what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life?

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what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life?

Postby being_meh » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:30 am

Since i was a child i really dreamed of having my own so called family. i thought then it is so easy to achieve, but unfortunately it is one of the most difficult to have. not everyone is lucky enough to finally get that..as ive been growing up, i saw a lot of couple who have at first madly in love with each other,got married have children but after a few years they just broke up..leaving their children wondering why their parents got separated.i know how it is to be in a broken family.. i know how it affects the child...i should know coz i've been growing up with a broken home...my parents got separated when i was only 5 years old. and its really hard for me and my brother. coz we don't know what's really happening and to whom we are going to be with..i just keep on telling myself if i grew up i will do everything to be a good person, a wife and a mother. i wont let anything ruin my family no matter what happened.i will fight until the end.But i was wrong, even how much u tried to save the relationship as long as ur significant partner don't do anything to help u out. its not gonna work anymore. u are going to be tired of trying. especially when the love, respect and trust are all gone. u cant fix it anymore.. u would rather stay out in the relationship than staying on it.. it is sometimes better for the kid.... im not saying i am already gave up on my dreams.. i still hoping that i will find it one day. i am just waiting and keeps on praying..

who knows he might be there outhere wondering also... :)

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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby mystic » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:56 am

Well, they say that over 50% of couples separates. So, I guess really many people have to go through this.

I was also a son of divorced parents, forsook by my father, and I took the commitment that I will be a good mate and father. I took every step toward building a happy family. I left my dreams and career because they were not fit for a family, and preferred to do something that I don't like too much, but gives me stability. I made a house.

But... all this could not save me from the wrong choices about love. And now I find myself trying to save my kidnapped son for a sad destiny in a neverending legal battle that is lasting years.

So, I can't add much. I prefer to keep my mind quiet and avoid thinking, to keep my sanity. If both persons in a couple want to fix a bad situation, I think they can always do it. Usually it is the abuser who does not want to go back. Because, obviously, they know they harmed the other. So, they cannot avoid to think that the other will take revenge, somehow. The hardest part is always to forgive ourselves, even if the other mate forgave us. So the evil chain continues. Indeed it could be so easy... just starting both to behave well. One can live as a pauper or a king. It is all matter of attitude. It is definitely possible to fix things, if there is the will.

Life always cycles, and eventually even the abuser learns the lesson. And maybe in future relations he/she will behave well. But in the meantime, lives were destroyed (especially if there are children).
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby being_meh » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:30 am

yes maybe you can forgive that person who may had hurt u.. but u can never really forget. you'll just learned to get used to that pain... i know co'z that's what i am feeling now after my son's father & I broke up 4 years ago. i do forgave him, yes i did but i cannot forget the pain... but as time goes by i learned how to handle and get used of that pain..and tried moving on with my life...
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:31 pm

"What is your greatest dream that you want to have?" Wow, that's personal! No, I'm just kidding, it really isn't! I've had a few dreams along the way. Some have materialized, but some have gone down without hopes and dreams being fulfilled. I dreamed of things and did them. I have also dreamed of things and for one reason or another I have not been able to do them. I could give so many examples that there would not be space enough to write it all here, but God is good, and He is good all the time! I will not stop dreaming. Some of my dreams for my/our future will come true, and some of them will fail just as in the past, but I will keep dreaming! I dream of improving the place where we live, and I have seen that come true, and I am hoping for more improvements, and have them going now, only cold weather, snow, and wind storms have slowed me down. I also dream of playing the piano with more skill than I have now, but that is coming nicely. I also dream of getting back to my trombones and the accordion, which I started playing in absense of having a piano. I dream of learning piano tech./tuning skills, but we will see about that one. I have wonderful memories of piloting airplanes, but I don't expect I ever will again, but I hope to ride in them destined for the Philippines! This is interesting because I am a tall skinny white guy who is dreaming about going to the Philippines, and maybe even living there, and many young filipinas dream of coming to the USA to build a life and a family with a love/friend/partner/husband, or even filipino guy with an American wife. I don't see how some of my dreams will ever come true, but I will still dream. I hope and pray that all of your dreams truely come true, and that you will be blessed with someone who is kind, caring and respectful, and that you will be happy forever! :D :D
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby mitch1989 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:01 am

i want to have own family no divorce...
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:17 am

Hey, Mitch! We are very happy to see you here posting again! We wish for you to have your own family as well, and that you will never have to suffer from divorce! We pray that God will send you His special person for your life, and the special people for all the ones who are seeking their special ones. :D :D
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby red » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:08 pm

Dreaming is a never ending. It is like desiring something in life. For me I had some achieved already. But now that I got kids I have new dreams! It isn't mainly for myself but for my family. I dream for my children to have good life in the future. I dream to be healthy and live longer for my family. My greatest dream is my family intact and we can enjoy life everyday with Christ in our lives.
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:47 pm

Yes, Red, our dreams do change as the years come and go. We achieve some of our dreams, while others have been dashed, and we learn that we will never achieve some of those dreams. I remember in junior high school dreaming of having some of the new cars that were being sold at the time. You could buy a brand new Chevy for $2000.00, a Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick for $4000.00, and a brand new Cadillac for $6000.00. Then I dreamed about where I would attend College, and what I would try to do with my life. I guess while in College I was dreaming about what I would do with my life. Then there were dreams about finding someone to marry. Then our children were born. I did some of the things I dreamed about, but some of them evaded me. Now our kids are grown and gone, and some of our grandkids are grown and gone, and we are mostly looking back over the years and remembering the things that have happened both good and bad, only we try to forget the bad. We still have dreams, but now they are different dreams. We dream of living forever, and yes we will live forever in eternity, but how long will we be here on earth, and what will we do with the rest of our lives. I have some ideas, but what will actually take place remains to be seen. :D :D
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby red » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:45 am

I agree on that Sir Ed, I think our dreams varies depending to our ages ha ha....when I get old if God willing I think I will dream to be young again :lol: :lol: :lol:
hahay pakpak mga baki... :lol:
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Re: what is ur greatest dream that u want to have in ur life

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:46 pm

You are correct, Red, that our dreams change as we get older. We think back and remember what our lives have been, and then we dream still of the future, but also we dream of being young again! When I was young it seemed like time was standing still, and I had many years ahead of me, and what would I do with all those years. Well, while I thought time was standing still, and I was never going to get old, time was moving and here I am. I would like to be 20 years old again, and live for another 80 years! I think it has to do with self preservation. God has put a desire in all of us to want to live as long as possible. The Bible says that a person will give anything that he/she has for his/her life, and I think that is true for most people. I love life, and I am thankful that I am as healthy as I am. I take no medications for anything, and I feel as or better than I did when I was a young guy, not that I am not still a young guy! :lol: :lol:
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