Used Clothing and Merchandise

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Used Clothing and Merchandise

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:00 pm

I know some people have enough pride that they will not be caught dead in something that someone else has worn, but it doesn't bother me. There are 3 or 4 second hand/used goods/antique stores in the Wenatchee area, and it is fun to look at the stuff in those places. This one is fairly high class and is a small place, but it is loaded with good things. We have gotten so many high value items there for such a reasonable price, that it makes it that much more fun to look through the place, because we always find something fun and useful. Yesterday we went to this place, and I found a new keyboard for my computer very cheap. The other keyboard had keys that stuck, and the one that stuck the worst and the most is the backspace. That is the key that I use the most, as I am forever backing up and correcting something. Now it is a breeze to back up to correct something, but this keyboard seems to make as many mistakes as the old one! I wonder why? :lol: I also a thick book of Billy Graham's life with a lot of nice pictrues in it, and I got it cheap as well. When I got home I discovered that Carol alread had that book, but it was borrowed from our daughter who lives 3 hours from us, so now we can return her book to her.

Our granddaughter has some of her money for attending school, and she was buying things and enjoying having some money for a change! They bought a monitor for the laptop that she broke. Now they have to find a 24 volt power converted to DC to power it. It is always something more that you need. She spent enough money that she finally said, "I have to get out of this store!"

The next store we came to I found a couple of church hymn/song books that I was interested in. I have bought hymn/song books there very reasonable before, so I took these too books down to the counter. There was no price marked on them, and when I got to the counter they told me a price that I was not willing to pay! One book was missing the last few index pages, and the other book was a little ragged, which doesn't bother me when the price is right. I have so many hymn/song bookos that I wasn't really sure but what I already have those two books anyway, so I really need to do inventory so that I know what I have and don't buy too many duplicates.

I was glad that I didn't buy more thqan just the keyboard and the Billy Graham book, because I had to pull 10 forty pound bags of pellets a quarter of a mile to our house on 2 toboggans, along with a bag of lettuce, the mail, and couple other things. But we had lots of fun anyway. Before we leflt Wenatchee Wendy's where we ate was playing "El Shaddai," "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story," and a couple other old hymns, and that felt so good to listen to them! :D :D
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Re: Used Clothing and Merchandise

Postby Smiley » Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:56 pm

Some thrift stores are really good,others,less so. There was one in my town that called itself the "Christian Community" store and actively canvassed for donations.Turns out that the guy had a small second hand store and thought this would be a good way to boost his profit.Nothing was ever contributed to any christian organization or charity.
There is another called "Bibles For Missions" they are all volunteer employees and the profits go to worldwide missionary projects.There prices are very low and they always have some interesting stuff. They always have a supply of used bibles which they refuse to charge for.Lots of good books for a reader (like me ;) ) clothing,housewares,whatever comes down the line.A real nice bunch of people doing what they see to be the right thing to do.I like sending business their way.
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Re: Used Clothing and Merchandise

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:59 pm

It is sad about the first one you mentioned, Smiley, that pretended to be working for good causes and not doing what he was supposed to. This little place we have been going to sounds like the second one. I really don't know much about them except our daughter told me that it had a Church orientation. They do have very good stuff, and for very reasonable prices. Even if you are not buying, it is fun to look! :D :D
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Re: Used Clothing and Merchandise

Postby red » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:40 am

My favorite place to go is cheap store for clothing. I like Goodwill! I bought pants there for 3 to 4 dollars only. And there is this store for kids clothing Once Upon a Child I always go there too. :D Buy clothes for my little girls. I get lucky sometimes I find some clothes that are brand new and branded clothes. I also like to go stores when they are on sale like up to 70 % off. :D
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Re: Used Clothing and Merchandise

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:53 pm

Yes, Red, you and I both! I get Levis and Wrangler pants from the Goodwill, and I like them as well as if I had gotten them from the Bon Marche' sp? I got a really expensive coat at the Goodwill for very little money, then got home, found out the zipper won't button in and zip, but it has snap bottons on it as well, and I may take a pair of pliars to it one day and see if I can persuade it to zip! We can buy a zipper and sow it in also. I have gotten a lot of really nice shirts there also. I bought a dog kennel there a couple of years ago for $4.95! Half the fun also is just looking. I have to tell myself NO! on a regular basis or I would have half the Goodwill store at my house, and there wouldn't even be enough room left for us to live! :lol: :lol:
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