What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:19 am

I usedto have a pair of snowshoes when I lived in Nova Scotia. They sure came in handy a few times. I once had a snowdrift right to the roof of the house ,and that was a two storey house! I think that I would rather have a boat and perpetual summer! :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:05 pm

My older brother had a pair of huge snow shoes of the old style with the old type bindings. He used them to walk out to his wheat fields in the winter to try to figure out was might be going on with his crops. I saw his, but I was never on a pair of them until we lived in this place where they regulary had deep, deep snow. I walked in to our house a few hundred feet where I was sinking in to my waist in snow without snow shoes, and you can't imagine the leg cramps I had in the night that night as a result of that walk I took through the deep snow without snow shoes on. One year that we lived in that place, the snow was up to the eves on the roof of the two story school house. The kids would walk up on the snowbank and right on to the roof of the school, and they would play on the roof. No one worried about their safety because where the snow slid off the metal roof it was impossible to fall. Of course they could not go to the end of the building without being in danger, but no one did that.

I like your idea of a boat and perpetual summer! Right now we are kind of stuck at our house, but our youngest daughter can drive to our mailbox/gate to do us favors or get us to take us to town, because they usually keep the county road open most of the time, except when I need to go see the doctor! I went out early this morning to try to figure out if I could do something to get our car to the country road, and I think it is beyond what I am capable of doing. There are too many snow drifts, they are too deep, and the drifted snow is packed to hard, making it very heavy, and too difficult to shovel, and especially a quarter of a mile of it! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:24 pm

I have been summoned back to the clubhouse.One of my former club brothers suddenly died on my birthday.We were pretty close.Very sad and hard on everybody.Funeral will be Wednesday.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:23 pm

This morning, I leave the house to work. I arrive valencia proper at 7:30am . Then today, back to work. It is quite tiring from the house after the Christmas eve but it was enjoyable moment with cousins, niece and nephews, aunties and uncles also with my mother and brothers and sisters.

Christmas Holiday also means gather together and it is the time to spend time together.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:01 am

We had a wonderful Christmas. On Sunday about 3 p.m., we started getting ready to go down the hill to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with our youngest daughter at her house. We started that early because Carol has trouble walking in the dark, and we wanted to get to the mailbox before dark, which we did. Early the next morning we went to get our youngest daughter's younger daughter, and later that morning our daughter's friends arrived from California. We went to get some fleurorencent tube for the kitchen light, and tried to go to this place to get wood pellets, but they were already closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas, so a little after 4 p.m., I went to this other place where I get the concrete blocks, and picked up 10 forty pound bags of pellets, and one 40 pound bag of salt/ice melt, because Carol likes to sprinkle it on all the steps so that no one will fall down and hurt themselves. Then we opened some Christmas presents, afterwhich we ate some pie/ Apple and Pumpkin, made out of the pumpkins that were being given away, and I got them for free, and the pies were delicious! It turned out that we just kind of ate whatever, like a banana, or cheerios and milk, not what I am used to eating, and then we ate one big meal each day, Christmas Eve and Christmas. Then today we gathered our things and headed home a little early again, so that Carol would not have to walk in from the Mailbox after dark. Our son-in-law brought the tractor down and loaded the pellets and icemelt in the bucket of the front end loader, and they carried the clothes that we washed. Carol put 3 gallons of milk on a plastic toboggan, loaded another toboggan and left it for me to get.

Here came our doggie Scooby. The snow had drifted over the fence so he could just walk out of this yard like there was not fence there! It was nice of him to wait until we got home to do that. We made a makeshift leash out of bailing twin, and I led him home, then came back for the other toboggan with the other things on it. Then I dug his fence out again, or dug the snow away from his fence, and he ran 100 mph, thinking I dug that trench so he could run in it and have fun! Well, it made me happy to see him having fun! We ate turkey, bread and butter and jam, and watched a movie at the same time. After finishing with the movie and supper, Carol got on the internet, and I went to playing the piano. Then I decided to write on the forum, so here I am! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:28 pm

We are getting hammered by a decent winter storm right now.I`m just getting ready to head to the funeral home to send my bro off to meet his maker. I really hope that the weather does not keep everyone away.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:13 pm

I hope, Smiley, the bad weather didn't make it too difficult for you all grieving for your friend.

I reformatted the harddrive on my computer, and so many of you know what that is like, to do that. I spent a while getting prepared, making sure the pictures were saved, copied to disks, and the documents saved to disk as well. Then when I felt like we have salvaged all we wanted to, I did the F-11, which is the action on this computer to destroy everything on it, which it did. You hit F-11, then comfirm your wishes for them, confirm the fact that you know everything is getting destroyed. Then windows and the programs get reloaded on the computer. The reinstall the printer and the scanner as well as the sound card. Then the Microsoft Updating begins. I kept that going all night long, getting very little sleep. When I was the tiredest/sleepiest, I would wake up long enough to start something down loading and then back to sleep. Some of those updates take forever. Then this morning at about 6:30 a.m., I crawled into bed, waking up a few hours later to finish my job, and now this computer is pretty well functional again! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:21 pm

The weather was pretty awful but it was packed.There were members of another club that we are close with and some of their members drove over 100 miles to attend.There were 3 different clubs that showed a presence last night and a lot showed up at the clubhouse after.
I endured a lot of people questioning my leaving the club and a lot of urging to reconsider.I have until April to make my final decision but I suspect that I could get a year extension on that if I requested it.
I checked out a couple of the winter build projects in progress,there are going to be some pretty awesome rides out there next spring.
I headed home at about 2;30 and things were showing little sign of letting up.

This morning I dragged my bleary carcase out of bed and headed to shovel the snow from around the church.It had warmed up a little during the night so the snow was pretty heavy,the perfect kind for kids to make snowmen with.The church has a lot of really wide steps leading to the front door and it is on a corner lot so there is a sidewalk on two sides that needed clearing.It took a lot longer than I expected it to because of the depth of the drifts on the steps.
This afternoon I visited a friend that is terminally ill and did a bunch of housework for her that she is not really capable of doing by herself anymore.I usually walk her little Yorkshire Terrier when I`m there but he hates the snow(I guess you would too if you were naked and your legs were only 5inches long :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:57 am

I am glad to hear that it was packed, Smiley, and that makes the person's family feel loved, as well as believing the deceased was loved as well.

I can understand that little Yorkshire Terrier's attitude completely! It is very nice of you to help these people who can't do some things for themselves! That was really nice of you to shovel all that walkway area as well. When the snow is wet, and it has any depth to it at all, it can be very heavy, and your back can feel that after shoveling for a while!

I heard of someone years ago who was unhappy with the weather reporter, well, probably unhappy with the snow. What happened was that the weather reporter reported scattered clouds and a chance of rain. The lady was angry, saying, "I shoveled 6 inches of scattered clouds and a chance of rain!

It is really nice when people come to pay their respects to the dead, and it make people feel loved. Jesus told about this guy who had a donkey that died. He had a funeral for that donkey, and people came, wailed and cried, making an awful commotion with their grieving. Then the man died, and no one came to his funeral! They were trying make the man think that they cared for him and his donkey, when all they wanted was to make a false impression. Real sincere love, and showing that out of a true heart is what counts! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:48 pm

I have a great day. Thankful to God for all the blessings whether material things or non. But I am most thankful for the friends and loved ones that love us no matter what and are always there helping. I believe that when you put God first above everything else everyday is wonderful. Start a day with Jesus and end it with Jesus.
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