What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun May 12, 2013 11:15 am

Another thing that I like about telling the truth is that I don`t have to remember everything I say! ;)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun May 12, 2013 7:18 pm

Yes, Smiley, if you are telling the truth the story will remain the same, and you won't have to try to remember which story you told last time!

Red, I can't say enough how sorry I am for you and your Aunt that this has been happening to you all. Our friend in the late 1990s was a collect and select guy. He was not trying to be a Christian at the time, so whatever he figured was good for him is what he did. He subscribed to "Cherry Blossoms," and he got a romance going with 3 different fillipinas, I think one was working in Honk Kong, and he wrote to them for a period of time before making his trip to the Philippines and Hong Kong. He deceived each one about what was going on with the other one, and he made his trip to the Philippines and had sex with each one of them so that he could make a good selection. In the course of events each found out about the others. He told me later than he was afraid one of them was going to commit suicide over the deal because she was not selected, and she was highly disappointed! His now wife, tried to pond him off onto one of her friends, because she did not want to be with someone who would do that sort of thing. She changed her mind, married him, and he has become a Christian, so things have changed. Carol chewed him out for those actions, and he ended up marrying one, and discarding two of them, one being really damaged by the experience. It is very sad when that happens. He is very sorry now that he ever did that, but he and his filipina wife have a good marriage, a house here, and a new house in the Philippines, so everything is wonderful now, but he regrets that he did that with 3 filipina ladies!
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun May 12, 2013 8:45 pm

All too often there is no remorse though. Your friend matured and became more responsible(still doesn`t make what he did any more acceptable) but too many,both men and women would just Hi-five their friends and laugh about what they had gotten away with and maybe even plan a bigger game for next time.
If any woman ever pulled crap like that on me it would not go well at all.I would expect any decent woman to be just as unforgiving as I would feel.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 13, 2013 12:25 am

Yes, our friend did mature a lot. He cried when he told me about the 3 ladies, and we really already knew that because he had talked about it years before, but I think his conscience was still bothering him thinking about how badly he had hurt these people. Before they were married he told me that under no circustance he would send any of his money to the Philippines! He has come to realize that his filipina and her families are his families, and he loves them, so he has sent lots of money to the Philippines. He is also a very giving person. He gives people money who are begging even when the families are advising him not to do that; he can't help himself; he has a big heart. He has also gone from taking a book out of his pocket and reading prayers to actually praying his prayers out of his heart. So his progress is really neat, and he is a different person in many ways.

I was sad that on Mother's Day Carol and I could not be together, but I am kind of stuck here with a pickup tire that has gone pancake flat, an extra doggie to take care of, and complications that keep me her while Carol is about 25 miles from here. She will be there until next Sunday. I am afraid that I might run out of milk, and if I do I will try to hand pump up that tire, and see if I can make it to town with it. I will also try to find a spare tire that I know I have here somewhere, a jack, and a lug wrench so that I can change it if it fails; then I will get it repaired when I get to town. If I do that I will bring back about 50 concrete blocks to put under my fence cow wire panels. That will keep the wire off the ground, and it will give another 8 inches tall, which will be a total of 58 inches, which is a lot taller than what I have now. The present fence holds the doggie, but it is weak enough that I worry about it with my huge great swiss mountain doggie. The wire on this fence is very light gage, and it would not take much for him to crash right through it, but he is a very good doggie, and doesn't care about getting out. The old fence that is up now goes in a circle, because I just used what wire I had and made it go as far as it would. The new fence will be heavy 4 gage wire, and it will be square with our house, also inclosing the back of our house, which was partially Carol's idea, and I liked it. So it will be strong with railroad ties for posts, and it will look really nice! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Mon May 13, 2013 3:27 pm

Yesterday was Mother's day So I visited My Mom .. She is 89 years young . But sadly She is slowing down a bit ..She has trouble with Her memory and I dislike Her Doctor . I do not feel he is giving her the right medicine for her needs . But one of My Sisters was their as was My Brother and their Loved ones . They still give Me a bad time about being single . But I know that They all Love Me .. They also know that After my Divorce I have been a Very cautious Guy around the Ladies .. I will take My Time . I know that if I went to The Philippines I would Likely come back married .Yes I am tired of being alone but then again rushing into marraige just to be married is not the answer either . I had hoped to be in Cebu or Bohol by now but things have not worked out the way I wanted .. I will trust in the Lord and Hope for the best
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Wed May 15, 2013 8:09 pm

We have new Mayor now. He was the mayor in 2003 until 2007. Quite disappointing.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Wed May 15, 2013 10:50 pm

I went Back to work today at a Different Job But For the same Company .. I think it will take some getting use to , I will Hope and Pray . I can do No More
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 15, 2013 11:14 pm

I am alone since last Sunday! I don't like to be alone, but I am dealing with it! It is a sacrifice, as our daughter went to California to get one of her doggies bred! So, Carol is in town driving our granddaughter to her college classes. I have a flat tire on my pickup, and I don't have a very good way to pump it up, but if it were an emergency I could find a spare tire, mount it, drive it down, have the tire repaired, bring some concrete blocks back, but I am going to try to tough it out, because I can haul amost as many concrete blocks with our Van, and it will cost me less to drive it than the pickup, and I am trying to cut costs! I am almost to run out of milk, but I think I will make it, barely. I am almost to run out of dog food also, and we have one of our daughter's doggies here, but I think I will make it. I also found a small sack of dog food that mice or rats carried under the house and I swept it up. It is mixed with bird food, dirt, insulation, small pieces of garbage, so I am having to clean it, but I tested it on Scooby tonight, just a little, and he will eat it, so that will make the dog food go further, and I can feed them enough to keep them from feeling hungry, and that is important. I don't have much to eat here, but I will make it. I eat cooked oatmeal, raisins, and milk for breakfast, then 1/2 slice of bread and some lettuce for lunch, I am running out of lettuce, but I have celery and red, yellow/orange peppers, so I will be fine even after I run out of lettuce. I eat peanut butter, honey, and drink milk for supper. I also eat 1/4 of bar of dark chocolate semi sweetened with each meal, so I will be fine. I have been getting up more than an hour earlier than I normally do to get started walking with the doggies before it gets hot, but that last few days it has actually been cold, and I have been wearing a coat in the house during the day. Towards evening I get too warm for that coat and shed it. I am feeling sorry for myself, but I will be okay. Because of keeping one of our youngest daughter's doggies, the doggies have gotten into 4 fights, and one was really serious. I had to lift the doggie I am keeping by the back of the neck and back almost as high as my head and they were still trying to bite each other. When it was over both doggies were limping, but my daughter told me that her doggie was injured when he was a pup, so his limping was natural, and our doggie Rand was limping and bleeding. The other doggie tore his leg open, but it was not real severe,a nd he walked with me the next morning 6.5 miles, so he is okay also. For just a short time it traumatized me, but after that I was fine. Every time I have something bad happen I call Carol and talk with her, and then I feel better. I certainly would not want to live alone any longer than necessary! But I will be fine until Monday, and then Carol will be back! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 15, 2013 11:24 pm

crisipicada wrote:We have new Mayor now. He was the mayor in 2003 until 2007. Quite disappointing.

Crisi, I figured you were pretty disappointed from the way you wrote about this before. I am sorry about that. You see the history from 2003 until 2007, and it was not good. Then you get someone in who will be a change for the better, and then shortly you lose that person, and back to the inferior management! I am sorry! :(

Many of us here in the USA felt the same way about going from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. Bush stood for Christan principles, opposed abortion and stood for righteousness. He did not allow enemies of God and other countries to push us around. Then we got Obama, and I could not believe that the American people elected a pro communist, pro muslim, pro abortion, pro gay rights, and anti Christian such as Obama. Then Obama was up for re-election, and I could not believe that the American people would put him in office for a second term! I am so thankful that Presidents of the USA are only allowed 2 terms! My niece gave an acceptance speech from Boeing in North Seattle, said it was the most important thing she had ever done in her life, and my neice and Obama hugged each other, and it just made me sick at my stomach that my family who claims to be Chrstians would give their support to a traitor to our country such as Obama! Oh, well, God is still in control, and the Devil will not go any further than what God allows him to!
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Fri May 17, 2013 8:08 pm

Crisi I am sorry about Your Mayor .. I agree with Edwin I was not a Big Bush fan But Obummer ?? California where i live voted for Obama every chance they got . I Hate his Anti Christian views . I was born a Christian and I will Die One .
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