What Did You Eat Today?

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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:12 am

Last night we ate some beans with bacon in them, that was cooked in the crock pot. We also ate 2 slices of bread that Carol made in her bread machine, butter, and drank some milk. I ate a little dark chocolate, slightly sweetened, and Carol ate 6 chocolate dipped almond nuts. Then later before I went to bed, I ate some peanutbutter, with a little of that granulated honey, and drank some more milk. At the end of supper I drank just a little orange juice that had been in the refrigerator too long, and I didn't want it to go bad before I drank it, so I drank it! Carol sometimes cooks carrots, potatoes, and hamburger in the crock pot. There are a lot of things that can be cooked in the crock pot! :D :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:32 am

We had beef stew. Today i intent to make potato salad and pork ribs. I like to feed my family good food when im not working. So I collect recipes from others that interests me alot and try it. :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:42 am

Beef stew is good! Also potato salad and pork ribs are good as well! I think your family appreciates you feeding them good as well. Feeding is an expression of love. Often times it is used between the husband and wife during sex to spice things up a bit!

Yesterday moring we had cooked oatmeal, raisins, and milk. Then on our way home we stopped at a place that had a great deal on 3 cheese burgers, so we ate them, potato fries, and I had a butterscotch flavored milk shake, which was very good, and Carol drank a little of it.

For supper we ate a chicken and rice dish cooked with cream of mushroom soup, and was it ever good! :D :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:07 am

We had fried rice with bits of bacon on it this morning. Last night we had chinese food. Chinese restaurant becomes my favorite restaurant here. Later will cook sinigang on crock pot it makes the meat so tender and so yummy. :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:42 pm

Yes, the crock pot does cook meat so that it is tender. I love anything cooked in cream of mushroom soup! Yesterday we had cooked oatmean with raisins and milk. Then for the mid day meal we went to KFC, and we found some friends of ours there to eat with and visit with, and that was fun. The lady's Dad was a high school principle in one of the schools I taught in in 1989! Her mother was an elementary secretary where I also taught, and I didn't know this family was connected with them at that time. When you are in a situation like that, it is professional rather than social, and often you don't get to know all the family connections. I also substute taught in the lady's sister's classroom, but I didn't know about that either until I saw her full name on a facebook page, and then I realized the resemblance in the facial features, and that made sense. I learned who this lady's parents were when I went to a high school graduation party for their daughter because her daughter was a good friend of our granddaughter, and that is how we became acquainted with this family is that our granddaughter was going to stay with them often, so she could go with their kids to the church youth group. While at the party, they moved that party to a house across a grass field, there were these people who lived in that house that I had worked with many years ago. So I asked what is the connection, Then they told me, "Oh, they are the grandparents!" It was like, "Wow, the world is small, and we meet and become socially connected with people that we thought were just work related acquaintenaces.

For supper, we ate balogna sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes, and were they ever good! Of course after that we ate some dark slightly sweetened chocolate bars, and later I ate peanut butter, honey, and drank some more milk, which I drink a lot of it! :D :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Smiley » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:13 pm

Lately I`ve been craving things like oranges,grapefruit,apples,and celery. I don`t feel guilty for eating things like that.Today I was very tired after work and stopped at KFC. I should have made something at home but I was tired,cold,and hungry.a few more minutes online and I will jump into the shower and then read for a bit before hopefully going to bed early.
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby Edwin » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:27 pm

No, Smiley, you can feel very good about eating those things! We go to KFC fairly often when we are down town on the weekend to attend church. I was getting a leg and a thigh, but lately I have been getting two thighs!

I have always eaten fairly healthy. We grew up in our family on the farm, and we raised and grew a lot of what we ate. When my Dad developed Cardiovascular touble, clogging of his heart and arteries with build up, he got really health conscious, and boy did we eat healthy after than. He started walking as well, but it is too late for him as the damage had already been done. That is the way those diseases are; they call them chronic, they spend years creeping up on you, and then all of a sudden there they are, and for most people it is too late to improve, as it was with my Dad. Then Carol developed diabetes, high blood pressure, and a few other health issues, so we ate much less sugar after that!

A medical doctor where I was getting a flight medical, so I could pilot the airplanes, told me that if I ate right I didn't need all those vitamins I was taking, so I went home, put them in the closet, and I think they are still in a box dating back to 1986! I prided myself on eating right and exercising so that I did not need to take vitamins! When I saw the eye doctor, last year he saw the beginnings of cateracts, so I am trying to protect my eyes from ultravilent radiation now! When I saw him this year he saw signs of macular degeneration! Since it is only in the beginning stages he told me if I would take an eye vitamin and mineral some of the damage may be repaired, and I should suffer no further damage! He also told me that now the medical studies of the American Medical Association are supporting taking a multivitamin once a day for every adult person. So much for eating right, exercising, and not needing to take vitamins! I am now taking vitamins for my eyes, and the multivitamin! A medical doctor told me to stop taking the vitamins in 1986, and now in 2013 another medical doctor told me to take the vitamin! He described where the vitamins were on the store shelf in Walmart, and it turns out they are a multivitamin for women over 50 years old! I am over 50 years old, but I can guarantee you that I am no woman! I love the women, but I don't want to be one, I just want one! How about you? :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:18 am

In the morning, I ate rice, eggplant with egg and coffee. I did not eat my lunch but just eat a small peace of cupcake. This dinner, I plan to drink milk and some biscuit because lately we had so much party, at the office, at church and also during the birthday of my late father.
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby cheryz » Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:36 am

hi crisi you've been into a diet? :)

ive been in a wedding 4days ago i feed up to much pork and meat like (lechon baboy, kaldereta, Lumpia, hamonado, afritada, steak, soup, and sweets etc.) in morning i ate rice,scrambled eggs and dried fish with tomatoes, its so yummy i really miss this foods, my late lunch was leftover of my breakfast because i feel tired of travel, dinner maybe i buy some fresh vegies. :D
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Re: What Did You Eat Today?

Postby red » Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:29 am

I have not start eating for today yet... I am planning on over easy egg with rice and bit of Bagoong. I usually have coffee first before proper meal. Later will make Lumpia for dinner. We usually have veggie salad on supper.
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