Home Alone Again!

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Home Alone Again!

Postby Edwin » Sat May 04, 2013 1:58 pm

Am I complaining? Yes! Am I unhappy about it? No, not really. Last July I was alone longer than I had been anytime in our 44 years of marriage to that point, but I was so busy trying to get my cellar dug out, that it didn't even bother me. I don't like to be alone any time, but sometimes it is necessary.

Today Carol was going to the knitting/spinning guild, which is a group of ladies who get together to spin, knit, crochet, weave, but a lady who is also our neighbor is responsible for making costumes for actors and actresses who put on music plays, like, "Oklahoma," and "Fiddler on the Roof," to name a couple. I used to play my trombone in the orchestra pit while those performances were taking place, but I have not done that since 1999. Anyway she is behind making her costumes, so Carol and our daughter are helping her today. Carol took her spinning wheel just incase she needed something extra.

Sunday night our daughter is leaving for California to take a Boxer dog to a friend's place to get it bred. It is a partnership, and they are sharing expenses. She is a nice doggie, but they have to take pains all the time to see that the wrong dog does not breed her. Anyway Carol is going down to drive our granddaughter to her college classes. She has driven some, but she doesn't have her license to drive, and she has not had enough experience to be a safe driver. I will be bringing one of our daughter's doggies up here with me, because our daughter is afraid of two doggies getting together because they try to kill each other, and that doggie is good friends with my big doggie Scooby, so they will get along just fine. Our daughter will be gone for 2 weeks, and I don't like to think about being alone for that long, but I will be fine, and the 2 weeks will not go fast enough! But it is okay, and I am alright with it! :D :D
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Re: Home Alone Again!

Postby Smiley » Sun May 05, 2013 8:59 am

I`m pretty independent so being alone does not bother me at all.I wouldn`t want to be alone always but when it happens I kind of enjoy it for a while.Being alone too much leads to its own problems so that is not desirable either.
My work used to put me in situations where I could sometimes go for days without talking to another person,I guess that I just got comfortable with the solitude.
On the other hand,I enjoy the company of others a lot too.I`m not a hermit or anything anti-social like that :shock: I make friends easily and tend to keep friends as well.
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Re: Home Alone Again!

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 12:38 am

One of my son-in-laws a few years ago anyway wanted to be alone periodically. Our daughter and the kids would purposely leave home so that he could be alone. I guess they all just got on his nerves sometimes, and it was like a time out for him, so that he could calm down! I have also heard about people having problems once retirement started because the two people were never in the house together only for a few hours a day, and when they found themselves in each other's company 24/7 they could not deal with it. Well, I can stand to be alone if there is a good reason, and sometimes Carol needs to do something that takes her away, and I can deal with that for a while, although I don't enjoy it, because having another person in the house is like having beautiful music, and also like having all the lights turned on. It gives a good feeling. Even if Carol is doing her thing, and I am doing my thing which is what it is like except for the time we watch movies together, and we have been doing a lot of that lately, it still feels comforting to have someone else's company who is a friend! :D :D
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Re: Home Alone Again!

Postby crisipicada » Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:43 pm

It is so hard to be alone, especially when you wanted to be somebody with. Now, I understand how hard it is because even me, I do not want to be alone in the house. I am afraid of the dark, too. :D :D :D :D
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