I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:04 am

A sense of belonging is a wonderful thing. :) :) :) :)
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby crisipicada » Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:05 pm

If you are not married, definitely, you cannot own someone. Before getting married, somebody must not engage to what God has given us to enjoy.
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby Edwin » Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:53 pm

You are so right, Crisi about it not being right to own someone before marriage. A lot of people would disagree with me, but I think, in a good sense, it is okay to own someone after marriage. The Bible teaches that the husband has control over his wife's body, and the wife has control over her husband's body. This is not to imply that marriage partners are allowed to abuse each other, or mistreat each other. The man is to love the woman as he loves his own flesh, and no man ever hated his own flesh. When a young couple gets married they become one. :D :D
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby crisipicada » Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:34 am

License to drive is very important. It must be renewed every year.
License as a doctor, nurse, engineer, must also renewed as we practice profession.
License to carry fire arms is also must need to possess someone who wanted to carry fire arms.

Despite of license we have, we cannot act as what we want. We must obey the rules, like the traffic rules, save lives, protect ourselves but first we must consider to save lives too.

Just like in sexual relationship, it is only done when both are committed in marriage because both love each other. It is not a thing that we must engage to somebody else because we "felt" love. As followers of Christ, we must set as an example in this dark world. how is your relationship going on?
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:49 pm

Yes, operating by the rules is important, and God expects us to operate by the rules in marriage. Part of our jobs as Christians is to set an example, and yes it is in a world that is darkened by sin. We are to let our lights shine so that others can see the light and come to the Savior.

In the USA anyway I have seen people who are not yet married who think they own the other person. Many times the abuse starts while people are just going with each other. They try to have power over each other that is not legitimate. That abuse often carries right over into marriage. If there is abuse while just going with each other, that is a bad sign and a red flag about how things might be later.

Many, I know, see ownership as a bad thing, but in a marriage I think ownership is a good thing. It is okay I think that the wife feels like she owns the husband, and that the husband feels like she owns the wife. But this is not in a domineering, abusive style. It is in a loving relationship where each loves and hangs onto the other in a healthy sense, where they would not allow any harm to come to the other! :D :D
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby mystic » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:36 pm

That makes me think. What about the various nuances such as buddy, best friend, fiancee, promised... until husband/wife?

Isn't a promised one owned? Maybe there are many degrees of owning.

Even when you make the driving license they give you a temporary license (here it is called pink card), until the true license is mailed to you. Oh... maybe this does not happen everywhere... dunno.
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:32 pm

To be exact, I am talking about getting into sexual relationship before marriage.

As Christian, it is important to live differently in the sinful world.

How will they know if you compromise with the world? Do we make different?

Obeying God is obeying what He said about relationship by guarding our hearts and body.

I want to share this to you about my facebook account as my profile picture. It really reminds me to guard my heart and body and how will I know the person to love with.

"Love will wait, Lust wont"

Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right. (Songs of Solomon 2:7)

We all have God given passions and desires within us that are meant to be released at a proper time, that is, within a marriage. Awakening them outside of a marriage will lead you down dangerous paths, the haunts of wolves and jackals, and they will ravage you having no mercy.
Guard the body that God has given you, and when the time is right, God will bring in the person He made to enjoy you and you in turn enjoy him/her. If a man or a woman truly loves you, and it's not mere infatuation, they will wait till they're married to you before they ask you to compromise your purity. If they're not willing to wait, it was not even love to begin with!
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I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:10 pm

The picture you posted with the subscription is so correct; "Love will wait, lust won't." God gave us these rules for a reason, and it is in our best interest to follow them. There is a lot of damage that comes from not following God's ways, but God does forgive, and he can make your crooked paths straight! It is always best to stay pure and do what is right before God. We are to be a shining light in this world that is darkened by sin!

That Bible asked the question: "Can a man take fire into his bosom without his clothes getting burnt." We can't compromise our testimony and our purity without getting tarnished. According to the Bible, God's word, the only place for sexual activity is within the marriage.

"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right. (Songs of Solomon 2:7)" Quote by Crisi :D :D
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby mystic » Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:28 am

I think that the term "to own" is not proper referred to intercourses. But it can be proper referred to marriage.

Let's see what the Bible tells us. The term "to own" in Hebrew is translates as "being on top of", or "being thankful to". With marriage, the owner is "on top" of the other person. The man usually is the leader, who provides the means to the family and thus is on top of the bride. The woman leads the house, thinks for the children, and is the "owner" appointed "on top" of that part.
Somebody accepting a favor from another is bound to the person who made him a favor. Thus, the indebted is "owned" by the lender.

Now, let's see what the Bible says about the intercourses. In Hebrew, there is a same word to say "to know" or "to have an intercourse". The verb is "Yodaa". So, when the Bible says that Abraham "knew" Sarah, it can also be translated as Abraham had an intercourse with Sarah. For the Bible, there is no real knowledge of a person until there are sexual relations.

So, guarding one's knowledge (restraining from sexual relations) has important implications. If we allow ourselves "to know" only through marriage, we are basically allowing ourselves to take only one situation/direction in our life, whatever it will be. And we commit to accept to view the world through the light of our marriage only. This means that we save ourselves from knowing different options, which leads to comparing, being unsatisfied with our choices, etc. A person who guards him/her only choice has really no choice. He/she is above choice and does not need to enter that chain of unrest and unhappiness that is so common among people who do the wrong choices and enter the world of choice (good and evil).
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Re: I cannot "OWN" someone outside marriage

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:39 pm

When you hear the words, I own him or her," often times there are negative connotations, but with the Biblical interpretation of marriage between the husband and wife there are no negative connotations. The husband is to love the wife as himself, and no man ever hated his own flesh, so the wife could not want anything more than to be loved that way. The wife is to submit herself to her husband, and many do not like the idea of that, but if the husband is all he should be then there is a lot of security in submitting, and it is what she should want to do anyway, because that adds value to their relationship. People are always better off when they do what God wants them to do, or when they follow the admonitions of God's word. So there is no greater happiness possible than to have the husband and wife own each other. Just make sure you chose someone that you will be happy to own, and the other way around as well! :D :D
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