What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:53 pm

The Business Licensing was ended last January 20 this month. It was then extended the next day, January 21. But due to the implementation of increase in the taxes from municipality to city, the taxes and fees increase up to 300 percent more or less. A lot of tax payers were not able to pay yet, the a resolution was approved by the City Council Office on that day, Monday, that the said licensing will be extended up to 20th the next month. According to one of the personnel at licensing division at city hall, there are still less than 50% who process their business permits, according to their records. And that is why, we extend our time at City Hall. We extend an hour staying there just to cater the needs of the clientele plus we audit the money collected base on Official Receipts issued after work. I went home late everyday. So tiring and want to stay home now. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:06 am

Yes Crisi; Being saddled with extra work to accommodate changes made by others can be very draining.I hope that things level out for you soon.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:23 am

Yes, Crisi, those circumstances make for hard days. When taxes and fees have to be increased 300 %, then that makes a tough job for someone in your position, having to explain to customers constantly. That, with the extra hours to accomodate those people is tiring for you, and you really need your time off, evenings and weekends to recuperate, huh? You need your chocolate bars even more, huh? :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:47 am

Well, we went down the hill, and wished we were going to church, but we were not able to get there. Our youngest daughter and her daughters were planning to go to church if a friend would go as well, but he had to work, so we didn't get to go, as they are not motivated to attend church just because they want to be in church. We have to keep praying for them that they will come to that place where they are not going to allow obstacles, like discouraging family member to keep them from going to church. We had a good time running around for the day, and then when we went to come home we were having some freezing rain. On the way home where the road got steep that we had to pull, I was spinning the wheels on the Van, loosing traction and speed, and wondering if I was going to make it up the hill. I found some snow to drive on which was much better than the bare pavement with freezing rain on it, so that gave me the traction I needed to keep my speed up enough to make it up the hills. I told Carol we were going to walk in, but when I got to the mailbox/gate I noticed that our kids' cars were missing/in at their house, so I told Carol, we are driving in, and that is what we did. I may be sorry that I drove in, but I don't think I will be! If the Van is stranded, it will be right here at our house, and as long as we don't need to go anywhere it will be just fine! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:08 am

Generally the deadline for filing with the IRS for the Income Tax return is April 15th. Some people work on it really early, while other people wait until the last minute, and some file really late. Some people don't file, and eventually have to pay penalties or make some kind of settlement with the government. I have done it all different ways, but never late. There have been years in the past when I filed before I got all my tax records back from some who were slow, and then I had to file an ammendment, which usually worked out okay. One years my tax accountant didn't realize that I had a Bachelor's degree, so she took some credits for me that I should not have had. The IRS became aware of that, and I got into a slight bit of trouble, but nothing really serious. The IRS penalized me for filing late because of the mistake, then they added interest, and I redid my taxes myself because I lived too far away from my tax accountant, and I just used most of her figures and corrected the problem, and everything was fine.

I now have everything I need to file my taxes, so I am going through all of the spending records, and organizing, and adding up some of my spendings. I get all the information together, and then I let the tax accountant decide what of my information to use. I know I list some things that can't be used, but I would rather give her the figures then let her decide rather than not giving her enough information to do my taxes correctly. For many years I did the accounting myself for my taxes, but my tax situation got complicated enough so that it made sense to let someone who knew what they were doing, and knew the laws deal with it. I started plenty early this years, and I am taking my time getting my tax information ready. I have been using the paper that I prepared the year before, and then I update all the information, come up with new totals, as well as leaving some out that don't make sense anymore. I will probably have it all finished and ready for the accountant by the end of the week. I add such things as total gasoline burned in the car, total the amount of money we spent on food, total the electric and heating costs, and it can be a night mare, but I am working through it slowly and methodically, so it will be okay, and at the end of the week I will still have my sanity!!!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:04 am

Today, I stayed at work until 6:30 Pm. Very busy still since today is end of the month. A lot of reports to submit tomorrow. I am so tired and almost have a flu. i tried to drink a lot of water so that I will feel better but it did not work. I hope to feel better tomorrow.

I am just really happy that after all, I feel not so stress with people around coming at work. I already learn to be patient and to be calm despite of many rude people. God is really good all the time.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:11 pm

Good attitude Crisi; When people are rude and demeaning it is more a reflection of themselves than of anything that you are responsible for.Pray for them when you have a chance.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:00 am

Last Monday I went to hell. Luckily, the Lord does not forsake us. Thanks to the faith in Him and also a pious soul that He sent to me, who directed me to prayer again, I am coming back to this world.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:05 am

I agree with Smiley; Crisi, you are the better person, and you are a shining example of the way a Christian should behave.

I didn't get around very early this morning, and then we watched movies while we ate. While eating our mid day meal our electricity quit, and we had no electricity for a number of hours until early evening. That was the end of our movie watching. I couldn't work on taxes either with no power for my computer. I played the piano after walking the quarter of a mile to get our mail, one half mile both ways, and then I got sleepy, so I slept for a while. Then when the electricity came back I couldn't get our wood heating pellet stove to start back up. I would shut down after a few minutes. I cleaned electrical contact points, and blew through a valve hose after scraping the end clean. Then I started the stove a little warmer than I usually do, and it started and kept running, so I was thankful for that! We watched more movies while eating supper. Then I worked on taxes for a while, and now I am doing this. I want to have them finished by Sunday, so I can have our youngest daughter deliver my tax figures to the accountant. I am earlier than normal, but that is fine as long as all the forms are in to base my tax work on, and I think they are. It will be nice to have them finished. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:07 am

mystic wrote:Last Monday I went to hell. Luckily, the Lord does not forsake us. Thanks to the faith in Him and also a pious soul that He sent to me, who directed me to prayer again, I am coming back to this world.

It sounds like you had a really hard time, mystic. I hope you are okay now? :D :D
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