Online Drama

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Online Drama

Postby Smiley » Sun May 26, 2013 11:18 am

I really hope that some of the ladies who have been beginning to post here are not feeling doubts about the group due to the drama on a couple of threads lately.
The internet can be a wonderful tool but it is not without its own dark little corners.Every once in awhile some sick little person will hide behind a number of names for the purpose of simply causing trouble.This mindset is very similar to a vandal.These people are not equipped to establish real relationships and become jealous of those that do.Rather than look inward to come to terms with their problems they instead lash out,perhaps thinking that by bringing others down they will have become more equal.
It is a sad truth that these poor souls exist but there is really not much that we can do except keep them on a short leash.
We should feel sorry for these people,perhaps remember them in prayer because they must be very unhappy and lonely

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Re: Online Drama

Postby Edwin » Sun May 26, 2013 11:50 pm

Yes, Smiley, I too hope that these ladies will not be discouraged about some of the stuff that has been written lately, and that they will realize that these opinions are not opinions of the majority of us here.

I do think that there are some people who just enjoy trouble, and they will make any kind of irrational statements to pick a fight. Then some of their multiple personalities will get on, making it seem that there are a number of people who believe that way, when in truth, from past experience it has been just one person causing all the problems, and in the past that person has been a low life scum who was actually involved in criminal activities!

In the past this person who did these things was actually bating people, trying to get their personal information, so that he could damage people, and I can only imagine what might have happened if he would have gotten enough information to send viruses and so on. I know he was involve in illegal bad actions, but I don't know the extent of that.

Yes, Smiley nice is what we want here. We don't want anyone belittled, or bad things said about an entire group of people. We want it kept positive, so everyone can have a good time, feel good about themselves, and be valued for who they are. We don't want opinions expressed that put people in a bad light, thinking and saying the worst, which is not true for the majority, but pay attention so some of things that have been written lately and you would get the idea that those things being said are true of the entire group.

I still want to believe that most people want to do what is right, and that they will not do harm. Most people are wonderful, and they have nothing but good intentions. This is like they are innocent until proven guilty. And if one in 1000 is guilty, you don't say those thousand people are like the guilty person.

I do hope and pray that we can have a nicer trend in posting than what has happened lately, and that everyone will realize that some of these people have been saying a lot of mostly one line of reasoning which is not true anyway! :D :D
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Re: Online Drama

Postby red » Mon May 27, 2013 1:48 pm

hmmm did i miss something here? i did not know there was a drama Perhaps i dont read every post here ha ha....
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Re: Online Drama

Postby Edwin » Mon May 27, 2013 4:21 pm

Red, do you remember what was happening with Madmanilanman, Manilamadman, Ron McFee (I think that was his name?), BigBlastGuy, Gold JackAss, and now DannyJones! These are all one or two people using all those names. They get on bash filipinas, say horrible things about them, then one of the other, who is actually the same person gets on and aggrees with them, making it appear that there are a whole group of people doing that when it is mostly one person doing it. Then if you try to pin one of them down, they act really stupid, like, "I don't know what is happening, or in DannyJones case, when he asked Smiley, "What subject are you referring to, when he knew full well what subject was being referred to, because he is the one who brought it up, and kept hammering on it, when everyone was wishing that he would just shut his mouth!

My theory is that BigBlastGuy, Goldjackass, and DannyJones are all the same person, just there to bash filipinas and cause all the trouble possible. He is an offensive person who is onesided and not interested in the truth. He is saying that for a filipina love is finding a western guy who will support all of the filipina's extended family. Love only has to do with money, and he goes so far as to say God ordained it that way. He says that the filipina and the western guy get married, and then she springs it on him that he has to support her extended family, and then that causes their marriage to fail. Manilmadman, or Ron McVee caused so much trouble and he was finally shut down. We had peace for while, then this started back up with BigBlastGuy, and now it continues with GoldJackass, and DannyJones. Mystic is working hard to try to bring us peace again, and we don't need people here, nor do we want them here who are BigBlastGuy, GoldJackAss, and DannyJones!

Most of this has been happening on "Searching For My Man," and that is probably why you missed it, Red. Before GoldJackAss used "Salary/Income, and various other posts were used before, and they were all used by one or two very rude people saying mean things!
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Re: Online Drama

Postby red » Tue May 28, 2013 11:22 am

Okay, thank you sir Edwin. I was right of what i thought on first hand. Well, whoever that guy using different names, he better just stopped and leave us all happy exchanging postings here. :x
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Re: Online Drama

Postby Smiley » Tue May 28, 2013 6:28 pm

He will be back,I`m pretty sure. We will just have to deal with lifes little speed bumps as they occur ;)
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Re: Online Drama

Postby Edwin » Wed May 29, 2013 12:47 am

Yes, Smiley and Red, we will be very happy inbetween the speed bumps! Then when they come we will deal with them. We really appreciate what Mystic is doing to help us in this area. I agree with you Red, they better leave us alone, so we can be happy while posting! :lol: :D
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Re: Online Drama

Postby Smiley » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:14 am

It looks like he is back already,I had been hoping that he would grow up a little but that is obviously too much to ask for :?
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Re: Online Drama

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:51 am

I'm sorry to hear that, Smiley, and hopefully mystic can remove him shortly, but it is an old story by now; he will be back around again disturbing us, and we will just have to do damage control, and hope that no one gets badly hurt in the process! :(
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Re: Online Drama

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:54 am

I am not sure why you think he has re-emerged, but all new member's posts have to be approved, and if either I or mystic think that a new poster is a troll (trouble maker), then we would not approve their posts.
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