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Postby wayne208 » Mon May 13, 2013 3:31 pm

I Saw Iron Man 3 the other day . It was in 3D and pretty good .. I am sure most of the guys would like it .. It has a Lot of action in it . ;)
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Postby Edwin » Wed May 15, 2013 11:35 pm

The last two movies I have watched were, "True Women," and "While You Were Sleeping. "True Women" is based on a historical novel, involving Texas before it was a state, and Santa Anna, the Mexican invation of Texas, the Alamoe, and went right up to the Civil War. It was quite dramatic, included racial abuse, sickness, and death, but it was based on real things that happened.

The other movie, "While You Were Sleeping," was a fun romance by Sandra Bullock. It was about this fare collector who pulled a guy off the train tracks, saving his life! A misunderstanding caused everyone to think that she was engaged to the guy who was in a coma. She was alone, and having all the attention from this family made her feel really good. She didn't tell them the difference because the godfather told her, if she told them like it was, the grandma would probably have a heart attack. While Peter was in a coma, Peter's brother and Lucy fell in love, and at the end of the movie they got married, and went off to Paris on their honeymoon, which was her life long dream. It was filled with good humor and fun to watch! :lol: :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 17, 2013 4:19 pm

We did not even have a television in our home when I was growing up as my family that I grew up in considered watching television to be evil. When I was in elementary school I would stop sometimes by the neighbor's house, on my way home from school and watch cartoons. They had a daughter that I liked, and we played together, but she was not really my girlfriend, just a friend. My Dad came home unexpectedly from work one day, and I thought that I would probably get a whipping with the razor strap, but to my amazement, Dad said, "Get to the barn and do your chores." That was one of two times that I thought I was in trouble and nothing happened! The other time was when I talked back/sassed my Mom! We did not do that without getting into trouble. We were still on the gravel road, going to the highway with was about 1/2 mile from our house. Dad slammed on the brakes, slid the car to a stop, turned around, looked at me for one minute, but it seemed like an eternity, then straightened back around in the car, and down the road we went. I was amazed that I did not get slapped in the face, or something worse!

My younger brother came from California, brought a television set, put it in the living room, and Mom and Dad were so happy to see him, have him there, that nothing was said about the television, and we watched it all the time he was there visiting. After he left, Dad, and I don't remember, but I probably helped him, we carried that television out and put it in the grainery where we ground grain for the cows! It stayed there after that!

When Carol and I got married, she brought a television into our house, and we got several of them after that when we wanted a bigger or better one. We enjoyed watching, especially the country western singers on television, as well as Christian broadcasting. Mom and Dad even watched Neil Armstrong on our television, walking on the moon! Mom and Dad never had a television as long as they were alive! :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 17, 2013 4:33 pm

Talking about this made me think of times at home when I was a little boy, playing with the neighbor girl, who really wasn't my girlfriend, but we had a lot of fun together, and then another little neighbor girl who decided she was my girlfriend, and we hugged and kissed and had a good time. We were only first graders in school, 6 years old, but I still remember the fun that we had. She would come play with me out in the barn also, and I would push her in the manure cart that was on a cable, and we also had more fun in the hay playing, jumping out of the loft, and having a good time. Well, here I am telling stories again about my early enjoyments and romances. I had another girlfriend a couple of years later when we were in the 3rd grade, and the teach taught us all to dance, and that was fun, except we didn't believe in dancing, and I was not supposed to be dancing with anyone, and I think that is what made it even more fun. Forbidden fruit tastes good, but be careful because often there is a bitter after taste!

I lived with my older brother and his family part of the time, because had lots of acres of wheat, and I was his main employee when I was in high school and Bible College. Part of the time I figured it was not right to watch television, so even with it on in the room, I would not look at it! I was not going to yield to temptation! That was before Carol and I were marred, because after we were married, we started watching television on a regular basis, and I got hooked and became a television addict! When we moved in 1998 into the Cascade Mountain Range, the National Park, there was no television reception unless you had a dish, so no more television, and we got weaned off from it. Even after we retured we could have hooked up the television with an antanae, but we decided we didn't need it. During those years in the National Park we watched VHSs and DVDs. When we moved back I kept myself busy playing the piano, and didn't watch anything on the television. Just since last winter Carol has gotten me started watching movies again, VHSs, and mainly DVDs. In the two weeks Carol has been gone watching movies has helped me pass the time, and have something interesting to watch, most of the time. :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 17, 2013 4:48 pm

A couple of days ago I watched "Bernie," which is a movie about an assistant funeral director, a rich lady, and a district attorny. Burnie was wonderful, playing the piano and singing at funerals. He was almost like a minister with the funerals as well as comforting the little old ladies who lost their husbands to death. He was wonderful, and everyone in the town in East Texas fell in love with him. He never married, but just had this wonderful social life, singing and directing musicals for the community, as well as other community functions. He started helping the rich lady, who was really mean to everyone in the community, only she liked Bernie, and he worked for her, drove her around, went with her places. She started being mean to him, was possessive of his time, was jealous of anyone else that he showed any attention to, and demanded all of his attention and efforts to helping her with all kinds of projects. She taught him to shoot a gun, and she drove him crazy until he shot her 5 times in the back, and put her body in the freezer. He went on with life as usual for 6 months telling people she was not well, and telling some she was in a home in another town. After six months her family and the sherrif did a search, found her body, and took him to trial. He probably would have gotten off easily, but the trial was move to another town where they were not sympathetic to him, so he got a harsh sentence, not being eligible for parole for many years.

This was a true story, and really did happen in a small town in East Texas, and it was very sad that it did happen!

I also watched "A Little Bit of Heaven," which has some very good humor in it, but it was a chronicle of this young lady's life the last few months that she lived, dying of cancer, so while funny, it was also very sad! Whoopi Goldberg, Rosemarie DeWitt, and Kathy Bates were also in the movie. :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 17, 2013 4:55 pm

I also watched an old movie, "How to Stuff A Wild Bikini," which sounds like a sleezy movie, but it is not. It was made a year after I graduated from high school, so it was in my era. I was aware of these scene, but it was not my scene, as I didn't even dance, watch television, or go to movies! We considered all of those things to be sin, so we stayed away from that scene! Micky Roony plays in it as well as several other popular actors and actresses, including, Annette Funicello and others with whom I am not familiar. It was kind of fun to watch the kids dancing on the beach to the music of my era, playing on the beach, and having motorcyle races. It was quite entertaining! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Edwin » Sat May 18, 2013 4:59 pm

When I was out walking with my doggies, the 6.5 miles, I usually get the mail on the way back in to the house after finishing walking. But since I am walking earlier sometimes the mail does not come before I am heading back to the house. Twice lately I have turned around with the doggies, and walked back to get the mail, and one time I was almost home, and it doesn't bother me, because what is one more quarter of a mile after walking 6.5 miles! Twice now I have come home, put Scooby away, and then gone back to get the mail. The other time, I was sitting watching a movie, and I saw the mail man's pickup truck go by out on the County Road. I thought I would do that today, but I think I went to sleep for a few minutes when the mail man went by. Finally I decided to walk back down, because at 12:30 p.m. I could not believe that the mail had not come. It had come evidently while I was sleeping. I picked the only time when it was actually raining hard to walk back down, and I got wet, but it is warm enough so that my clothes are already mostly dry, and it is 3:45 p.m.!

There was a movie in the mail, so I came home and watched it. Earlier I watched a movie, "Mr. Imperium," which was about an actress falling in love with a man, she later learned with an Italian Prince. His father died, so he became the king. They had no contact for 10 years, and then he showed up next to the room that the actress was staying in. They were both in love, and he was determined to abdicate his throne so he could marry her. His cabinet was going to force his son to be the king in his absence, and he decided that it would harm his son's life if that happened, and he didn't even want to be king. But under this pressure he told his actress sweetheart goodbye, and returned to continue his duty as king. The movie has some good acting in it. Debbie Reynolds and Marjorie Main are two actresses in the movie, and I love seeing Marjorie Main in anything. She is somewhat like John Candy; one of a kind and always brings a smile to your face!

The movie I brought home was "Sundays at Tiffany's." It is a feel good romantic story that is fun to watch. This little girl had a friend who was supposed to be imaginary. Twenty years later he returned, reconnected with her, and they had more fun with each other than you could imagine. She was planning to marry this other important star, but after she got down the isle, she told him that she did not love him, ending the wedding before the vows were exchanged. She reconnected with her childhood friend, and it was love everafter! It was fun to watch that movie, and the royalty movie as well. :D :D
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Postby Smiley » Sun May 19, 2013 6:01 pm

On YouTube I found several episodes of "The Real McCoys" A real blast from the past! :lol:
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Postby Edwin » Sun May 19, 2013 9:21 pm

I didn't watch television much when the Real McCoys were on, but I remember a few episodes, and they were fun to watch!

I have been alone long enough that I have watched all the movies that were borrowed from the library, except "Colonial House," and "1940s House," and I am waiting on those because Carol wants to watch them with me. She says it is for fun to watch them with me, and it is more fun to watch movies with someone else. You can laugh together at the jokes, and just enjoy the humor together.

One of the movies, "Suindays at Tiffany's" I have watched twice, and I think I am going to watch it a 3rd time. It is about these childhood friends, little boy and little girl, who get separated for 20 years, then get back together when they are 30 years old. It is a fun story that makes me feel fuzzy inside, so I will watch it one more time before I return it tomorrow!

Maybe its not reality always, but I like the "lived happily everafter stories!" :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Wed May 22, 2013 5:00 pm

We have watched several of these movies where PBS sponsored and supported them. They were about experiental living, going back in time, and experience what earlier people have in times past. We watched one about homesteaders in Montana who were claiming land, building building, improving it, and it was fun to watch that. There were a lot of hardships and people didn't always get along really well, but they all survived, and the end report was that they probably wouldn't have made it through the severe winter in Montana as they spent their resources living for the present, and they didn't work hard enough preparing for winter. We also watched one of large household in England where servants and masters lived in the early 1900s. It was also very interesting. They had trouble keeping the Sullery maids because the work was too hard, and they didn't have enough time off to recuperate. There was a lot of grumbling in that one about the way people worked or didn't work, and the way they were treated. We watched one "Colonial House," where the families, the dentured servants, and the freepeople all attempted to make settlements, like they did in the 1600s. Life was hard for them, and they had to deal with Indians that they worried about how friendly the situation might be. They had a governor who had trajedy at home, so he and his family had to leave twice. They had trouble enforcing their law for Sabboth Attentance, and other laws that seem too strick for people of our day, but the evaluation was that they would have succeeded. Then we just finished watching "!940's House," which was about a family, mother, father, daughter, and her two daughters who lived like they had to during WWII during the bombing raids in England. They had to use rations for everything, and really didn't have enough of everything. They had to build a bomb shelt and spend part of their time in it. They were worn out, hungry, and dirty a lot of the time, but they did pretty well anyway. They worked out their differences during the experimental life they were living, and it was quite interesting! :D :D
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