What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Mon May 06, 2013 10:43 pm

Business is kind of slow at the shop where I work so I took today off and did some maintenance at a store owned by some people that I know. They have a large used clothing store and I fixed a washing machine and some warehouse racking.Then I replaced ballasts in 6 florescent lights and re-routed some dryer vent lines to make them exhaust better.
I have to be back at the shop bright and early tomorrow as we have several large deliveries/installations that should keep us busy for the rest of the week. I really should be in bed by now but I am working on a new website that I hope to have live before the end of the week.As usual nothing is going smoothly but,in the long run this will turn out to be a good thing.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Mon May 06, 2013 10:48 pm

cecilleclemen wrote:today is Saturday here in the Philippines and is very hot because we are currently hitting the summer season....the roads are busy too because we live in the island of Panglao and tourist, local and foreign and coming in and out of the island....but it was a fun start for a weekend coz we been watching movies here at home with my nephews and other members of the family.....it was one the ways to spend the weekend with the family. :D

We still have a while before summer hits Canada but it has been a very nice spring lately I have not had time to watch many movies lately,something that I am looking forward to.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 07, 2013 8:52 am

It is funny, Smiley, because last spring while we were having really cold weather for that time of the year, you were having fairly nice weather. Now summer has not hit yet where you live, but it is hot here for this time of the year. It seems like this spring we have had a lot of reversals. First we had a period of pretty warm weather, and then all of a sudden we have ice freezing at night on the doggies' water! It is not as hot as July and August gets, but it is hot for this time of the year! Then who knows what will happen in the weeks to come!

We watched a homesteading house movie a few days ago that dates back to 2001, and in Rock Creek Montana after they had planted their gardens and had garden plants coming up, they had some pretty deep snow and cold temperatures! Of course that is not far from Billings and Bozeman, Montana. My brother lived out of Bozeman, up from Galatin Gateway and worked on that ranch, I think it is the Flying D, that Ted Turner owns now. This was in the 1950s, and a rich lady from California owned it at the time, and a friend of our family managed it. Anyway during the winter there when my brother was there they had 40 below zero Farenheiht temperatures during the winter. I think that ranch was 100,000 acres! They had some sharecropers there too who had land on the percentage, and then there were a lot of dairies around that vacinity, and that is where I first saw the dairy farmers playing music to their cows so that they would be more relaxed and give their milk down better! This reminds me of a really funny thing I saw on facebook. This little kid with a screwed up look on his face said that he caught his Dad stealing some of his milk from his Mom! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 07, 2013 9:08 am

Yesterday because of changing the air cleaner on the car I ran later than I wanted for walking because of warmer temperatures and my big doggie Scooby having trouble dealing with the heat. I carried water for him, and the other doggie, Rand, so it worked okay, but he really slowed his pace as the walk commenced and as the sun felt warmer! This morning I got up earlier, and I am almost ready to walk. I have our youngest daughter border Colley dog here as she is gone to California, and Carol is helping out by hauling our granddaughter to her college classes. I have her doggie up here because he another of your daughter's doggie get in fights and try to kill each other, literally. It took a while for wounds to heal from the last fight they got into. Our daughter's doggie, Ringo, is a pretty good doggie, but he doesn't get along with all doggies. He gets along good with my huge doggie, Scooby, and he gets along well with Rand, except they did get into a fight yesterday as Rand was not going to let Ringo come through the door. It was not a serious fight, just a little biting and growling. But, last night they got into a huge fight, and I had to do some kicking to get them apart. I didn't kick hard enough to hurt either of them, but it did help to separate them. What happened was that Ringo thought he should guard the food dish, and Rand wanted to eat some of it! I keep all the food in front of Rand and he just eats what he wants and needs, and he will eat no more, but some dogs will eat until they die. I have to ration Ringo's food because our daughter feeds him only a certain amount each day, and I think he would eat too much if it were left up to him. I know how much food Scooby needs to eat, and I feed him the maximum, and once in a while he leaves some of his food and then I know I have feed him too much. Then I will usually skip one of his meals, and if it happens more than once then I will feed him less! We have banti chickens just on the other side of the doggie's fence, and at first Scooby would bark at them, and they would go crazy, but now they pay no attention to him at all. Ringo loves to case the chickens and bark at them, but they are not used to him, so that disturbs them! Animals are funny! After the food fight last night Ringo sat around and growled, and Rand avoided him! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Wed May 08, 2013 7:52 pm

It has been a beautiful couple of weeks and it looks like the great weather is going to continue. It has been mid 70`s for a while and that is starting to creep up towards the 80`s.That is my favorite weather but I actually prefer the heat of a summer day over the snow and cold of winter. Today it was 78F ,I would love such weather all year round.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Wed May 08, 2013 8:03 pm

I was pretty busy at the shop today,I rebuilt an Imperial 2burner/oven/griddle,dealt with several customers,and repaired a commercial coffee system. That made for a full day. Now ,at home I have just finished transferring the domain of my new website to my hosting. My online endeavors will soon give me a lot more freedom in regards to where I spend my time.I was planning to be in the Philippines right now but had to scrap those plans to take care of some responsibilities. I think that I will still make it this year.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 08, 2013 10:52 pm

I know what you mean, Smiley, by scraping your plans to be in the Philippines in favor of something you needed to do. I was invited to return to the Philippines with my friends again in 2011, but that could not have come at a worse time, so all I can say is that it was not meant to be. I would love to return to the Philippines, but the time and circumstances need to be right for me, so that I feel good about going and being there. I am still dreaming, and one day I will do it, the Lord willing!

Smiley we have had warmer day temperatures than that. I didn't even look at the thermometer; I was afraid to! Not really; joking! But it is now almost 10 p.m. and it is almost 80 degrees Fareignhiet sp?, in the house as a result of our very warm day! The heat really bothers Carol, and she is in the valley driving our granddaughter to her college classes while our daughter, her mother is in California for a couple of weeks. It is at least 10 degrees warmer in the valley than it is here the year around. That is nice this time of the year, but in December and January 10 degrees colder with the wind blowing is really cold!

Actually the heat or the cold neither bother me. I love winter as well as summer, and I am different that way from most people. My son-in-law hates winter, and cries all winter long about how cold it is, and how his joints hurt. I don't feel too sorry for him or our daughter either because they have not been very nice to me! :( But then to live by the Bible I am not supposed to take pleasure in their troubles, but it is kind of hard not to feel happy when they have hard times. That is a terrible admition, but I struggle with that. I am suppose forgive and forget regardless of what they have done to me, or what they continue to do to me. If I forgive then I am free! If I don't forgive, then I am a prisoner! Oh, well, maybe in years to come things will get better, or some of us will die with hard feelings! But I need to make sure that I don't have the hard feelings. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sat May 11, 2013 11:58 am

Bad day!
I feel bad not for me but for my auntie. Talking about honesty, my auntie is just being cheated by a guy that is suppose to meet her in PI. Guys that are hiding some facts like simple flight details means that they are going to meet more than just one lady. Especially for those calling themselves "christians" shame on them.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sat May 11, 2013 11:12 pm

Lies tend to multiply.My last relationship finally got to the point where I could not believe anything that she said anymore.After I ended it,evidence proved that she had also been cheating. Fidelity and trust are very important to me.Without both you really have nothing worth keeping.Nobody deserves to be lied to and disrespected.When sombody takes measures to conceal the truth,you can be sure that it is because he/she has something to hide.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sun May 12, 2013 6:41 am

Smiley wrote:Lies tend to multiply.My last relationship finally got to the point where I could not believe anything that she said anymore.After I ended it,evidence proved that she had also been cheating. Fidelity and trust are very important to me.Without both you really have nothing worth keeping.Nobody deserves to be lied to and disrespected.When sombody takes measures to conceal the truth,you can be sure that it is because he/she has something to hide.

yep i agree to that. some people hide some facts becuase they are ashamed of it. I believe in truth will set you free. makes you feel better when you have nothing to hide. I wish all people are like that.
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