Kissing Secrets by Sign

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Kissing Secrets by Sign

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:11 am

First of all this is astrology I think, and really that is against the Bible and Christian principals, but if you just leave out the astrology part, and realize that different people are made up differently, you might see yourself described in some of these short paragraphs, or you might see you lover, or your future lover, or you hopeful marriage partner, in some of these descriptions. I found this from Yahoo News, and it is kind of dream like, and also a matching game, where you realize what you are like, and then you imagine what your marriage partner might be like, and also how to approach him or her for the best results. Also many believe in hopping in bed with whom ever you feel the urge with, and we don't believe that. We believe that romance and marriage is sacred, and that sex is to be practiced within the bound of marriage. But this is something to enjoy reading and to enjoy thinking about:

Kissing secrets by sign
By Barrie Dolnick

The first kiss… The first time you ask “Wanna come back to my place?” These are moments so fraught with what-ifs and am-I-doing-it-rights that pretty much every single person out there could use some success strategies. Well, why not get some astrological guidance on how to pull it off? Each horoscope sign responds best to a certain sort of woo; here’s which tactics are tops based on the person you’re dating.

Aries man:
Likes to be in control. Show you’re game, but don’t jump his bones. You can lead an Aries to romance but you can’t make him kiss.

Aries woman:
Likes a strong demonstration of your interest, no pussy-footing around. Go for sparks — candles, a roaring fire, and clear clues that you’re ready to pounce. She’ll respond with an enthusiastic yes.

Taurus man:
Loves subtlety, hates the direct approach. He’ll respond to a gentle touch of your hand or the gift of a soft, pink cashmere sweater — then wrap your arms around him as if to say, “I’m a gift, too.”

Taurus woman:
Finds fine dining, a sexy car or, of course, a good piece of jewelry a big turn-on. Say it with taste and a spare-no-expense attitude and she will find your advances are worthy of her.

Gemini man:
Lights up with great conversation and tunes out to endless, self-absorbed anecdotes. Set the tone for romance by asking him questions, really listening to him, and leaning in to show how his mouth can communicate without words.

Gemini woman:
Loves to be amused and numbs out when things are dull. Keep her interested and romanced by planning a fun date with at least three parts — drinks, dinner, and a walk. Keep her moving and talking, and soon she’ll be smooching.

Cancer man:
Needs his own timing. Put the Cancer man in a pinch, and romance will crack. Let him signal that he’s at ease and ready. Find a balance between best friend and sex goddess, and you’ll hit his comfort zone.

Cancer woman:
Needs to trust you first. You won’t earn that by flirting with her friends or telling stories about fun you had without her. Sidle up to her slowly, keep her warm, put your arm around her, and her shell will slowly soften.

Leo man:
Is by definition romantic and fun. He is confident of his charms, so make him work for you. Set a scene for all-out romance and play hard to get. Give him the thrill of the chase as well as the rewards of romance.

Leo woman:
Knows she’s a catch and enjoys the game. Anyone too sensitive, too slow or too dull will not win. Throw some curve balls, entertain her, and go for the trophy when you see she’s laughing with you, not at you.

Virgo man:
Gets in his own way. He’ll be the first to help you, teach you and guide you in romance, but he may forget to participate in it for himself. Ask him about good wine, good food and find a nice night to share it. He’ll get the message — or you can explain it to him after you’ve led him back to your place (think: bedroom).

Virgo woman:
Loves to give — but she’s going to be wooed and wowed by being the receiver. Show her that you know her favorite movies, food and flowers and she’ll give you a lot of kisses to show you her thanks.

Libra man:
Is all about peace, love and understanding. He’ll respond to even-tempered sweetness way better than a zealous, over-the-top lip lock. Be a woman, let him be a man, and he’ll find it easy to share a great kiss.

Libra woman:
Needs to know her guy is there for her. Focus on her, notice her outfit and listen to what she says. She’s smart, but she wants you to love her for more than her mind. Embrace traditional romance and you’ll be embraced right back.

Scorpio man:
Intense, passionate and totally suspicious. Give him your rapt attention and absolutely no reason to stress about your loyalty. Beckon him gently into your arms, and he’ll take it from there.

Scorpio woman:
A Bond girl in real life. You can praise her beauty, worship her shape, and still fear her just a little bit. That combination of attention will intoxicate her. She’ll give you what she can — at the very least, a kiss you’ll never forget.

Sagittarius man:
Can get claustrophobic with any kind of formulaic romance. Give him something unexpected — maybe a ride on a rollercoaster — and don’t look him straight in the eye until you’re ready. Keeping him guessing will keep him wanting more.

Sagittarius woman:
Is riveted by wisdom and adventure. But wander carefully down this road. Phony smarts are a huge turn-off. Be the wittiest version of yourself, channel a little Indiana Jones, and put her in a situation where she has to hang on tight.

Capricorn man:
Is quiet, capable and tricky. He needs to take the lead in a very 1950s sort of way. Think old movies, low tones, and no pressure. Wear a fetching, non-staining lipstick and gaze up at him with slightly anxious wide eyes. He’ll slip into a Cary Grant role soon enough.

Capricorn woman:
Won’t give herself away. You have to take it slowly and purposefully. Demonstrate that you’re not just going through the motions or pulling some tried-and-true romantic routine. If she sees your focus is all on her, she’ll cooperate.

Aquarius man:
Hard to read. He’s quirky, a little preoccupied and will not take hints very well. You might have to do the whole dressed-to-kill/“let’s head back to my place” routine to get his attention. Then press your lips on his. He’ll pick up on that.

Aquarius woman:
Very intuitive, but hard to romance. She’s smart and deeply focused on whatever is buzzing through her brain. To get her on track, brush her hair away from her face. With the simple motion and light touch, she’ll feel your interest and focus on your gaze. You can take it from there.

Pisces man:
A softy with a gruff exterior. He’s a man’s man except when he’s with you. Give him the subtle go-ahead to curl up with you by being relaxed, feminine, and captivated. He’ll purr like a pussycat if you don’t approach him too roughly.

Pisces woman:
Embodies the definition of romance. Woo away, as long as you’re serious. She likes the whole shebang — flowers, candles, wine, music — as long as you can follow through for a long while. She hopes to mate for life.
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Re: Kissing Secrets by Sign

Postby lyrehc » Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:03 am

wow...I think everything is right im a capricorn and the thing that was perfectly right..... :D :D :D
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Re: Kissing Secrets by Sign

Postby lyrehc » Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:16 am

Capricorn woman:
Won’t give herself away. You have to take it slowly and purposefully. Demonstrate that you’re not just going through the motions or pulling some tried-and-true romantic routine. If she sees your focus is all on her, she’ll cooperate.

well look at that ...That's well said to me.....I remember my first kiss,, will i really dont know how to kiss that time and my 1st boyfriend was very slow but i do learn how to kiss, when i know his focus was on me everything is simple....but to all women remember that everything start in just a simple kiss.... :P :P :P :oops: :oops:
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Re: Kissing Secrets by Sign

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:43 am

Very interesting, lyrehc, that you found yourself in those depictions. Different people have different personalities, different approaches to life and love, and it is easy for us to find ourselves in some of those categories. That first kiss is precious, isn't it? That is something we will always remember with fondness! Then that also gives us more to dream about, huh? Life is full of surprises and joys! :D :D
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Re: Kissing Secrets by Sign

Postby red » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:27 am

I don't believe in signs. Love works in mysterious ways when you are in love you can be a good kisser. Then you would just wonder how did i know that? :lol:
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Re: Kissing Secrets by Sign

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:14 pm

Yes, Red, the element of surprise and intrigue is the best. I am with you in not believing in signs, although different people have different personalities, and they fit into different mold/patterns of thought. One may be bold, maybe even boyish, brave, outgoing, and perhaps even unpredictable, and look out for that one! :lol: Then another might be quiet, reserved, hesitant, the one who plans and thinks things through, and when you get a kiss from that one, it really means something. Some are very careful with other people's feelings, and they will not kiss, touch, hold, fondle, or any of the rest unless it is very serious, and the marriage decision has been made. Then that kiss is very special with many others to follow. Who ever figured out the kiss, is interesting, and perhaps it is like sex. You really don't have to figure it out, but it just happens. The kiss is said to be very pleasureable with so many nerve endings in the lips to give you that pleasure! So have fun kissing, if it is right to do that anyway! Or have fun dreaming of kissing/looking forward to it! :lol: :lol:
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