What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:03 pm

Day been busy little rough but good. My daughter did good on soccer practice and spent some time at Mc Donalds. :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:09 pm

This has been a productive day! I plotted off the back yard for a new fence. The 4 gage wire panels, 16 feet long are on sale until the 21st, so I had to get with it! It all costs money, so one thing at a time! For now just purchasing the wire panels, then later posts, and concrete blocks to put under the fence. Our kids approved which is the important thing since they own the land we have our hou...se on. Ate breakfast, while watching movies. I went for my 6.5 mile walk with the doggies. When I got back we ate lunch while watching more movies, but we had to stop because I couldn't stay awake. So I went out and greased all the fittings on my pickup, and then I changed the oil bath air cleaner. I then did some more work getting ready to haul stuff/garbage to the dump. I played the piano some during the day, just finishing playing the piano for a while, and now I am doing this! :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:35 pm

Today as soon as I got out of bed I continued from yesterday getting ready to go tomorrow to the dump. Yesterday I sorted out some pallets that I need to return so that I can get my deposit back. Then I loaded sacks of garbage onto my pickup truck. I had some bagging and sweeping to do. We put our garbage in a trailer for several months until enough accumulates to make a garbage run. We keep it covered with a couple of plywood pieces. I also mashed many gallon plastic jugs that we used before we had running water in our house, but now we don't need them any more. We keep 4 or 5 gallons just for emergencies, and we have had to use them once so far, but we don't need a 100 of them, so mashed them to take them to the dump. Tomorrow I will haul the garbage down to the dump, take the pallets back for a refund of the deposit, and pick up some wire pannels for our yard fence, the Lord willing. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:17 pm

Today has been a good day. I loaded up all our accumulation of garbage from months; it took me two days to get ready, loading pallets that I needed to return since last August. This morning I drove down to our youngest daugher's house, picked up a few garbage items that she wanted to throw away. Then we took the garbage to the dump. On the way before we got to the highway, we had no brakes! So we drove back to the house and filled the resevoir with brake fluid, and on to the dump. After that we drove to where we returned the pallet. After that we ate at KFC. Then we bought 8 gallons of milk, 2 for our daughter, and six for us, did I say I was a big milk drinker? On the average we drink 5 or 6 gallons a week, and I drink most of it! Then we went on to where I picked up the wire panels for the dog fence as well as 14 railroad ties. Now I just need to bring home 30 concrete blocks from town every time we are down there until I have enough. I am putting concrete blocks down on the ground and setting the fence on top of that, so the fence is 50 inches tall, plus the concrete block, making it 58 inches tall. Even though Scooby is a huge doggie, when he jumps on me to have me love him, his front paws are just below my shoulders, and he could get out easily, but he is easy to fence in, and he is a very happy and contented doggie, so he will be fine. Our daughter will be putting goats, cows, and horses out near our house, and she doesn't want Rand, the other doggie to mix with those animals, althought it would hurt anything, but we respect her wishes, and Rand climbs the fence, so I'm not sure whether we can fence him in or not, but time will tell, and he is a very good doggie, so he would cause any problems anyway! So I am one step closer to having the back yard fence redone! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:41 pm

Not so good day as my older daughter cried at the dentist office thus, she was not done with her teeth problem. Her younger sister was doing great with the dentis thus she had a good treat from mommy. Of course, that includes the older sis but not much. :lol:
Have crabs for dinner awaiting for us. I put coconut milk on it and spicy too. :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:41 am

We had a granddaughter, who is now attending Moody Bible Institute, but when she was younger she hated to go see the dentist. Once the dentist accused her of not flossing, so she bit him!!!! Our daughter should have had her wear a sign, saying, "This girl bites!!!! That was several years ago, so I don't think she would probably bite the dentist now as she is older and more mature. She works at a summer Christian Camp as a life guard and a rock climbing instructor.

I swore that I was not going to work hard anymore, but I can't help myself. When there is a job that needs to be done, once I get started I am driven! I am high energy, and I got at it like there is no tomorrow. After lunch I set 3 railroad ties for the doggie's new fence! It was 9:30 p.m. before I could make myself quit, and only because it was dark, and I couldn't see any longer, so I did give up, and we ate supper and watched some movies. It took me a lot of time, because I spent so much time making sure the posts were lining up, and that they were plumb, and also that they were exactly 16 feet apart, so that the fence panels would fit on them properly. I was going to use concrete blocks under the wire, but I am thinking about placing rocks under the wire instead. We have plenty of rocks, so it might work as long as I don't wreck my back moving the rocks. Time will tell! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:07 pm

Edwin watch Your Back as a Wrong move could really Hurt You while working with those rocks .I bet the Dentist Does not want Your Daughter biting him . My Day was O.K. Until I had to see a Lawyer .. After that it went downhill but it is better Now . I Thank God I can come here and read what everyone else's day was Like ..It Makes Me feel better about everything . I also had a Few Chuckles as sometimes things just Make Me Laugh .. May God Watch Over Us All :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:51 pm

The interesting thing is that dentist retired shortly after our granddaughter bit him. I guess getting bitten by his patients was too much to take. I have to be careful with my back all the time. I can lift quite a bit as long as I do it carefully, don't bend or stretch too much, and lift straight using good body mechanics. I have terrible pain ever so often, and then after a few days I am fine. The last time my back hurt me, and I was in terrible pain, I laid on my back over a board, so I couldn't rest my back, and I was fixing a kitchen sink faucet. I paid dearly for that job! I even got out of the car and laid on the side walk, embarrassing Carol, having people stop by asking if they should call the ambulance! In a few days I was fine. I just have to be care, and I can do most anything.

Yes, I think seeing the lawyer ruins most people's day! It is usually bad news, or because of bad news!

After I work with my back I usually have trouble walking. I am in no pain, but I just can't move freely for a while, like when I use the shovel, or do lifting, or bending near the floor repeatedly! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:51 pm

The interesting thing is that dentist retired shortly after our granddaughter bit him. I guess getting bitten by his patients was too much to take. I have to be careful with my back all the time. I can lift quite a bit as long as I do it carefully, don't bend or stretch too much, and lift straight using good body mechanics. I have terrible pain ever so often, and then after a few days I am fine. The last time my back hurt me, and I was in terrible pain, I laid on my back over a board, so I couldn't rest my back, and I was fixing a kitchen sink faucet. I paid dearly for that job! I even got out of the car and laid on the side walk, embarrassing Carol, having people stop by asking if they should call the ambulance! In a few days I was fine. I just have to be care, and I can do most anything.

Yes, I think seeing the lawyer ruins most people's day! It is usually bad news, or because of bad news!

After I work with my back I usually have trouble walking. I am in no pain, but I just can't move freely for a while, like when I use the shovel, or do lifting, or bending near the floor repeatedly! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cecilleclemen » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:15 am

today is Saturday here in the Philippines and is very hot because we are currently hitting the summer season....the roads are busy too because we live in the island of Panglao and tourist, local and foreign and coming in and out of the island....but it was a fun start for a weekend coz we been watching movies here at home with my nephews and other members of the family.....it was one the ways to spend the weekend with the family. :D
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