What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:15 pm

It was a happy and sad day, like many. I commit the successful work of my hands to the Lord, and wait for another day to come to serve Him more. I am thankful today for having talked to a friend, for having had a funny conversation with my colleagues at work, for having learned that my son knows 20 names of dinosaurs. Also, I am thankful not to have slippered on the ice with my motorbike while going to work, and for the meltdown of most snow in the afternoon. And good night to everybody :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:59 am

When I was in the 10th or 11th grade I started wearing glasses. I hardly even needed them at first. I went to get my eyes checked because they were watering, burning, and itching. I was given a little correction in my lenses, but I hardly even needed that for years. I think what was causing my eye discomfort was the smoke from the wood heat, and also I had a lot of barn chores I had to do, so I worked with the cows and the horses until it was almost bed time, and then I did my school work, if I could, if I felt like it, and many times I was just way too tired to do that. But eventually I did need my glasses as my eyes changed over the years. Now I couldn't read without my glasses, but I can still see well far in the distance. When you turn 65 years old and if you are on Medicare they will look at your eyes every two years, but I have been diagnosed with cateracts, very mild at this point, so Medicare pays for my eye exam every year. Last year when the eye doctor told me I had cateracts, I asked him what I could do for that. He told me that I could wear sunglasses, or UV protective lenses, which is what I got, the ones that change for the darker in the sun light. He also told me that it would help me if I would stop smoking!!!! I didn't argue with him, but listened to everything he said. I think he thought I smoked because I had a thick pack of notes in my pocket, memory aids!, and he mistook the thickness in my pocket for a pack of cigarettes. He also no doubt smelled the smoke from some junk wood we had been burning in our house. I did try smoking when I was 13 or 14 years old, but it didn't make sense to me, and I almost burned the barn down, trying my smoking. The real reason I quit was that my Dad told me that he heard I was smoking, and he told me that if he found out it was true it would kill him! That was the end of my experimental smoking! Anyway my cateracts are a long ways from needing surgery, and I have some other eye trouble especially my left eye, and the eye doctor told me that I should take special eye health vitamin and mineral, called AREDS 2 formula, and he told me that those vitamins would safe guard my vision, so I am going to take them. He also talked me into taking a multi vitamin, he said to find the Centrum Silver, and then buy Walmart's brand which is much cheaper. A little humor here: The bottle says, "Women Age 50+" :lol: It also says, "Complete Ultra Woman's Health!" :lol: Well, I'm not a woman, but that is what the doctor ordered! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:11 am

As well as seeing the eye doctor we ran around with our youngest daughter and her daughter and had a lot of fun! We went to eat at Safeway Grocery store. We discovered quite by accident that we could eat much cheaper there at their deli than we could at McDonald's or KFC, so I am going to try to have us eat there when we are looking for a place to eat because the food is reasonable, and we get enough to eat there. I ate a chicken thigh, cold slaw, and a fruit salad! Then we went over to Walmart to buy some eggs and a few necessities after which was went back to our daughter's place to get our doggie, and then we went to pick up 30 concrete blocks and head home. I was a little worried as the roads were slick. But they had been sanded, and I kept all the speed I could going up the hill without sliding off the road, and I was praying while we pulled those steep places, and it turned out okay, making it home fine. Now, one more load of 30 concrete blocks will finish what I want to do, which is the wall, which is finished, but I want to replace a few junk blocks I put in the wall, which are doing the job, but I want nicer looking ones. Then I am going to build one more set of steps at Carol's request. I rebuild the front and side steps, and she really likes them, so she requested that I build similar steps in the back going out the sliding glass door into Scooby's yard. As I unloaded them I placed all of one style, the ones with the keys, on top laying them on their side to cover the holes in the blocks so that water from rain and snow would not go down in side the holes in the blocks. I think the wall looks nice, and that is my opinion! I will post pictures after I have a change to take them in a few days, hopefully! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:43 pm

This is either a lazy day, or I am lazy, one of the two, and maybe it is a mixure of both. During the night I almost went out to the dog house to put a light in his house for heat, but then I thought "well the wind is not blowing even though it is pretty cold, and after all he is Swiss Alps' Dog, so he should be okay. He actually deals with the cold better than he deals with the heat. But this moring I went out to check his food, as he only eats what he needs, and if we feed him too much for a while he will not eat it until he gets hungry, and both our dogs are like that. Some dogs will eat themselves to death, but not these dogs. When I went out to check his food situation I felt the cold wind, and it was still cold, so even before feeding him, I took his heat lamp out, hooked it up, and plugged it in. The banti chickens have a 60 Watt bulb in a very small space, and Scooby has a 75 Watt bulb in a little larger space, his dog house. He has lots of blankets, and now when it is cold and the wind is blowing I can just plug it in and he will be fine. He was alright for several years without any heat, but last winter I started feeling sorry for him, during one of our storms when it was very cold and the wind was blowing hard. It might not make any difference to him if he has a heat lamp for when it is cold, but it certainly makes me feel better!

I put some oil in our car's engine, so that it would be up at the full mark. I need to change the oil, and probably the air filter, so I went online and got a couple of them. The car doesn't go through a lot of oil, but I try to watch it closely and never let if get low. I also put a little antifreeze and windshield washing fluid in it as well. We are going down town to stay with our youngest daughter this evening and we will be taking our inside doggie. Scooby will be fine, and we will just be gone one night. We will leave enough food for him, and is water dish is heated, so we will just need to make sure it is full before we leave. I have to have another one of those prostate biopsies, and I am not looking forward to that, but I will be okay. We will stay with her all night, and then get up early and go to Wenatchee for the biopsy which is at 9:30 a.m. Then tomorrow evening we will be coming back home, and everything should be fine! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:27 pm

My day was so exhausted. I do not know why I feel so weak yesterday. It seems that I cannot walk anymore. I am feeling okay this morning.

Today is Friday, means fly day. hehhehe. I will go home after work this afternoon and spend time in the house.

My niece and nephews will go home. Today, December 14, is the birthday of my late father. My mother plan to visit my father in the cemetery and bring flowers. I will try to find time to go there also today if my boss will permit me, if not then we will just celebrate my papa's birthday in the house with dinner with family.

happy birthday to my papa now in heaven.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:56 pm

Crisi: You have just gone through a very traumatic experience with Bopha just before the stress of your family obligations with the Christmas season sneaking up on us!
I`m not surprised that you felt a little wobbly the other day. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:59 am

Yes, Crisi, I agree with Smiley about what is happening to you. Many times we go through hard times, and we feel strong, like we can take on the world, but then after the crisis is over we calapse! That is natural. You have spent your energy and now you are at the point of exhaustion, and you just have to recuperate. That affects our emotions as well when we have a lot to deal with. You are brave, you are strong, and you have to get recharged after you have been strong and brave! Happy Birthday to your late Father Crisi, and it is comforting to think about him enjoying the joys of heaven with his loved ones who are there, and with Jesus our Lord and Savior.

We are, here on the West Coast anyway, Friday Evening 3 minutes before midnight, and you are 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon ahead of us! We will get there, but when we do, you will already be anohter 16 hours ahead of us, at least this time of the year! I don't think we will ever catch up to you. You will always be out in the front, already having experienced what we are facing! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:10 am

This was a day that I was not looking forward to! I had a prostate biopsy the same day as Sir Michael did a year ago last July. For him it was almost death, and I can't even imagine how bad it was for him. It was bad enough for me, but my bad time only lasted about two hours with low blood pressure, low pulse, and being in shock for 2 hours. Well, I went through the same thing today, only today was much better as it turned out. I didn't go into shock and my blood pressure was 130 over 71 both before and after. The same young lady took care of me today as did a year and a half ago, and she said that she was going to do everything in her power to keep that from happening to me again. Of course if it would have happened it would not have been her fault, but she was very good, and I was so thankful that I survived without the bad experience. The reason they did this again is that my PSA has been rising, and they are concerned about cancer. The doctor said to me on our last visit, we will hope that we won't find anything! I am hoping that also. The doctor felt like it was important to run the test, and it is in my best interest as well. I am not sure that I understand why the PSA is rising without cancer, unless it is the stones growing on my prostate gland, or the fact that it is still growing! One week from today I will see the doctor again and learn the results from this prostate biopsy. Then I am hoping they well tell me as they did the last time, "Well, you don't have cancer!" :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:07 am

Yesterday was Sunday, and it was the day that our youngest daughter had her younger daughter for the day. She has her every other week, and yesterday was that day, so we needed to be there as well. It snowed a quite a little bit during the night Saturday late night and early Sunday morning. The wind was already blowing, and if it had not been important I would not have gone at all. The trip down off the hill went well, and my biggest problem was that everything was white until I couldn't tell at times for sure where the edge of the road was. I tried to keep in the middle as much as I possibly could. As we spent the day with our daughter and granddaughters the snow built up until it was fairly deep. Some of the roads had not been plowed and it was different to drive. On the hills I kept my speed up and made it okay. When we got back to the house Carol and our daughter talked me into staying over night instead of trying to drive home. Waiting made sense because of a neighbor girl in school the county road department plowed to within 3 miles or so of our house. When I got to the unplowed part of the road I had to back down one short hill, and try it twice, making it the second time. When I got to our gate and mail box it was obvious that I was not going to be able to drive to the house without chains on, so I put chains on the car. About that time our son-in-law came out on the tractor and told me that I would not be able to drive in, as he even had trouble driving with the tractor because of deep snow drifts. So I parked our car and we walked in. In the mean time he plowed the driveway to the mailbox, so I walked back down, got the car, and drove it to our house. Then I pulled the little snow that the wind had not blown off our small pull, travel trailer. After that I pulled the snow off our house. I bought a snow rake winter before last and didn't even use it, and then found them on sale for a lot less than I paid for mine, but oh, well, I have it, and now I have used it. The wind had blown a lot of the snow off, and especially on the South side, but I did manage to get some off, and I have used it for the first time. One half of our house's roof is 14 feet, and I was able to reach almost to the peak standing on the ground, so it has a pretty long handle. The handle is alluminum tubing, and it bends enough so that the shovel part sits on the roof correctly even standing on the ground. Then after that I figured I have probably walked too much in the stores, and I have done too much work for just having that prostate biopsy, but I think I will be okay! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:32 am

We had an audit today here in Cagayan de Oro City. i am staying at sis house here for the meantime and tomorrow will be back to Regional office again.
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