- Scooby Eating His Meal
- Winter Around Our House 020reduced.jpg (124.58 KiB) Viewed 5766 times
This is a picture of Scooby eating one of his meals. He has his food dish right in the front right hand corner of his house. If it is really cold, and the wind is blowing hard he will not come out of his house to eat his food, and Rand barks at him, trying to get him to come out to play with him, but Scooby says, "No way am I coming out in that cold, freezing wind!" But if the weather is nice he liked to stand there and eat his food the way you see him doing that. That way he doesn't have to bend over while eating, but he can just stand there erect! He and Rand will never over eat like some dogs do. They both just eat what they want, and if it is too much, they leave it for the next time. In the house we keep food in front of Rand all the time, and he just eats what he wants. When we are gone and take him with us, he will not eat away from home, but he waits until we get back home, and then he eats. We feed Scooby what we think and if he gets too much, there will come a time that he will not eat any of it and then we just wait until he does eat to feed him more. If he is hungry after he is finished eating he will carry his food dish around with him, and he might sit it down anywhere, so if it is after dark when we go to feed him, and his food dish is not in his house, then we have to go looking for it! There is a beautiful wild rose bush that has yellow roses on it in the summer! It is now too close to Scooby's house after I moved his house to build the block wall around our house. I need to move it back. It doesn't bother him, but it is not as easy for me to walk through there. There is also a razeberry bush behind that with thorns. The berries taste good, but it has not produced many of them, so we only get a taste!