Not Quite Forever

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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Edwin » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:48 am

"It saddened me because I know painful it would be, but the fact that you and I will go through of that, we learn lessons and we must do what is right in the next time. But it is good if we learn from others. That is wisdom." Quote by Crisi

People do go through that and it is sad. Some have even said here that because they went through it as a child when their parents split, they knew the pain it caused the kids, so they were not going to do it, and it also happened to them.

It is true that both people, two people, have to be commited to marriage to have it work. If one has baled out and is determined not to do what is required to allow the marriage to work, then there is not much that the innocent person can do, and that is why our church organization has decided not to punish the innocent causualties of failed marriages like they did at one time. Now the innocent party who against whom the wrong was commited is free to marry again, in the eyes of our church.

I think it is good if, even one of the two people can give, even what is unreasonable and should not be required of them to save the marriage. Anything I think is worth it to save the marriage unless you are getting the daylights beaten out of you or you life is in danger, which was the case with our youngest daughter who was so determined to make it work that she was staying with this guy, and having him beat the daylights out of her on regular basis. He damaged her body a lot, and she will be in some pain and discomfort the rest of her life because of that. Because he literally tried to kill her she left. I don't recommend trying to save that kind of a marriage.

Don't rush and make the right choices is very good advice! Crying and praying to the Lord keeps you from saying things you will regret later, and that is my problem, saying things and regretting them later. Talk to the Lord and you will not regret what you say to Him! Of course we must even be careful what we say to Him, because He will not hold guiltless the person who takes His name in vain. We must talk with respect and love to the Lord! :D :D
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby erwin » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:59 pm

Edwin wrote:"It saddened me because I know painful it would be, but the fact that you and I will go through of that, we learn lessons and we must do what is right in the next time. But it is good if we learn from others. That is wisdom." Quote by Crisi

People do go through that and it is sad. Some have even said here that because they went through it as a child when their parents split, they knew the pain it caused the kids, so they were not going to do it, and it also happened to them.

It is true that both people, two people, have to be commited to marriage to have it work. If one has baled out and is determined not to do what is required to allow the marriage to work, then there is not much that the innocent person can do, and that is why our church organization has decided not to punish the innocent causualties of failed marriages like they did at one time. Now the innocent party who against whom the wrong was commited is free to marry again, in the eyes of our church.

I think it is good if, even one of the two people can give, even what is unreasonable and should not be required of them to save the marriage. Anything I think is worth it to save the marriage unless you are getting the daylights beaten out of you or you life is in danger, which was the case with our youngest daughter who was so determined to make it work that she was staying with this guy, and having him beat the daylights out of her on regular basis. He damaged her body a lot, and she will be in some pain and discomfort the rest of her life because of that. Because he literally tried to kill her she left. I don't recommend trying to save that kind of a marriage.

Don't rush and make the right choices is very good advice! Crying and praying to the Lord keeps you from saying things you will regret later, and that is my problem, saying things and regretting them later. Talk to the Lord and you will not regret what you say to Him! Of course we must even be careful what we say to Him, because He will not hold guiltless the person who takes His name in vain. We must talk with respect and love to the Lord! :D :D

Pains and troubles are created when one of you has no COMMITMENT for one another. That is no fun to be into relationship without a level of commitment. In any relationship, there should be honesty, and truthfulness. When the one or the other is not true, troubles and problems comes. Not only that, I will tell you, pain and heartaches is what you are getting. Guys and gals there is no fun for that. Please be honest and sincere. It takes two to work the relationship so please do so what youare suppose to do.
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:38 am

Semantics are often involved in these things. What do we mean when we say "forever?" Do we mean forever or just for a little while? Do we mean in this life, or do we mean for eternity. Forever in the Biblical sense is eternity, but if we are describing our relationships/marriages we probably mean for the duration of our lives on earth. I know of one person who was commited to another who died, and she remained single for her life, because in her mind she was commited for ever. The Bible teaches us that in our eternal life with God there is not marrying and giving in marriages. So, we are single in heaven. Also the Bible teaches us that when our spouse dies we are free to marry again. So when we talk about forever in connection with relationships/marriages we mean until death parts us! :D :D
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby m&m » Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:00 am

"Not Quite Forever", because sometimes, it needs to redirect the relationship to work it better. There are relationship that will go in the wrong direction, thus it needs to reevaluate if someone is really ready to build a future and desire to have a happy and stable relationship. Sometimes, we can love someone although relationship did not push through because it makes someone get sick or feeling bad.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby m&m » Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:46 pm

crisipicada wrote:I am grateful that I change my attitude about dating relationship. Before, I am very much immature and enjoy the fun with someone I like. I tend to show directly how much I like the person. I am not careful about how others would feel or someone might affected to his present responsibilities. As long as I love him, then I enjoy the time to be with him.

When I went to college, I made a decision to be very careful about how to treat men. I should be very careful with my doings and actions because I believe that it is not yet for me to be in a relationship romantically. Although, I change my mindset about dating, but then I recognize that much of i was superficial.

During camp in the summer, I met George ( not real name). I like him so much. Although my parents do not want me to be in a serious romantic relationship at the moment because still need to focus at school, and do what is being need to give priority, but still I pursue it. We never into sex but it become a struggle and that did not glorify God. We talk over the phone, texting, sending cards and everything that keep us close and being attached to each other.

When he moved to University Of the Philippines, I become so affected. My mind always feeling discontented and always being worrying to much. What if he has someone one there. What if he has forgotten me, what if he no longer in love with me, what if he is already fall in love with other woman.

Later, when we talk over the phone. He said , "we know this will really happen as we do not expect. I know that we will have our own lives and we know that our life will bring us to other direction as we do not know really what future could be. Tears fell in my eyes, as in I want to get angry to myself. So much pain and so much regret in life. We promise to ourselves that we will love forever. The promises to love till death, is NOT QUITE FOREVER. This there any better things to this? I asked to myself

This has been some of the stories I have heard in many relationship my friends had encountered. Is there any better to this? How many promises you have said FOREVER? Is it forever or NOT QUITE FOREVER?

Not quite forever because no in this world is fix.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby wayne208 » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:13 pm

I truly believe that People Have Forgetten how to talk to One Another . With out good Communication The marriage is doomed . With Out the Love for God the Marriage is doomed . People need to Sit down and talk and Pray together . That will help Make the Marriage stronger .
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby m&m » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:43 pm

wayne208 wrote:I truly believe that People Have Forgetten how to talk to One Another . With out good Communication The marriage is doomed . With Out the Love for God the Marriage is doomed . People need to Sit down and talk and Pray together . That will help Make the Marriage stronger .

Wayne208, even in good communication if the person is cheater, dishonest, liar, profess to be good but there is hidden agency, and most of all, arrogant and deceitful, and just want the woman put into his pocket and treat like a puppy, then that would not work and I knew one a member of this forum.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby wayne208 » Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:23 am

M&M I agree both People should be treated as Equals in a Marriage . If not as Equals then what would the Marriage be ?? I have always Said that Both the Man and the Women should walk Side by Side in a Relationship . No one should walk ahead of the Other or Behind the Other . If a Girl wants to walk ahead of Me or Behind Me then She is Not the Lady for Me . She Should find someone else to be With and Not waste her Time or My Time ..
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Re: Not Quite Forever

Postby purex » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:44 pm

wayne208 wrote:M&M I agree both People should be treated as Equals in a Marriage . If not as Equals then what would the Marriage be ?? I have always Said that Both the Man and the Women should walk Side by Side in a Relationship . No one should walk ahead of the Other or Behind the Other . If a Girl wants to walk ahead of Me or Behind Me then She is Not the Lady for Me . She Should find someone else to be With and Not waste her Time or My Time ..

That is true. It is not good to waste someone's time. Well, for me, I would like that the guy will lead the family. I mean, someone who always aspire for a good family and try to live a life beyond the world's standard.
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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