. My difficulty is finding the right medicines which i used to give my girls when they get sick. I miss our pediatrician in Philippines and the medicines there that i can get even without prescriptions. I am just not totally satisfied at this time. :(
So I am doing home remedies! :D which i find is always best and cheaper to make. Brandy with mixture of honey and tea, made me intoxicated little bit but it worked. :P Thankful i am feeling well and my girls still having coughs and colds. Praying for God's powerful touch to heal them.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:00 pm

Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

That mean, it is about the second death or the spiritual death. Yes, when we die, our body will return to the dust and spirit - will go back the Him, and our soul will be judged. Those who deny the Son of God will experience the eternal death in the lake of fire. While those who accepted Him, will be with His father in heaven.

Our good deeds, after we accepted Christ and Personal Savior and Lord, will be judged if we deserving to the crown.

It is good to search for truth, and we must know the truth. The Bible is a complete book.

As it is written in the book of Psalms that those who desire to know Him, is more knowledgeable compare to teachers or scholars because he has understanding.

A lot of people today, who are doctors, attorneys, even riches people and have lots in life, but they do not know where they go when they die.

For them, doing good works is the way.

I experienced going to Cagayan de Oro City and I bought a ticket already bound to Cagayan. Even i have ticket, and I am already in the door step inside the bus, but the bus is not in good condition, thus it needs to repair. It can not transport me to where I want to go.

Just like many people today, when you will ask them, Are you sure you will go to heaven when you die? Some say "NO" and some say "YES".

Yes, because, they said they have done good works. But remember, in John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

THerefore, even how much we do good deeds, but it is not the way to Him. Eternal life is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9).
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:04 am

This is all very true, Crisi! My Mom said that before she became a Christian she thought that you got to heaven by good works, but our good works are as filthy rags in God's sight, and they mean nothing to help us get to heaven. It is only by God's gift which was receive freely simply by asking and receiving. My Dad said often that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so if we neglect so great a salvation we will be in trouble, and that is what the book of Hebrew is all about is attending to God gift now, and not neglecting His gifts, because if we neglect so great a salvation we are in trouble. Jesus said that the person who lives in sin is dead even while living. The soul is already dead for the person living in sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible also says that the soul that sinneth shall surely die, but we do not need to die, but we need to accept God's gift of His Son Jesus Christ! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:19 am

I already had 14 concrete blocks from a load of 30 that I brought home a few days ago in the Van. I added to that 50 concrete blocks that I brought home with my pickup truck as well as some other things needed for the remodeling of my bathroom. I thought with 64 concrete blocks I could really accomplish sometlhing, and I did, but I am always amazed that the blocks do not go any further than they do. The blocks are 8" by 8" by 16", and I am laying them 5 layers, so it take a lot of blocks to go just a few feet! I have now finished my wall all the way around the house, except for about 3 feet, and I used metal and plastic to cover that space. The wall is just as good as finished as far as being weathered in and keep the cold, freezing wind out from under our house, but I used some junk blocks that I need to replace where I stopped a few days ago, and I borrowed blocks off the top of my wall to get as far as I did. So, I still need about 30 to 50 concrete blocks to finish the wall as it needs to be finished! I will make it fine as long as I can find road conditions that will allow me to haul loads up the hill. It is really dangerous to try to pull the hills when the roads are slick, so I am going to try to avoid that. I have already lost traction and had to put chains on, on the hill 2 different times, and almost didn't make it a third time. It is very frightening for me, and it makes me wonder, "will I make it!" Even if I could not haul any blocks up the hill because of bad roads, we are okay now as the wall is complete enough with the 3 feet or so that I have covered with metal and plastic, but if I can at all do it, I will finish it right! I worked all day today building more block wall, and rebuilding steps at the side of our house. I have now rebuilt 2 steps, and Carol loves them. I have done a better job than what I did no the other steps. She told me how she loves them, so I pretty much copied what I did on the first steps for the second one. I have one more set of steps that I need to build in the back, going into Scooby's yard out the sliding glass door. I have wood pallets there for steps, but Carol informed me that she wants steps like the other 2 that I built, so that is what I will do! I wanted to do more that I accomplished today, but that is the story of my life! :D :D
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