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Postby chaychay644 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:11 am

Do you always apply the saying “Time is Gold”?

People everywhere, keep themselves busy everyday as the sun starts to shine. Busy streets & traffics among big cities is just an evident how busy people are everyday. Sometimes, you may experience getting late to work, class & other activities because of traffics, if not, it’s because of some other reasons.

Here in the Philippines, we have that “Filipino Time” wherein a certain activity is suppose to start at 8 AM, preferably it will start at 9 AM. This is very disgusting, especially if you still have plenty of things to do. But of course not all Filipinos have that attitude of “Filipino Time”.

There are still a lot out there who believe the saying “Time is Gold”. Do you really believe that Time is Gold? For me it is, coz whatever happens today may never happen again tomorrow. So make it a point to get the most fun moments out of your time. That is why we should learn to spend our time wisely & enjoy every moments of your life while you still can. Coz time may come, you can’t no longer do those things the way you wanted too. There are certain events like accidents etc.

So make every single day of your life precious for you to have beautiful memories as time goes along. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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Postby ms.sin17 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:13 am

I beLieve that time is gOLd. FOr me, it means we must treasure our time in spending Life here On Earth. Life is toO shOrt tO waste a singLe day. There are times that I regret sOmething I did, I just tell myseLf nOt dO it again but I keep On dOing sOmething wrOng still.. :cry: I just cOme after GOd afterwarDs and repent. I used tO read the BibLe in the past but sOmetimes I get bOred and I feel sOmething bad deep inside, what I feel is guiLty tOwards the LOrd, He LOves me and I cannOt LOve Him back with all my heart aLways.. :cry: I sOmetimes dOubt if I can give Him my Best LOve tO Him, I just hOpe I cOuLd because sOmetimes I cant make Him as my tOp priOrity.. I aLways asked Him tO have Mercy On me but actuaLLy He is aLways giving it tO me [its nOt just me thOugh.. its aLL Of us.. :P ] because if nOt I have been starving fOr food Or wOrse but in the cOntrary it is us whO dO nOt have the Mercy tO GOd.. We Often times asked sOmething fOr GOd nOt thinking that He aLsO want sOmething back frOm us, that is Our Best LOve.. SOmetimes, I think peOpLe are very seLfish in sOme matters.. Well, in the future I keep On trying tO deny myseLf and cOme after Him, in the past, I thOught it is very simpLe but as I am appLying it, I reaLized that it is very hard.. NOw, I must aLways cOnsider abOut the time.. that "Time is GOLd".. I must nOt waste any minute Of my time cause I cannOt get back in the time in which I was wrOng.. May GOd cOntinue His Grace and Mercy upOn us! :)
Everything eLse that is happening in the earth is tempOrary, yOu cOnsider, everything that is gOing On is just Vanity. . .
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Postby purex » Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:14 am

Time is gold because it wont get back when it is already passes by
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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Postby ms.sin17 » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:25 am

purex wrote:Time is gold because it wont get back when it is already passes by

Right! I guess it worths more than a gold because you can find for a gold but you can NEVER turn back the time that passed by..
Everything eLse that is happening in the earth is tempOrary, yOu cOnsider, everything that is gOing On is just Vanity. . .
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Postby ms.janiszewski » Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:19 pm

yeah...i tried...but when i come on time...they just make me wait so long...and it waste my time of waiting....

People everywhere, keep themselves busy everyday as the sun starts to shine. Busy streets & traffics among big cities is just an evident how busy people are everyday. Sometimes, you may experience getting late to work, class & other activities because of traffics, if not, it’s because of some other reasons.

Here in the Philippines, we have that “Filipino Time” wherein a certain activity is suppose to start at 8 AM, preferably it will start at 9 AM. This is very disgusting, especially if you still have plenty of things to do. But of course not all Filipinos have that attitude of “Filipino Time”.

There are still a lot out there who believe the saying “Time is Gold”. Do you really believe that Time is Gold? For me it is, coz whatever happens today may never happen again tomorrow. So make it a point to get the most fun moments out of your time. That is why we should learn to spend our time wisely & enjoy every moments of your life while you still can. Coz time may come, you can’t no longer do those things the way you wanted too. There are certain events like accidents etc.

So make every single day of your life precious for you to have beautiful memories as time goes along. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P[/quote]
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Postby mjsty » Sat May 01, 2010 4:12 am

Time is precious as gold, for we cant bring back yesterdays though its not like other properties that appreciate. I say that it is precious since the memories whether it is bad or good are worthy to be treasured. :geek: :geek:
"d0nt giVE UP jUst PRAY it w0rks!!!"
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Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:51 pm

We have a saying here, Indian time is any time. We live on an Indian Reservation. I am one sixteenth Cherokee Indian; not very much, huh?
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Postby ms.sin17 » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:45 pm

Time is gold because every second time is passing and you can't go back to change it so you must treasure every second of life.
Everything eLse that is happening in the earth is tempOrary, yOu cOnsider, everything that is gOing On is just Vanity. . .
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Postby NativeAmerican » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:42 pm

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day...living each day with purpose

little story
A young soldier and his commanding officer got on a train together. The only available seats were across from an attractive young woman who was traveling with her grandmother. As they engaged in pleasant conversation, the soldier and the young woman kept eyeing one another; the attraction was obviously mutual. Suddenly the train went into a tunnel and the car became pitch black. Immediately two sounds were heard: the "smack" of a kiss, and the "whack" of a slap across the face. The grandmother thought "I can't believe he kissed my granddaughter, but I'm glad she gave him the slap he deserved." The commanding officer thought, "I don't blame the boy for kissing the girl, but it's a shame that she missed his face and hit me instead." The young girl thought, "I'm glad he kissed me, but I wish my grandmother hadn't slapped him for doing it." And as the train broke into the sunlight, the soldier could not wipe the smile of his face. He had just seized the opportunity to kiss a pretty girl and slap his commanding officer and had gotten away with both!

Now, that young soldier knew how to seize the day! In the very same way, we must take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way fulfill our purpose in life.

God does not want us to waste our lives away. He wants us to "seize the day" and live every day of our lives on purpose. He's given us a reason for living: to be like Jesus. It's not going to happen yesterday, so we must forget the past. We can't put it off till tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes. It has to happen right now, and it will-if we will seize the day and make it our own.
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Postby m&m » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:37 pm

NativeAmerican wrote:Carpe Diem - Seize the Day...living each day with purpose

little story
A young soldier and his commanding officer got on a train together. The only available seats were across from an attractive young woman who was traveling with her grandmother. As they engaged in pleasant conversation, the soldier and the young woman kept eyeing one another; the attraction was obviously mutual. Suddenly the train went into a tunnel and the car became pitch black. Immediately two sounds were heard: the "smack" of a kiss, and the "whack" of a slap across the face. The grandmother thought "I can't believe he kissed my granddaughter, but I'm glad she gave him the slap he deserved." The commanding officer thought, "I don't blame the boy for kissing the girl, but it's a shame that she missed his face and hit me instead." The young girl thought, "I'm glad he kissed me, but I wish my grandmother hadn't slapped him for doing it." And as the train broke into the sunlight, the soldier could not wipe the smile of his face. He had just seized the opportunity to kiss a pretty girl and slap his commanding officer and had gotten away with both!

Now, that young soldier knew how to seize the day! In the very same way, we must take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way fulfill our purpose in life.

God does not want us to waste our lives away. He wants us to "seize the day" and live every day of our lives on purpose. He's given us a reason for living: to be like Jesus. It's not going to happen yesterday, so we must forget the past. We can't put it off till tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes. It has to happen right now, and it will-if we will seize the day and make it our own.

An opportunity only knock once. Being christian, we are to make a difference in the world and let Jesus shine in our lives. One way is to live a moral life and a pure heart, mind and soul. Sometimes, unbeliver will say, "what's the difference?", what we are doing are the same! Sad to note that at times those who profess to be christian are much worst than those who don't. :oops:
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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