What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:55 pm

Crisi, we hope and pray that your audits are going well!

Here it has started storming again. It is snowing and the wind is blowing!
Our Front Door Buried in Snow
FrontDoorSnowDeep.jpg (53.08 KiB) Viewed 5064 times

Carol has gone over to our kids' house to make cookies with our daughter. As you can see in this picture she will not be able to come in through our front door, but if she wades through some snow drifts she can come in at the side door, and I will watch for her so that I can help her if she needs it. This has just happened since she left a few hours ago. I am not sure our son-in-law will be able to make it home through the snow drifts, but I hope and pray that he will be okay. He has experienced these storms before and has driven through snow drifts before, so I am sure that he will do what he needs to, to be safe!

I took a few other pictures also, but I think I will need to restart my computer so that it will recognize the chip that I put in it.

I think after my biopsy I did too much activity because of the bleeding that I am experiencing. I decided not to do anything until that stops, and it has been better this morning. I think I just need to take it easier until I heal and the bleeding stops. I may have to shovel snow at the front door, but that might be all I will do, unless Carol needs help through the snow drifts to get to the house! How would you like to live here? I have experienced these conditions for many years, so it is nothing new to me, and I don't mind at all. As long as you don't have to work out in it, or go somewhere with the car, you can just sit in the house, look out at the beautiful snow, and think about how fun it is!! :lol: :lol:
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What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:54 pm

I just walked the quarter of a mile to get our mail, and I was dressed well, so I was not miserable, but this storm is much more severe than the one we had Sunday! Our son-in-law will not be able to drive in from the gate/mailbox, if he even gets that far. He has a son, our grandson, living in town, that works at the same lumber building supply as a rug and linolium salesman, so he could stay with him in town, so we will see what he does. I hope he is dressed warm and does not get caught/ stuck miles from nowhere, and there is lots of that around here! Well, I need to say some prayers for him!

Our doggie Rand went with me to get the mail, and he just thinks it is all fun and games! I made it fine down there and back though. I am very happy that we have our house, and I am also thankful the Lord put it in my mind to build that wall around the house, as before when we had these kinds of snow/wind storms our water traps under the house froze up so that the water would not run, and they are all still open with draining and running water. I am thankful for that wall that the Lord helped me to build, and also I am thankful that the water pipes are insulated, and that the water system is in a very warm cellar. That was a 4 year dream come true this fall! Thank you, Jesus! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:03 am

Normally I am a very ambitious guy. I love to work, and I have worked really hard for most of my life! When I work really hard on my class studies, and all of a sudden the class is finished, I feel guilty for now working on my school work, and I hardly know what to do with myself! It is the same way when I have been working hard at physical labor of some type. When it is over I feel like I still should be working hard. It is hard for me to start and it is hard for me to stop. I worked so hard digging my cellar that when the digging was finished it seemed like I still should be digging. Now I still have things that I should do, but there is no urgency now with anything that needs to be done. My bathroom walls need to be sanded where the seams of the green rock were taped and plastered. I need to do that first, then texturing, then painting, then lay the linolium down, and it all needs to be done, but I am suffering from two problems! One I am kind of burned out with all I have done, but that is not stopping me, but after I got back from having my prostate biopsy I was too active and did too much, so I have been bleeding until today, and I decided that I needed to not do anything until I healed to give my body a chance, so I am doing nothing, except for this and playing the piano. I did walk through snow drifts for a quarter of a mile, half mile round trip to get the mail, but I seem to have stopped bleeding, so maybe the inactivity is paying off. I don't need to rush, except in the mean time I can't use my bathroom, and you can't believe how many times I have started in there out of habit, and realized that I no longer have a toilet and sink in there! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:46 am

Our daughter walked out to the gate, and told Carol that our son-in-law could drive through those drifts, but it drifted for about 3 hours after that, and he got as far as the gate trying to come home, but he was not able to drive in. I saw him working with his tractor, moving snow with the bucket late last night, the huge drifts were too much, so his little pickup truck is still down there, and he was not able to go to work this morning. No one rides the school bus from this distance, so they only plow for the school bus within about 3 miles from here, and they won't plow the roads at all as long as the wind is blowing and still drifting snow! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:51 pm

It is almost 1 p.m. here on Thursday, and I am supposed to go see the doctor tomorrow. I told them yesterday that we had snow drifts everywhere that we can't drive through, and I may not be able to get out of here tomorrow. I told them I would have to leave about 4 a.m., or a little after to go down in the valley so our youngest daughter could go along to drive for me, and I wouldn't know until then whether or not I could drive out of here. They told me they don't open until 8 a.m., so I will need to call then, if I find out that I can't make it. They are not likely to plow really soon as this is beyond the school bus route, and they probably won't plow at all as long as the wind is still blowing and it is. So, at this point it is a mystery what is going to happen. There is no reason I have to go if I am not able to because of the weather and roads, so it is okay either way. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:56 pm

First time to experience the snow today. It is freezing outside good thing I am not working today. I spend time with my girls and decorating for Christmas and wrapping gifts. My girls are enjoying watching the snow drifting outside the window while eating ice cream. :D They don't feel the cold! :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:13 pm

Red, it is fun for you to experience snow, huh? The snow doesn't get as deep here as where we lived for 10 years before we moved here, but our storms are more severe. We are at a high elevation here so it gets much colder, and we have very few trees on this platau, so there is nothing to break the wind, and it blows hard sometimes. We have had a storm the last couple of days that we usually don't get until in January. I missed a doctor's appointment this morning because of the after events of the storm. Our son-in-law missed work yesterday because of it, and he didn't leave until 9:30 a.m. today, and our road still has drifts that will not allow driving. By 9:30 when I think they got the country road plowed as that is when our son-in-law left for work it was alread to late to be able to get to the doctor, and it would have been impossible for me to have shoveled that much snow for a quarter of a mile! When you live here you figure "If I can go I will go, and if I can't go I won't worry about it." :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:23 pm

Red, I like to eat icecream any time of the year! Turn up the stove and eat icecream! :lol: :lol: Often times the kids don't feel the cold like adults. The cold doesn't bother me. The two times I feel cold is after I have been working outside and sweating, even though it is cold, then when I come in the house and relax then I feel cold. Sometimes after eating a meal I can feel cold as well.

Sunday when we were with our youngest daughter and her two daughters, that is what they did, decorating for Christmas, the tree, and wrapping presents! :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:45 am

Carol reminded me that we have snow shoes that we brought from where we used to live. The guy was quiting business there, so our supervisor gave us 3 sets of snow shoes. My pair is really very large, and we have another pair that is just slightly smaller, and then we have a very small pair. I put on the really large pair and used them to walk on top of the snow to the mailbox to get the mail. It was a good thing that I took a sack because there was lots of mail! I walked on top of a ridge of snow, and it was packed hard enough so that it was very easy walking. Walking with snow shoes is very easy. You just have to be careful when you turn not to step on one snow shoe with the other. They don't work so well when you try to walk backwards, so you just try not to do that. If someone is walking with you, you have to be careful not to step on each other's snow shoes. :roll: :lol: :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:50 am

Carol went over to our kids' house to decorate cookies with our daughter. When she came back she said that when our son-in-law got home he was going to try to pack the snow down on the road with the tractor so we could drive our cars out to the mail box and then leave them there, but we didn't see anything of him coming home, so we are not sure what is happening with that. Carol said that the snow was too packed, too hard to move with the tractor, so if we could get our cars out and leave them by the gate or mailbox then we could just walk to the car, and go when the county road is plowed. It is easier for them to plow than for us to try to open or keep open our road because the county has the equipment to do that but we don't. :roll: :D
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