What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:31 pm

I'm almost embarrassed to tell what I have done today, but here goes! We have had somewhat of a traumatic weekend with our facebook getting hacked, someone pretending to be us, causing other people trouble, and most people have been wonderful about it. One was a little short/unfriendly, but I don't think he meant to be that way. He could just see us causing him to get his information damaged, so he wrote, "Report it to facebook immediately!" A little unfriendly, but he will get over it, and he is Carol's nephew! It is okay. We will all surive. I tried twice to fix it, got a report of activity after the first attempted fix; tried to fix it again. Then I got more information, and we are not sure whether the last report was of activities before the fixes, or if he just found the activity, and assumed it had not been fixed. But after that I decided that with other people's information subject to compromise I should just permanently delete our facebook account, so that is what I did! Our account has been disabled from facebook, and it will be permanently deleted on January 20, 2013.

Today I didn't get up very early, but a couple hours or more earlier than Carol did, which would have been unbelievable a number of years ago, as she was the one getting up, and I was the one sleeping in, but I guess her health conditions require lots of sleep, because she craves it, and if she doesn't get it, she just doesn't function well, or at all.

I wrote here this morning, and searched for product compatibility between microsoft office 2003 and our granddaughter's new computer with windows 8, and I don't think it is compatible. Technology had advanced making programs that were useful just a short time ago, now not even useable!

We then had whole grain hot cakes, bacon, eggs, and milk, and what a breakfast. I started a bad habit. I fed Rand fat of the bacon right off my plate. Now he stares at me while I eat! I wonder why? :lol: We watched scome NCIS movies while we ate. I then walked the quarter of a mile to get the mail. Some of Carol's medications were in the mail, and I think she was happy about that as she was getting very low on some of them! I then was on the interent some more, slept a little, and played the piano, and it was time to eat supper. So we ate a homemade vegetable and beef stew, and was it ever good, with drinkng some milk. We then ate some raisin and nut muffins, and I ate a half bar of dark slightly sweetended chocolate bar, and drank more milk! Now I am playing the piano and doing this. I love the church songs/hymns out of that old Pentecostal song book dating back to 1902 and 1907! :lol: :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:57 am

Very sunny day but cold and I find that weird. Today is good because I slept good. Thanks to the Lord for that. I will still have to do some cleaning and play wii games with my baby girl. Will have to buy some groceries later when my driver gets home. :lol: I don't drive still. :( Going to cook some good yummy food for dinner and that is chopsuey! Day is just starting so I will start it from here. 8-)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:02 am

Red, I love chopsuey! Sleeping is actually a gift from the Lord. If you don't get enough sleep it is not good for you and can cause belly fat an other health problems. If you sleep too much that is not good either. To find out how much sleep you need they recommend using a vacation time when you are under no pressure to get up and get somewhere, turn off your alarm, and use 2 or 3 days to see how much sleep you need, getting up when you feel rested. When I was younger I required far more sleep than I do now. Sometimes I would sleep so long that everyone would be mad at me for sleeping that much. Then for the many years that I got up and went to work, I had an idea of how much sleep I needed, so I would stay up as late as I wanted/ thought I should, and then went to bed. If I was too tired, or had trouble waking up, I would go to bed earlier from that time on. Being retired I don't have any schedule that makes me have to go to bed and get up at any certain time, so I figure my need to sleep by 2 things. One is how tired I am, and the other is what the clock says. Carol requires so much sleep that no matter when I get up or how late I sleep in I am always up for anywhere from one to four hours earlier than she is. As an example, last nigh I started thinking that I needed to get to bed about midnight, and I think I was in bed sleeping between 12:30 a.m, and 1:00 a.m. I could have slept until noon if I needed/wanted to, but about 7:10 a.m. I was out of bed starting my day. I do like to keep somewhat regular hours because I am the type of person who can turn around and live at night and sleep all day if I would allow myself to do that. It would be really easy for me to be ready for Philippine's time, because if I started being up all night, and sleeping all day, my hours would be the same as people who live in the Philippines, because where we live in our time zone and standard time, people in the Philippines are 16 hours ahead of us!

You might think that a clear open sky with stars shining would be warmer, or even the sun shining during the day, during the winter would make it a warmer day, but usually the cloud cover keeps the temperatures higher, so in the winter it is actually warmer many times even during the day when it is cloudy, rather than when the sun is shinning, making a beautiful day, but a very cold one also.

Red, you need to get you an old car that it wouldn't matter if you banged the finders, and just get out there and be brave! Well, stay safe, but be brave. Your husband could have some extra heavy bumpers put on your car as well! Then when people would see you coming, they would say, "Get off the road, Red is coming! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:27 am

I am normally a really ambitious hard working guy. The years that I worked for a living, many of my jobs were manual physical labor, and I worked harder than anyone else probably, but here lately I am getting lazy, although I hate to admit that! I can work very hard if there is a need. I don't like to damage my body or hurt myself, but I don't mind working hard a sweating which I won't be doing now as it is winter and pretty cold most of the time. We had one year in the 1970s that in January it actually warmed up and melted all the snow off the ground! Today it was almost 40 degrees Fahernheight sp?, and I looked outside, and could not believe my eyes, seeing water in plant pots! Underneath my pickup truck was water, and I know we lost some snow today to melting and evaporation. The afternoon and evening before the wind blew pretty hard, and we had some pretty good snow drifts on the road. Our cars are at the mailbox/gate, so just a little shoveling and we can drive them on the county road, which they keep open most of the time for the school bus. Even though the air temperatures were warm the wind blowing made our house feel cold. I was okay, but Carol got a little cold at one point and asked me to run it a little hotter, so I did for a while. I try to conserve somewhat because I have to bring those 40 pound pellet sacks in from the mailbox one quarter of a mile to our house. But we have to be warm enough not to be miserable, so I turn the stove up when Carol complains! As soon as the sun went down the temperature dropped below freezing so that ice was freezing on the water again. I guess it is still winter! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:39 am

I started saying I am getting a little lazy here lately, but I got side tracked talking about our warm day. Well, I get up fairly early, but not today, and still I got up almost 2 hours before Carol. It was almost noon before we had breakfast, which was muffins, half blueberry, and half whole grain with sliced apples and nuts, and boy were they good. We also ate some bacon, and drank milk. We watched some movies while we ate. Then Carol told me she wanted me to do something about fixing our clothes washing machine. I wasn't very agreeable because I think things should last forever, and it is a new washing machine that has not washed very many clothes at all. She told me that just because I worked hard shoveling snow yesterday, that didn't mean that I should have a free day today! I said I wasn't going to work on it, but I did go in and started working on it. The waist water pump was leaking badly. I pulled the bolts off the motor mount, and then discovered that didn't help me to take that pump off, so I googled it to get some idea about how to go about that job. I found a youtube that showed me exactly how to go about it, so I reattached the motor, and then took off the pump. Usually they freeze and break, but we have never had it cold enough here to damage that pump. What I think happened is that it sat here for 4 years without being used, and I think the seal got too dry during the hot summers because it was leaking right around the seal. Anyway I ordered another one, and within about 2 weeks I will have this washing machine washing our clothes, and that will make Carol very happy, because she is getting tired of carrying our laundry out to our mailbox to take it down to our youngest daughter's house to wash and dry our clothes. It doesn't matter to me whether it is fixed or not, but it is very easy to fix and that will make Carol happy, so I guess I will fix it! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:47 am

Today I also played the piano a lot, and I took care of Carol's chickens because she hates to get outside in the snow, and especially when the wind is blowing. I fed the big doggie more than normal as I think the cold weather has been making him feel hungry, and I also shoveled off some compact snow and ice off his porch, but as soon as the sun went down it got cold enough so that it was slick where it had been wet, but at least there is not a build up of snow and ice. I try to keep the snow cleaned off so that won't happen, but it does anyway, especially on Scooby's porch because of him walking on it with snow, packing it down before I have a chance to sweep it off! I also walked to the mailbox to get the mail. Sometimes we get fun things in the mail, and it is always fun to get the mail to see what we get. Carol gets more exciting things in the mail than I do, but that is okay, and I am glad to go get it each day. I got mixed up and took a multivitamin twice today. I am only supposed to take one, and I just forgot and took it again at supper time. Well, I won't take one tomorrow, and that will even it out. I take 2 of the eye vitamines twice a day, but I am only supposed to take the multivitamin once a day, and I take it in the morning if I can remember to do that correctly! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:30 am

We are in the middle of another blizzard, drifting snow storm. It started yesterday a little, and then the wind increased speed during the night. This morning there was blowing snow in the air until we could hardly see very far. Just before our mid day meal I saw Scooby thinking about leaving his yard! The drifted snow had built up until he was walking above the ground level enough so that he could have gotten out easily. I could see him start to jump and then change his mind, so I brought him in the house. Scooby is a huge doggie by any one's standards, and he doesn't have good house manners. He is a very loving doggie, and we love him, but he was not taught well when he was a small pup, and they say you can't teach old dogs new tricks, but I have taught him a few things. But, I don't think he will ever be well mannered like Rand is, but we love both of them anyway. I took my shovel out and spent 4 hours shoveling out the inside of his fence. I would not do that if I did not love him. Maybe eventually I will be able to teach him some house manners. We watched some more of the Naval Investigators Service while we ate, and I played the piano a little more as well. There was enough drifting snow that I doubt that the mail came, but I don't know. I was going to call the post office to find out if the mail came before I walked out in the storm, but when I saw Scooby thinking about leaving the yard, all I could think about was getting out there and shoveling snow. I should take some more pictures of the snow I shoveled. It is quite impressive the huge banks where I threw the snow! I hope this doesn't keep happening, and if it does I am going to run out of room to stack the snow! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:21 am

As usual, we stay in the City Hall for the whole day. There was an increase in the tax paid by the Local Government. Many or all has been complaining why there is an increase of up to 100%? Before the fire department will approve the permit, the latest inspection report is the basis when they comply all the requirements from the BFP. It is necessary to have basic fire fighting device. The day was so tiring, stayed in the office up to 6pm and so far the collection against deposit and collected is balance. I am thankful for that.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:18 pm

Crisi, I am thankful that your collection and deposit balanced! When Carol worked at Rite Aid Pharmacy years ago balancing the till was a big thing. They wanted the tills to be right on, but they were as unhappy if there was too much money just as if there was not enough money. Not enough meant the company got cheat, and too much meant the customer got cheated, so they wanted it right on. Carol was pretty close most of the time, but is was like the stress of taking tests, as it was hard to be right on all the time. She stayed in the range so that she never got into trouble which if they were off too much too often then they would get fired from their jobs. That part of it was a lot of stress for her, but she managed okay with it.

Being in the office until 6 p.m. made a long day for you, huh, Crisi? When the rates have to be increased and you are the facing the public and explaining that makes it hard! I will bet that you are happy when those days are finished! I imagine there will be less complaining as the year goes by, huh, Crisi? :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:39 am

Edwin wrote:Red, I love chopsuey! Sleeping is actually a gift from the Lord. If you don't get enough sleep it is not good for you and can cause belly fat an other health problems. If you sleep too much that is not good either. To find out how much sleep you need they recommend using a vacation time when you are under no pressure to get up and get somewhere, turn off your alarm, and use 2 or 3 days to see how much sleep you need, getting up when you feel rested. When I was younger I required far more sleep than I do now. Sometimes I would sleep so long that everyone would be mad at me for sleeping that much. Then for the many years that I got up and went to work, I had an idea of how much sleep I needed, so I would stay up as late as I wanted/ thought I should, and then went to bed. If I was too tired, or had trouble waking up, I would go to bed earlier from that time on. Being retired I don't have any schedule that makes me have to go to bed and get up at any certain time, so I figure my need to sleep by 2 things. One is how tired I am, and the other is what the clock says. Carol requires so much sleep that no matter when I get up or how late I sleep in I am always up for anywhere from one to four hours earlier than she is. As an example, last nigh I started thinking that I needed to get to bed about midnight, and I think I was in bed sleeping between 12:30 a.m, and 1:00 a.m. I could have slept until noon if I needed/wanted to, but about 7:10 a.m. I was out of bed starting my day. I do like to keep somewhat regular hours because I am the type of person who can turn around and live at night and sleep all day if I would allow myself to do that. It would be really easy for me to be ready for Philippine's time, because if I started being up all night, and sleeping all day, my hours would be the same as people who live in the Philippines, because where we live in our time zone and standard time, people in the Philippines are 16 hours ahead of us!

You might think that a clear open sky with stars shining would be warmer, or even the sun shining during the day, during the winter would make it a warmer day, but usually the cloud cover keeps the temperatures higher, so in the winter it is actually warmer many times even during the day when it is cloudy, rather than when the sun is shinning, making a beautiful day, but a very cold one also.

Red, you need to get you an old car that it wouldn't matter if you banged the finders, and just get out there and be brave! Well, stay safe, but be brave. Your husband could have some extra heavy bumpers put on your car as well! Then when people would see you coming, they would say, "Get off the road, Red is coming! :lol: :lol:

ha ha ha ha.....you are funny Sir Ed. I actually in the process of learning to drive. And yes I use and old car to practice.
Sleep is very important to me nowadays. I take time to nap during the day when I am not working to cover those early wake ups and late nights. Today is a good day. I love it when it is not so cold. :D
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