A Perfect Love

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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby Gary2310 » Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:09 pm

Crisi, your outlook is inspiring and refreshing:)

However, my experience in life has been that, with very few exceptions, you can't change the essence of a person. And, that the best predictor of the future is the past...Again, with very few exceptions.
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby Smiley » Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:22 pm

erwin wrote:
Your answer is wrong. The answer is yes or no.

Why would it matter If ANY members felt an attraction for any others? Personal business is called 'personal' for a reason ;). None of us owe any explanation to any others.
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby Edwin » Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:55 am

Perfect Love is God's love. This love is brought out in I Corinthians 13: There are various interpretations of love that are expressed by various words in the Greek language. Some of them are in the Greek New Testiment, but I think there is one that is not. It, if I remember correctly is the Hollywood type love. There is God's kind of love, and there is the sentimental sloppy type love. There is the love that has to do with sexual attractions, and I can't remember the others, but yes, love is love, but no, love is not love. What I mean by that is that when you say the word love it can mean different things to different people. There is the love that two people have for each other before they get married, but a percentage of those couples will end up a few months or years later in the divorce court, and for most of them there is hate at that point in time. I have seen some who have hated each other for years, even threatening to kill each other. Some bury the hatchet, so to speak, becomes good friend years later, and in a few case even remarry, or like in the case of my younger sister almost remarry. We are to love our enemies. The love that a young couple have for each other may with God's help grow into something that is even more noble than what caused them to come to the marriage alter.

We might kind of sentimentally love each other, we might feel sexual attraction or have desires to be fulfilled sexually. We may have the Hollywood type love, but there is a special love that God wants us to have that is described in I Corinthians 13: I sincerely doubt that non Christians are even capable of God's love for each other. This is something that God puts in people's hearts. Otherwise, non Christians have a selfish love that is good as long as it is reciprocated and everything is ideal, and that is why there are so many divorces because most people just do not have the love for the other person that God intended for them to have. Just let something go wrong, and all the love is out the door, but not for the commited Christian. The commited Christian will love inspite of all, because God loved them, put it in their hearts, and they will love regardless of what happens.

I agree with you, Smiley, that, that kind of a question demanding that kind of an answer is not wise. If a person wants to devulge such information, then that is a different story, where a person would come out and say, "I am in love with "so and so. Or someone could figure that out, and then keep it to themselves. I don't mean to be hard on Erwin, but I agree with you Smiley, that he came on a little strong, by demanding an answer to that question. :D :D

To comment on Gary's idea, I think, Gary, that you are correct, outside of God, people usually don't change. For the most part we are helpless to help ourselves. It is like lifting ourselves by our own boot straps. We can't do it, but God can. When we come to Jesus, He makes all things new! We become new creations in Christ Jesus. So, the past is a prediction of the future unless God changes us from within, then we live by a whole new set of desires, and we will live differently! :D :D
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby erwin » Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:57 pm

Crisi, your man is blessed. Will you post photos if you find the right one for you? How long does it take. You have been writing a lot and seems you did not find the right one? Maybe we will recommend someone for crisi and maybe she will like. Is it okay, crisi?
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:28 am

Perfect love only belongs to God, because He is the only one who is capable of loving perfectly. We all want to love perfectly, but we all fall short of that goal because we can't attain it because we are not perfect. The closer we are to God, the more perfectly we love. We can allow the love of God to be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Then when God puts His love in our hearts we can love others from that love that He has given us. What we call love often really isn't love in the truest sense of the word. Infatuation, sexual attraction, desire, and other such descriptions are not love. Some of those things come before and after love. We seek God first to put His love within us, then we express that love to others. :D :D
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:32 pm

Thank you for the enlightenment, Sir.

You are such a blessing to us, and your writings have been an inspiration to the readers. We human being are not perfect. We always have flaws in life. We live in the world that is full of deceit. We can live a life beyond the world and have higher standard. We must make difference because it is Christ who dwells in us.

To show love and concern is one thing that makes us different. By nature, we human being are sinners. People needs to be born again and be renewed in our mind.
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:12 pm

Thank you, Crisi, that is nice of you to say those kind words! Yes, Crisi, we are called to a higher standard! Jesus dwelling in us is the hope of glory. Yes, it is true that showing love is one of the proofs of our belonging to the family of God. We are known to be Jesus' disciples by our love; our love for each other, and our love for God. Yes, we are all plagued with sin as a result of being children of Adam and Eve, but God sent His son to redeem us to Himself. We do need to be born again; born from above, and the renewing of our minds is important, as the old passes away and all things become new, and we become new creatures, new creations in Christ Jesus. None of us are good enough, we all need a savior. We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Our citizenship is in heaven. This world is not our home, but we are just passing through. That old motto is good; "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!" :D :D
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby m&m » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:35 pm

Only with the relationship with God, makes the love perfect. If someone is not true to each other, then it will not grow.

SOmeone must get rid of the hidden agency but be transparent to each other. I know that it takes risk to love someone, but if someone is committed Christian, no matter what, in bad and good times he or she will stay because it is a commitment. A commitment needs sacrifice, needs patience and needs understanding even in difficult times.
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:46 am

The Bible tells us that perfect love casts out all fear. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As our minds are stayed on Jesus, we are promised perfect peace. I found a quote on facebook: "Love is the first requirement for mental health." Sigmund Freud :D :D
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Re: A Perfect Love

Postby red » Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:19 am

I will add a qoutation from what you wrote above: "You can't love someone if you don't love yourself first." A lot say that. :lol:
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