Winter At Our House

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Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:33 pm

Winter Around Our House 001reduced.jpg
Steps Shoveled Off
Winter Around Our House 001reduced.jpg (113.02 KiB) Viewed 5762 times

I normally just sweep the snow off with a broom, but when we got home we could not even walk into the house, but we had to walk along side the house, then have a big step onto the next to the top step. I had to do a lot of shoveling for us to even be able to walk where we needed to because of so much so. If you look at the roof, you can see where I pulled off the snow. I didn't do a wonderful job, but good enough considering I didn't even climb on a ladder, but did it all from the ground. The piles of broken looking snow shows the snow that I shoveled. It was warm yesterday, and the snow was slick, but today it is very cold, and it is easy to walk because the extreme cold makes for good traction! :D
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:43 pm

Winter Around Our House 002reduced.jpg
Snow In Piles
Winter Around Our House 002reduced.jpg (114.88 KiB) Viewed 5761 times

This is actually early in the winter for having these kinds of storms. They usually come in January, but this year January came early. We actually have not gotten that much snow on the level, but when the wind blows it puts the snow in piles. We now have drifts that are from 3 to 5 feet deep, from snow that on the level would maybe only be a foot deep. In the forfront of the picture you can see deep snow and piles, but in the back ground you can almost see bare ground! The wind removed almost all the snow by our Van, and dropped it where it is deep! :D
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:02 pm

Winter Around Our House 006reduced.jpg
Pickup and Snow
Winter Around Our House 006reduced.jpg (98.9 KiB) Viewed 5761 times

In this picture you can see a huge ridge of snow, and almost no snow at all on the pickup truck! The wind blew most of the snow off the pickup and deposited it elsewhere. The same happened with our house with the wind having blown most of the snow off the roof, I really didn't have that much snow to remove, and I probably wouldn't have even needed to have removed it, because it didn't make that much weight. That is the reason that after buying my snow rake to remove snow I didn't even use it last winter, or the winter before, because the wind blew most all of the snow off the roof. I paid very little for the old pickup truck, and I hauled lots of wood with it in the place where we used to live. The horse racks my brother built, hauled lots of horses with it, and then he gave them to me for a birthday present many years ago! :D
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:09 pm

Winter Around Our House 007reduced.jpg
Our Pull Travel Trailer
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This is a picture of our pull travel trailer with piles of snow around it. I got up to remove the snow off from it, and I found that the wind had blown most all the snow off from it, so I had very little snow to take off from it. I should have covered it with a tarp, and then I wouldn't have to be concerned about the snow. Well, maybe next year I might do that. We had another travel trailer years ago, in the early 1980s, and we pulled it around, staying in it here and there, and it was a lot of fun, but we have not even towed this one. We have been too busy and preoccupied with projects, but maybe one of these days! :D
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:21 pm

Winter Around Our House 010reduced.jpg
Ridges of Snow
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In this picture you see a ridge of snow that the wind has placed there. You can also see a utility trailer and an old Chevy Van. The trailer is useful, but I need to replace the tires and pack the bearings with grease before using it. If I needed to use it, it would not be difficult to get it in condition to use. Behind it is an old Chevy Van that we used for years. The motor will still start, but it is in poor condition, and I think the transmission is bad also, so I guess it is just for storage. There is a little red sports car that you can't see in that line up. I drove the wheels off from it teaching school out of town years ago. The motor is still in great condition. The first winter we lived here the engine compartment was packed with snow from blowing, and I didn't know it, so I started the engine and broke the radiator fan right off from its brackets not knowing the snow was packed and wouldn't let it run properly. The front wheel rubber boots and axels need to be replaced, all of which I could do if I needed to drive that car, but I don't, so it just sits there, sadly! :(
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:29 pm

Winter Around Our House 019reduced.jpg
Two Dogs On a Snow Drift
Winter Around Our House 019reduced.jpg (106.8 KiB) Viewed 5761 times

This is a picture of our two doggies, Scooby, the big boy, and Rand, the smaller boy, playing on the snow drift. They love the snow, and Rand is on the outside of the fence, and Scooby is in his yard. Rand runs laps around the yard trying to get Scooby to chase him, and usually he doesn't, but if they are both inside of Scooby's yard, then they do chase each other, and they have a merry time! :D
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:45 pm

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Scooby Eating His Meal
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This is a picture of Scooby eating one of his meals. He has his food dish right in the front right hand corner of his house. If it is really cold, and the wind is blowing hard he will not come out of his house to eat his food, and Rand barks at him, trying to get him to come out to play with him, but Scooby says, "No way am I coming out in that cold, freezing wind!" But if the weather is nice he liked to stand there and eat his food the way you see him doing that. That way he doesn't have to bend over while eating, but he can just stand there erect! He and Rand will never over eat like some dogs do. They both just eat what they want, and if it is too much, they leave it for the next time. In the house we keep food in front of Rand all the time, and he just eats what he wants. When we are gone and take him with us, he will not eat away from home, but he waits until we get back home, and then he eats. We feed Scooby what we think and if he gets too much, there will come a time that he will not eat any of it and then we just wait until he does eat to feed him more. If he is hungry after he is finished eating he will carry his food dish around with him, and he might sit it down anywhere, so if it is after dark when we go to feed him, and his food dish is not in his house, then we have to go looking for it! There is a beautiful wild rose bush that has yellow roses on it in the summer! It is now too close to Scooby's house after I moved his house to build the block wall around our house. I need to move it back. It doesn't bother him, but it is not as easy for me to walk through there. There is also a razeberry bush behind that with thorns. The berries taste good, but it has not produced many of them, so we only get a taste! :D
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:03 pm

This picture is from yesterday before it got really bad. I will take more pictures, but I don't want to go out in the storm right now to take the pictures, so I will post what I took yesterday. I had these steps all cleaned off yesterday morning before the wind started blowing again, but now the snow is much deeper! :D :D
At the front door
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:08 pm

Out back
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This is a picture out the back of our house. It is actually the South end. I had to dig out the chicken house/coupe this morning so we could take care of the chickens. I went out first without enough clothes on, and I came back in putting on coats and hats and gloves as it was too miserable out there. I thought I could do it since I would only be out a minute, but a minute in the wind and snow storm is too long! :roll: :lol:
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Re: Winter At Our House

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:12 pm

Rand and Snow at the front door
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This is a picture looking out of the house through the open door, looking at the snow drifts. Rand, our doggie, is amazed at what he sees. He says, "There is no way I am going out there!" I actually cooled the house off a quite a bit taking this picture, and taking the picture at the South looking out the door! :D :D
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