How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

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How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby Eillene » Thu May 02, 2013 11:47 pm

My electric fan was broke cause of over-heat, so now i don't know what to do.. except drinking lots of cold water and going under the tree but it can't help i think....
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Re: How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby Edwin » Sun May 05, 2013 7:46 am

Many years ago before everyone in this country had electricity people used to sprinkle water on the floors in the house. I might be kind of hard on wood floors and maybe other kinds of floors, with rugs and so on, but the evaporation cools the house. Some times people run sprinklers on the roof during really hot weather. I don't know if they have these in the Philippines, but around here you can buy little plastic tube that make mist out of the water, and then you can sit under that mist that is floating down. Another idea is to take a shower with as cold a water as you have with your clothes on, and the evaporation from your soaked clothing will have a cooling effect. The shade from the tree will help a little, but it will still no doubt feel hot. There are a few ideas, and some others might have other ideas as well. Wearing white clothing helps reflect the sun rays away rather than absorbing them, but white clothing and showering with clothes on might make you body quite revealing, so that is something else to consider! :lol: :lol:
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Re: How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby wayne208 » Sun May 05, 2013 3:19 pm

Those Portable Misters are really Great .. I used one when I went to Death Valley California . It was 123 in the Shade with very Little shade . Those Misters kept Me feeling good . Sadly I backed My Car over the Mister and Killed it :(
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Re: How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby Eillene » Sun May 05, 2013 6:19 pm

good morning guys...
Showering always and with clothes can help but...ashma attacked!.ahaha can't get over with hot weather even i'm used to it coz im here at
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Re: How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 1:55 pm

Many of my family members and relatives have trouble with asthma. They use inhalers, and my wife, Carol, has to use them sometimes with her breathing troubles. Usually humidity in the air helps your breathing, but if you have a swamp cooler often the filter will grow mold and then that will cause you breathing problems. Our youngest daughter and her two daughters have those problems, as did my uncle, and a nephew, too many people with breathing problems! So sad! :(

We used to cover our drinking jugs with cloth, like burlap sack materials, soak those jugs/ burlap sack materials in water, and the evaporation would help keep the drinking water cool! :D

My big doggie Scooby digs himself a basement to lay in, literally, but not very deep, and that helps keep him cool. It is amazing that he knows to do that, but he does. Last summer he dug a huge hole, and I left it there for him until winter. Now he is digging it again, and I don't mind at all, because anything for comport for a fellow creature; even a dog! :D :D

So if you have space and it is easy digging, dig yourself a cellar, even a small one so that you can go in it to cool off! :)
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Re: How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby Eillene » Fri May 17, 2013 4:08 pm

I will try it Edwin :) and so i can tell it to friends and relatives too (got best idea) tnx...
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Re: How can i prevent this very hot weather without E-Fan?

Postby Edwin » Fri May 17, 2013 5:31 pm

You are welcome, Eillenne, and if I think of anything else I will let you know. Here we often have cool nights. I will open windows and doors with screens on this in the early evening. I will open all of them on the East side of the house about maybe 5:30, or so, because the shade is on that side, and by that time that air is cooler than the house. If I open the window and the air feels cool then good, otherwise I will close the window again. After 6 or 6:30 I will open the windows on the West side of the house, and by that time I can get a cool air movement through the house. I would leave them open all night if my wife, Carol, were here to help keep the doggies quiet, but our youngest daughter's doggie, and our doggie Rand like to bark loud at night, if Scooby tells them there are coyotes out and about. Our daughter who lives here is intolerant of dogs barking, and especially at night, and she sent her husband over to complain, as she will not go near me! Sad story. Anyway, since her husband came over to tell me the doggies barking at night was bothering our daughter, keeping her from sleeping, I called talked with Carol about the problem, and Carol told me to just close the house up, and let the doggies bark, because I don't think they hear them from a closed out, she only hears them when the windows are open. She can hollar at Scooby from her house 600 feet away, tell him to stop barking, and he will do it. He is actually a wonderful doggie, and so are the others, but if Scooby tells them to bark, they will bark, and loudly! It is a bark that has a tone of alert in it, like a sirene, or alarm sounding. I love the doggies and I don't mind them barking. I did get up in the middle of the night and told Scooby to stop barking because I was afraid it would make our daughter angry! Anyway, he stopped barking, but it took me a while to wake up to tell him to stop barking! When Carol comes home we will take Ringo back to our youngest daughter, and then Carol will help keep Scooby and Rand quiet, because she doesn't want our daughter angry about that either!
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