Are there any tall Ladies?

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Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby bigmitch23 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 6:29 am

Are there any tall Ladies? I am a very tall man at 6'7" and while there are some very beautiful women who are not so tall, I cannot find a tall one? Is there anyone out there who would be happy to stand beside me? Mitch.
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Smiley » Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:33 am

Welcome to the group,I hope that you stick around and enjoy yourself here.That being said:

Sorry Dude: From my experience the average height for a filipina seems to be between 4'10" and 5'4".Of course there are shorter and taller but I don`t remember seeing any women there taller than about 5'8" although I`m sure that they are out there somewhere.
My daughters best friend is Vietnamese,her mom is over 6feet tall,her entire family is tall for being Vietnamese but she is the tallest in the whole family so it probably happens in the Philippines as well.
I`m not considered very tall for my family but at 6'3" I`m used to being one of the taller people in the room,in the Philippines being taller is pretty much a given.
You will probably have to ask yourself how important height really is.I hope that you are not looking for an apple in a peach tree. ;) Good things come in all size packages.
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby bigmitch23 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:14 pm

Thanks for your words of wisdom. Yes I agree with you. I'd be happy with a partner of around 5'6" for sure. Just don't want to look like a side show act with a 5' girl on my arm. I've seen some Ladies with whom I'd like to try and get in touch with. BTW how exactly do I get in touch with someone who is listed on here?
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Chas » Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:46 am

If you get a tall 'lady' in the Philippines you need to be certain 'she' does not have meat and two veg down below. :lol:

To get contact details email Jadegil with the reference number of the lady you wish to contact. Reference number is page and position on page e.g 176-8 I think the instructions are at the start of the ladies listing page.
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:48 am

Height is a very interesting subject. I heard that people are getting taller all the time. Of course my grandparents were tall, my parents were both short, and we kids are for the most part tall, but my sister is 4 feet 10 inches, actually less now as she is older. My wife's cousin is your height, and his filipina wife is very short! They don't mind the difference; they are not sensitive about it. It is all attitude, and what you want. When I was a little kids, one family in our church, the father was very short, the mother and the daughters were very tall, and we all just accepted them that way, and we didn't think anything about it. So don't stress too much about that, just meet someone that you can love.

I think the native people are shorter. I think those who have Spanish blood in them are a little taller. And there are some people in the Philippines who are mixed with American and Western blood, and I think they would be taller, and have more European/American/Western features in their facial build. So, beauty is all in the face of the beholder, and I think people from the Philippines are beautiful! Then there are some mixtures of Chinese, Japanese, and even Mexicans! :D :D
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Smiley » Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:53 pm

As far as height goes I`m pretty flexible.I`m somewhat more attracted to women that would be considered tiny but if it comes right down to it beautiful women can be pretty much any height.Just as one young lady had posted that she was looking for someone between 25 and 90 I guess that I would be happy with someone between 4'6" and 6'4" :lol: Height just doesn`t really matter that much to me.
I think that there are some details that are much more important to consider.
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:14 pm

So, Smiley, she was or is looking for someone between 25 and 90. I wonder why she is so restrictive! hahaha Actually, I think there are some things that matter more than age also. It is interesting that the age difference is accepted in some places and not in others. It is also interesting that some individuals accept the age difference and others don't. I actually like the idea of an older man and a younger woman rather than the other way around. I don't understand societies that frown on a younger woman and an older man being married.

I agree with you, Smiley, that there are details more important to consider than whether one is tall or short. God made us all as we are, and I think we can be happy with the way we are. The tall person can reach up on top of the cupboard without streaching or standing on a stool or ladder, and the short person can reach the low places without having to get down on his/her knees or bending his/her back so much!

It is funny the way God made some of us. My brother has long legs and a short trunk/back. I have a long trunk/back, and shorter legs, but we are about the same height. People with my body build tend to have more back problems than people who are my brother's body build. My back feels good most of the time, and I am very thankful for that! I do try to be careful and use good sense with my back also; good body mechanics, not over lifting, not too much bending to the ground repeatedly. I get into trouble if I slouch in a chair too much/too long. Good posture, and good support is important, as is good exercise! Feel good, be happy, huh? :D :D
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Smiley » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:28 pm

I agree with you pretty much in regards to the age difference except it does not bother me at all to see an older woman with a younger man.My last serious girlfriend was in her 20`s and I am in my 50`s. We would still be together except that she became very untrustworthy. I figure as long as both are happy it is none of my business.
I have a friend that is attracted to very large women,I mean the kind that can ruin the shocks on a Harley.He finally found his match and they are really happy,how could I not be happy for them?
I know a few couples where the woman is quite a bit older,I don`t really notice it until I stop to think about it like now.I am generally attracted to ladies younger than myself so it would be wrong of me to condemn a woman that was attracted to somebody younger as well.
We all have certain physical ideals in someone that we are involved with.I think that we should be careful to not become too fixated on those characteristics to the point where we miss who the person is.
When someone my age considers a relationship with someone much younger there are some issues to consider that don`t seem as apparent is relationships between people closer in age. Two that jump out at me right now are longevity and kids.None of us know how long we are going to live.Period.Any of us could well be dead within the hour,we just do not know for sure.All things considered,I think that I`m probably good for another 30 years give or take.
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Re: Are there any tall Ladies?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:21 am

You are right, Smiley about age differences being fine as long as it is fine with the people involved. People are people, and an older person is just a young person in an older body. Usually we still have much the same likes, dislikes, and personalities. I can still work hard, but my body feels the effects, but my joints are in better shape than those of my son-in-law. I am not as limber as I once was. I still do have the endurance though of a very young person. I take no medications for anything, so for headaches, not for colds, not for any health related problems. The doctors talked me into taking vitamins though, so now I am taking a multivitamin and 4 vitamins for my eye health every day! I am very healthy as long as my prostate biopsy results come back as they should, and I do know that I have stones growing on my prostate gland, as well as a growing gland, so that's my only physical down side. Other than that I am healthy and think I will live forever, well, until I die anyway! :lol: :lol:
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