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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:54 pm

Yes, Smiley, it was really good news! Now the doctor says I can go for 6 months before another PSA test! I am wondering, will it be up more, or will it be down? Who knows? Well, I am thankful to the Lord anyway! :D :D
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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:10 pm

I saw a guy, friend, almost one of my relatives, actually a shirttail relative that I didn't even know until I came back from the Philippines in 2010. He was supposed to be dead by now from Cancer, but between the Lord and the doctor he is looking good. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and he looked like death in a wheel chair, but now he is back driving bus, and working his ranch. His step daughter is a young lady who lives and works in Manila. They want to bring her to the USA, but she is an adult daughter 22 years old, and it will be several years yet before they can get her into the USA. When I was with my friends visiting in the Philippines we ate with her in Manila twice. She and her filipina Mother miss each other a whole lot! Her step Dad is my cousin's uncle, but no blood connection with me, only a marriage connection. I feel like I am related to them all anyway. That's the kind of a guy I am. :D :D
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Re: Cancer

Postby red » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:34 am

Edwin wrote:Yes, Smiley, it was really good news! Now the doctor says I can go for 6 months before another PSA test! I am wondering, will it be up more, or will it be down? Who knows? Well, I am thankful to the Lord anyway! :D :D

I am happy for you Sir Ed. My Uncle in Philippines just had surgery for prostate. We are crossing fingers now for results praying it is not cancerous. Will add you on our prayers as well. :)
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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:18 pm

Thanks, Red, and I will pray for your uncle as well. When this all started just around the year 2000, I had trouble uninating. It was difficult to go, and I would get in the shower and run hot water, and that helped me to urinate. One day during the night I couldn't make it work! We lived where you had to take a boat or an airplane to get out of this place, and that was a terrible place to have a medical emergency because during the winter the boats only run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and good luck getting out of that place to a town on any other day! A young park ranger gal was going down on the National Park Service Boat, and she invited me, and told me how sorry she felt for me. I hurt so badlly and was so uncomfortable that I tried literal to wet my pants right in front of her all the way down the 55 mile lake! Long story short; they put a catheter in me to take care of the urination, pulled it out to see if I could get along without it; wrong, put it back in, in another hospital the next day, and then I had that TURP procedure, and I have been fine ever since until I did that bleeding June 18, 2011 which started these PSA tests, CT Scan, and 2 biopsies. They thought the reason I was bleeding is that I must have cancer; biopsy number one, and no cancer! My PSA went from 4.2 to 4.6, to 5.3, to 6.3, and they thought with my PSA elevating like that I must have cancer, but no, no cancer! I am thankful to the Lord. Now another PSA test in 6 more months, and depending on what the numbers are will determine if they want to do another biopsy! After the TURP in 2005 the doctor told me that 10% of the people who have that procedure have cancer, but I was in the 90% with no cancer. For any of you who are curious, what happens is that a man's prostate gland grows his entire life. Some people get by all their lives without any complications from it, but others like mine grow too much, and it is like a time bomb waiting to explode, and eventually something has to be done. What happens as the prostate gland grows it pinches off the tube going from the bladder to the instrument the man uses to do his urination. With mine eventually it pinched it off completely, so that during that one night and there after urination was impossible without a catheter to force that tube to stay open, and it all goes into a bag which is emptied periodically. There is no sensation with that, but you urinate in that bag all the time. I wore one and worked for about a month until they could schedule the TURP procedure. In that they deaden, take the feeling away from your waist down, and then they go inside of you with a sharp wire and they cut away at your prostate until that tube is no longer pinched. Then they go in with a hot iron and burn all the blood vessels that they cut while pealing away your prostate, so that those bood vessels will not bleed. I laid there and watched what they were doing inside me on a television screen. It felt just like they were cutting cardboard, and didn't hurt at all. It didn't bother me to watch what they were doing either. Now you know more about that than you wanted, huh? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cancer

Postby m&m » Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:47 am

My father died due to pancreatic cancer in 2008. He was smoker and drink a lot of liquor. In a day, he can smoke 5 pockets and more. That was a lot of money spent and wasted. That is why, the Philippine Government already approved an ordinance, and ordinance to place a photo of the result of smoking like cancer on the cigarette
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Re: Cancer

Postby Smiley » Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:59 am

m&m wrote:My father died due to pancreatic cancer in 2008. He was smoker and drink a lot of liquor. In a day, he can smoke 5 pockets and more. That was a lot of money spent and wasted. That is why, the Philippine Government already approved an ordinance, and ordinance to place a photo of the result of smoking like cancer on the cigarette

Yes,there is no question that smoking is very bad for you both health wise and financially as well.

Here in Canada those shock value pictures and health warnings have been on cigarette packs for quite a while.
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Re: Cancer

Postby wayne208 » Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:15 am

Edwin I am glad You are Feeling Better . Me I Hate Cancer as I have lost a Lot of Loved Ones that way . I will say a Prayer for You to stay Strong
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Re: Cancer

Postby jk.kj73 » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:11 am

It was so shocking hearing from the news that men can also get breast cancer!!!! I thought women are the one who can be infected such disease but unfortunately, it is too for men. The root cause of such disease is due to stress. As much as possible, it is important to be diagnosed as early as possible, because it might be too late to cure. It is imperative, that women should have annual check up as to know the status of having a breast cancer.
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Re: Cancer

Postby Smiley » Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:49 pm

Yes JK I was surprised when a friend in the navy was diagnosed.He was treated very badly by the breast cancer support system and eventually died as a result.What a nightmare for him.
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Re: Cancer

Postby cheryz » Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:33 am

hmm im not so updated with this.. i really dont know about the breast cancer can also with boys.. thank you for the information glad i know now. :)
not only for girls but boys also lets must becareful with it. check up once a year that would be good for our selves.
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