Air Travel Safety

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Air Travel Safety

Postby Edwin » Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:51 am

My wife, Carol, is afraid to fly. I think it is actually an unhealthy phobia that she has, but it is real to her. In 2006 she wanted badly to see her brother in the Philipppines, and she had a chance to fly with our friends, so she did it. I was not able to go at the time. She told me later that she was afraid all the time when they were over the water, and they took the ocean route for that trip rather than up the B.C. Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and China route. She was alread afraid, and to make things worse the airplane hit an air pocket and dropped about 1000 feet all at once, causing things to fly up to the ceiling and scaring everyone to death. Before my first ride in an airline airplane I had only flown in small single engine land airplanes and I was the pilot, so I had every thing in contol. I remember the first time I flew in a big airplane, and I was thinking about someone else piloting and would they do it safely. The thrust on take off bothered me as did the shaking of the airplane as they were pulling steeply off the runway while banking the airplane for the turn. The shaking was a stall indication, and they fly just ahead of the stall, which is okay as long as they don't exceed the pitch and end up in a stall. Usually when they actually do stall it is because of mechanical failure of some kind, maybe engine trouble, or perhaps because of too much ice on the wings which caused a crash in New York many years ago killing hundreds of people. Something went wrong with the deicing.

In spite of a few crashes airplanes are still one of the safest means of travel. It is just that when a big airplane crashes and kills a lot of people it makes the news, and then people think any airplane they fly on might crash! I found this article in Seattle Times Recreational Travel. This article tells us that this past year, 2012 was the safest year ever for flying since 1945, with fewer people getting killed in airplane crashes. This caught my eye, because I was born in 1945, and the article talks about this last year being the safest for air travel in 67 years, which is how old I am. It sounds terrible to even write my age. I don't feel that old, and I wish I were not, but time moves on, and the calendar does not lie. It is kind of like the camera or the mirror does not lie even thought we don't like what we see! :lol: :lol: Here is the article:

Travel briefs: Air travel gets safer
2012 was safest year for air travel since 1945, says aviation-research group.

2012 safest year for flying in 67 years
Airfares grew and airline seats shrank, but much more important was the good news about flying in 2012: It was the safest year for air travel since 1945.
The world’s airlines reported only 23 accidents — including passenger and cargo flights — resulting in 475 fatalities last year, compared with the 10-year average of 34 accidents and 773 fatalities a year, according to Aviation Safety Network, a Netherlands research group.
Fewer accidents are the result of several efforts by international-aviation groups to require audits of airlines around the world to comply with safety standards, said Harro Ranter, president of the network.
The worst accident of the year: when an MD-83 jetliner flown by Nigeria-based Dana Air crashed on approach to Lagos, killing 163. In fact, 22 percent of fatal airline accidents last year occurred in Africa, even though it generates only about 3 percent of the world’s airline departures, according to Aviation Safety Network.
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Re: Air Travel Safety

Postby red » Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:51 pm

That is good news sir Ed, 2012 has the safest air travel. So we traveled good then. Going to Manila one time i thought it was going to crashed because of turbulence. I am a very panicky type of person when it comes to plane and boat. i prayed a lot during that period of turbulence and asked Lord to forgive me, as in I prayed out loud to entrust to the Lord my life but behind me passengers were quiet so when we took off from plane some passengers were looking at me. I thought who cares at least I was ready to die. :lol: when we traveled international that was horrible for me. Upon approaching Japan, it was worst than what it was in the Philippines. Turbulence was rapid then I thought "Lord whatever happens it is your will". Then my husband told me "honey, this is just normal". I said i dont want to travel by plane again. My husband said then go swim. :P
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Re: Air Travel Safety

Postby Smiley » Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:34 pm

I have flown in some truly unbelievable rattletraps and sailed aboard ships that were long overdue for the scrapyard. Was a lot of fun at the time ;) . I don`t feel quite as bulletproof as I used to so I`m glad of the increased safety procedures in place.
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Re: Air Travel Safety

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:05 pm

Red, you sound exactly like Carol. Carol does have an unhealthy fear of a lot of things. She was already afraid. Then they were over the ocean for a long period of time because of the route they took, and like you describe your experience that convinced her that she had no business flying. My friends that I flew with in 2010, when landing or taking off in rough air, they hold hands and pray, like you at least they are ready to go, and that is good. Actually I kind of enjoy it when the airplane bounces around as long as we don't crash. It is kind of like a carnival ride, and they are fun, but I only like the tame carnival rides. One thing I think of that makes me feel better is to think that the pilot and crew does not want to die any more than we do, and he/they know how to control the airplane, so if he/they can help it, we will not die, and if we do, we need to be ready, and we have to die sometime anyway, so it might as well be then and in that way, but hopefully not! :lol: :D
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Re: Air Travel Safety

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:15 pm

Yes, Smiley, I agree with you 100% about the increased safety measures. In some countries they fly large aircraft that has parts about ready to fall off, and it is just a matter of time before something does fall off, and if it is the wrong part, the airplane goes down, often in a crash. If I remember correctely, and correct me if I am wrong, but Russia flies a lot of airplanes that should be on the ground being worked on, and a few other countries as well. I think many of the Western and Asian countries pay attention to safety. Our flight to the Philippines in 2010 was on Asiana Airlines, and I really enjoyed that flight, and it seemed pretty safe to me. We had a few moments, but the pilot did a very good job with rough air and cross winds. Coming back the airplane was being blown sideways to the runway. The pilot put it down on the wheels on the left side of the airplane, the airplane turned on that wheel to line of with the runway, and we were perfectly safe. The people with me asked what happened, and I could explain to them because of piloting airplanes years ago I knew exactly what happened. The skill of the pilot made everything turn out great. :D :D
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Re: Air Travel Safety

Postby Smiley » Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:09 pm

When I think of some of the stuff that I did in my foolish (but fun) youth I sometimes have to wonder how I made it this far in one piece.I used to vacation in Detroit :o .I don`t really have more fear than before but a better understanding of the cost of doing business.I`m still up for a little adventure,boredom makes us old.
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Re: Air Travel Safety

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:18 pm

Yes, Smiley, this is kind of like love. You have to live a little and take a few chances. Nothing you do is without risk, and nothing ventured, nothing gained, so take some chances, live a little, but be kind of careful at the same time! :lol: :lol:
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