What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat May 18, 2013 11:02 pm

This is the end of two weeks of being alone, and having Carol down over the hill driving our granddaughter to her college classes. I would have love to have gone down there for visits part of the time, but a few things complicate that. First of all it costs me enough money to drive my pickup that I don't want to unless I have to haul something and need to go, but just for transportation it costs too much money to drive it. Now I have a flat tire on the back, and I don't have a good way to pump it up, only with a hand pump that doesn't work very well. Then I would need to dig out the spare tire and tools to change it so that I would not get stranded. It is 25 miles to town!

The reason I have our youngest daughter's border collie here is that he doesn't get along with other dogs, and I have already had him fighting with our two doggies her. I have figured out how to manage them so that there are no fights, but it is the easiest and the least complicated to just stay here, so that is what I am doing! I am running out of some of the food I have been eating, but I will be okay anyway. I thought I might run out of milk, but I think I am going to have enough milk to make it. I am running short on dog food, but I talked to Carol on the phone, and she suggested that I cook enough oatmeal to feed them, so for tomorrow and Monday morning here comes the oatmeal for the doggies!

I have been watching a lot of movies, walking 6.5 miles each day, playing the piano a lot, and doing this, so I am okay, and Monday morning I am really going to be happy to see Carol return! Then we will go back to town, buy dog food and chicken feed, and concrete blocks for the bottom of our back yard fence, and we will head back up the hill! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Sun May 19, 2013 3:51 pm

Edwin I had a sore back today so I didn't get much done .. I did get the Wash done as I needed Clean clothes for work . I use to have a McNabb Shepard and He did not get along well with Other Dogs either . But He was Great at Protecting the House . A McNabb is a Border Collie with a Bobbed tail and He weighed around 65 Pounds . All Of it Muscle . Or so It seemed to Me and the Dogs that Were Stupid enough to Fight Him . He was Stolen from Me and that was 50 years ago and I am still Looking for Him or his Great Great Grand Son's . I do know one thing My Dog was a Lot smarter then Me . Have a Good day Edwin . :D And good Luck with Your Border Collie
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun May 19, 2013 5:34 pm

One of my favorite dogs was a Border Collie/coyote mix named Whisky. Very smart and very funny.This dog could do just about anthing except play cards and I think that was just because she took too long to shuffle.My ex gf took her when we split.Made good sense to me as they are both young and I hope to be a lot more mobile in the very near future.It would not be fair to the dog if I kept her.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun May 19, 2013 9:12 pm

We drove to this town that is about 30 miles or so from here, and one of our closest towns, and Ringo, the border collie was waiting for our youngest daughter to get him. Someone had seen him begging at the grocery store, and it was very sad, but her husband almost killed her, and she had no choice but to run from him, and the dog got left behind. He was sitting by the uncles car who used to own him, and when we picked him up he was so happy to see us that he talked all the way home! He is a very good doggie, but he does pick fights! He guard the food which causes trouble. When another of your daughter's dogs is playing with Rand, he wants to protect that dog, so he growls, just as he does with the food. That dog, and my big doggie Scooby are the dogs that he gets along with the best. There was something about me playing with Ringo with the water that made Scooby mad. Carol thinks it is because Rand and Scooby think I am their master, and they don't want me to play with any other dogs, or those dogs get into trouble. Scooby usually gets along with all dogs, so I was really surprised when he attacked Ringo, and Rand was biting Ringo through the fence. It was bad enough that the monster dog had attacked him, but he had Rand helping him also. It is fun to play with Ringo with the water. Ringo attacks the water, and bites at it. He does that until he is choking from the water! He just loves water. He does the same thing with the sprinker also! Our daughter has a pit boxer mix, and when Ringo and that dog get together both dogs loose skin and end up crippled, so that is why I am keeping Ringo while our daughter is gone. I have figured out how to manage to keep from having any more dog fights! I hear you wayne when you say that your dog was a lot smarter than you! There was lots of trouble here until I figured out these dogs! But now everything is cool, and tomorrow we will take Ringo to his home. But, maybe I am wise for the next time! Ringo loves to find girlfriends, and our daughter jokes that Ringo has children all over Nespelem!

Border Collies can be quite protective. The maintenance supervisor, who was also a good friend from the National Park had 2 of those dogs, and I walked up on them when they were in the back of their pickup truck, and they acted like they would like to eat me alive!

You have a good day, both wayne and Smiley! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 20, 2013 2:19 am

Tried to stay healthy but last night I was not really okay. Been trying to neglect my fever but now I got fever really.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Mon May 20, 2013 7:36 pm

Crisi Get well Soon as We all Miss it when You do not post . Edwin I had a Small Poodle mixed that Was as Mean as they come All 15 Pounds of him . When he was in My Car or Truck I knew it was safe from Everyone . Edwin I Would never get near a Truck with a Border Collie in the Back .. Like You said they are Very Protective .. Work was Good today and I am getting More use to the Computer they Have Me trying to work with ?? Like they say You Cannot Teach an Old Dog New Tricks .. I fear they could be right . :(
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 21, 2013 12:54 am

This is funny about dogs and tricks! :lol: Our doggie Rand can catch tennis balls in mid air. I throw them, and he catch, and he is really good. He can catch ones that are not even headed straight at him by twisting his body. If I raise at tennis ball above my head, sits and stares at the ball until I drop it. He loves it also when I use two balls, and he tries to control both of them which is very difficult. He will put one underneath the front of his body and hold the ball. If one ball is out away from him, and he thinks I might kick it, then he will put one of this front paws on my foot. He is very smart. Scooby only knows to carry the balls and he loves to do that, but leave a tennis ball out with him and he will chew it to pieces!

Carol arrived home just as I was finished walking. We then went back to town for dog food, vitamins, milk, and concrete blocks. I laid out 3 sections of concrete blocks for the fence, and there are 13 wire panels, so I only have 10 to go! I will get there eventually though, and that is fine. The fence as it is, is fine, but it runs in a circle, as that is all the wire I had to go that far, and it is a little floppy in places, but Scooby is not hard to fence in, even though he is a giant doggie. Our daughter who lives here near to us is afraid all the time that he will get out, but he won't. She also wants a straight square fence, because she is concerned about how the fence looks. This fence that I am putting up will be very strong, and straight. Our youngest daughter's comment was that I was building a fence for a buffalo! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Tue May 21, 2013 4:32 pm

Today was Not My Best day Ever .. My Back started acting up at Work .. So home I went due to the Pain . I always thought Guys were fibbing to get out of work .. I sure wish I could work at My Old Job Again . Edwin good luck on that fence and take it Slow and Easy . You do not want to hurt Your Back .
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 22, 2013 5:23 pm

I will have to admit that I have been eating better since Carol returned. The two weeks she was gone I ate cooked oatmeal, raisins/crasins, and milk for breakfast, lettuce and 1/2 slice of bread for lunch, and peanut butter, honey, and milk for supper. What I ate was good food, but now we are eating more variety. Since Carol returned I have been getting out later to walk with the doggies, as she doesn't like to get out of bed, but the weather has been cooler, so it is okay anyway. When it gets hot again, I will have to do something different because Scooby can't take the heat. With it cold and raining, it is almost like winter again, which is strange. I started the wood burning pellet stove a couple of hours ago! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri May 24, 2013 1:10 am

This was a different day! We went to town today because Carol got her social security, and she wanted to buy some groceries. I carried the calculator so we would not over spend. Then I and our youngest daughter went to the courthouse to change a car's title over to her name. She bought it almost brand new when she was a young teenager, and then she was not able to pay, so good old Dad took the car and the payments. I drove that car lots of miles teaching school out of town. Then we loaned the car to one of our other daughters, and after she didn't need it any more we got it back, drove it some more. Here we really only need one car and a pickup truck, as we are going the same place when we go, so it has sat here not being driven for 5 years. I would start it once in a while, and I kept the battery charged until something happened to that battery and also killed my battery charger. It would have cost me more to bring that car into good repair to be able to sell it than I could get out of it, and our youngest daughter wanted the car, so I just gave it to her. She has a friend that will repair that car for very little, and then our granddaughter will have a car to get her license with! I used it to teach my nephew's filipina wife to drive, and now my kids will enjoy that car, and I really needed to get rid of it anyway, so it is a good deal for all of us.

We got some groceries and got 33 concrete blocks and hauled them home to put under the fence wire panels. Now I have 6 out of 13 finished, so I am getting there! :D :D
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