What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:43 am

After we got home, and I got the wood unloaded the Van driven back to the mailbox/gate, and walked back to the house, I took out 2 bags of garbage, and then we ate supper which was chicken and lettuce sandwich with homemade bread. While eating we watched some more of the NCIS programs, which is kind of fun. They are all about a government investigative service, a team that investigates murders of Navy personale. I also finished updating the computer I reformatted the harddrive for, and putting the antivirus program on it again. I played the piano while the computer was doing its thing, until Carol went to bed. Now the antivirus is running updates so the computer will be protected from the latest viruses that are out there in cyberland. :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:14 pm

Yesterday, Monday morning we got up and ate breakfast, watching a couple more of the short movies. After we finished eating breakfast Carol, said, "Let's go to Dawn's place." So we packed a few things, put them on the toboggans, and headed out to the car. It was a last minute decision, and in the rush I forgot to take my vitamins along, I walked the quarter of a mile back to the house and got my vitamins. We stopped at a grocery store in Nespelem, a Native American Indian town, and got some lunch to eat on our way. I did have a hard time staying awake, but Carol questioned me every few miles about whether or not I was still awake, and so after about 3 hours we made it! Our grandson is here from Pennsylvania on the East Coast with his fiance. He is involved in church music and pastoral ministry, and we have not seen him for a year and a half or so. It is fun to get to meet and get acquainted with his bride to be! Her brother is a pastor of a Free Methodist church back there, the same organization as the church we attend here at home. We will be here a couple of days until Thursday and then we will return home. We took my big doggie Scooby to our youngest daughter's house and put him in with the horse, and they are both having a good time as they like each other. We brought Rand with us as we usually take him wherever we go! It will be fun to be here and visit a few days as it has been about a year and a half since we have been here visiting with our kids who live here 3 hours drive from our place where we live. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:20 pm

Carol got up and visited with everyone before our daughter and son-in-law went to work, and now she is catching up on that sleep that she missed. She seems to need to sleep a lot so that she will feel good. So, now I am doing this instead of playing the piano. I will play the piano after she wakes up. Our daughter told to play the piano for our grandson and his bride to be, so I did that for a while. She has never heard me play, and our grandson has not heard me play since I developed a little more playing skill. I didn't ask him what he thought about it! He teaches piano and guitar where he lives. His bride to be told me that she thought my piano playing was beautiful, and that was nice of her, and fun to hear someone say that! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:37 am

Today I got a chance to play the piano for a time. Then when the kids came home, our daughter where we are visiting cut my hair, so now it is much shorter! This haircut will last for a while, and then it will suddenly be long again! She does a good job, and she cuts it short enough so that it does last quite a while. We had a good visit with our kids here, and it was fun because we have not been able to come here for a year and a half or so. We were able to take my big doggie Scooby to our youngest daughter's house, and that made it possible to come here. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:16 am

Today I was sent to another town for work. I am waiting now for the meeting. When I arrived here... all extra tables for guests were occupied. So they didn't know where to put me. Then, they found the desk of a colleague who is absent.
It was nice to see on his desk a big picture of him with his son. It makes me think of my son... so far away.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:00 pm

mystic, I hope and pray for you that things will work out so that you can be with your son. I know this is a hard thing for you, and no parent should lack being able to see his/her son! So, I hope it works out for you!

Sometimes it is nice to sit at someone else's desk, and see life from their perspective. I did that for 10 years while I subsitute taught for other teachers in their classrooms. I would learn a lot from those people just by sitting at their desk. When one teacher returned I told him that I put something for him on his desk. He told me, "Don't ever put anything for me on my desk because I will never see it again," and he was right because his desk was so messy. I saw Bibles on some desks where teachers read the Bible during their free time. I saw Promise Keepers stuff on one teacher's desk, and I knew from that, that he was a committed Chirstian. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:09 pm

We are visiting at our daughter's house who lives 3 hours away. When we got up our grandson's future wife gave me so many options about what to have for breakfast that I didn't know what I wanted. I settled on 2 pieces of whole grain toast and 4 eggs along with cup of hot chocolate. Then on the spur of the moment our grandson said that he wanted to go eat at a restaurant that is in a railroad car. That was fun, and Carol and I had 4 small hotcakes, one easy over egg, and one strip of bacon. We got 3 coffee mugs with "Frank's Diner" written on them, and I got a new hat with the same written as well, the ball cap style, which is what I ware most of the time, except when it is so cold that I wear ear muffs and a stocking hat! Carol's cousin was going to come eat with us this evening, but it is snowing, and part of the time it is freezing rain, and too dangerous to drive, so it will just be us, Carol, I, our son-in-law, our daughter, and our grandson and his future wife is going to be with someone else this evening. When you live near the big city, Spokane, as our kids here do, life goes in the fast track. We will have to go home so that life can slow a bit! It is okay. I wanted to go to the Goodwill Industries place to look for bargains, but not this time! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:28 pm

This morning I got up fairly early, and then everyone else got up a little after that. Carol and I had cooked oatmeal, raisins, and milk, always a good breakfast, the the kids, grandson, and future wife had bread and cooked eggs. I cleaned up, took a shower, visited a little while, and we were on the road headed for home. I was worried about pulling this hill on the back side coming from Spokane in the steep parts, because I have had trouble there a couple of time and it was just God's mercy that I was not hurt or killed one of the times as the car was sliding towards me and I was laying on my back on the road. Only my granddaughter's quick thinking saved me, otherwise the wheel would have gone over me! They had plowed and sanded so it was easy coming home!

We got home, I split some wood, and we built a fire in the wood cook stove as the house was cold! We ate some supper, and I am playing the piano, and doing this. I am in trouble now, because Carol read somewhere that dark chocolate is good for her, so now I have to share my dark chocolate! It is okay, and now it is a social event! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:33 pm

I used to love my old 'Enterprise' wood burning cookstove during those Nova Scotian winters.There is something very primal and satisfying about warming your surroundings with a wood fire.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:21 pm

Yes, Smiley, there is even a comfort too that. Our youngest daughter sent us some of her wood home with us, and it is just enough to warm the house when it is really cold. Carol cooks on this old stove periodically, and that is kind of fun too. It is like the food tastes better when it is cooked on the wood cook stove! :D :D
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