What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:55 pm

This is not "As the World Turns," but it is as my day goes, and as your day goes! What we do, and what we accomplish is important to each one of us. It is fun for me to read what you do with your day, and no doubt you enjoy reading what I do with my day as well. Sometimes this becomes a little repetitive as there are times that our day doesn't vary much. But if you and I think about our day, we do have special things that happen to us, or we make happen that makes our day special.

It was hotter earlier this morning than ever before this season, and even walking starting at 6:30 a.m., it was already hot. I was wondering if my doggie Scooby would be able to stand the 2 hour plus walk, but he did fine. I think walking early as well as having water there for him to drink as much and as often as he wants makes a difference. He has no choice because I walk with him on the leash, but Rand bailed out on me! He figured it was just too hot to be out there walking. This is one of the very few times he has bailed out on the walk, as he usually stays with Scooby and I for the entire walk! Carol said that he did not come into the house, so evidentely he came and laid in the shade, so he was happy, and probably wondered why we were so crazy to be out there walking when it is so hot! On my last round I pulled 2 bags full of weeds loaded with seeds to bring back for the turkeys and the chickens, and they all just went wild over them, especially the turkeys! When I would stop to pull weeds, Scooby didn't want to start walking about, especially when I was almost finished pulling weeds. I think it is called inertia! You are fine when you keep walking, keep working, but once you stop it is sometimes not easy to get started again. I might pull weeds for the chickens at the beginning of our walk before Scooby gets hot and tired, and it will be easier to keep him going! At least he was good to finish our walk, and I wondering if he would finish, but he did pretty well! We had a chicken get out of its house, and probably flew over the fence, and was outside, and I was thankful that chicken was still near. The chicken though she would hide from me by crouching down in the weeds and grass, but I saw the grass moving, so back to the chicken house with that chicken. Their house looks like a bomb shelter, and it is very secure for the chickens. I turned over the wood pallets, and that left smaller cracks for the to escape, so maybe they are more safely confined! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:59 pm

I got out early again this morning, earlier than yesterday, as I woke up at about 5 a.m., so I was walking pretty close to 6 a.m. It was actually cooler today than yesterday, not cool, but cool compared to yesterday's extreem heat! I pulled 2 bags of weeds for the chickens again, the ones with lots of seeds on them. We had them in a lot when I was growing up where we feed lots of cows and calves, as well as steers and hefiers, and my Dad told me that those weeds have lots of protein in them, but they are so rich that they make the cows have loose bowel movements. I figured if they were high in protein they must be good for the chickens, so I have been collecting them for the chickens, and it has been fun to watch the chickens and the turkeys go after them when I throw them in their house; they love them! We were slower, actually just now turning on the airconditioner in my bedroom at 4 p.m. I probably would not have turned it on for me because the heat does not bother me, but Carol said: "Aren't you going to turn on your airconditioner?" I asked her if she wanted me to, and she said that she did! So it is on. Now Carol is going to town with our daughter, so I may turn it off! Now that Carol is gone for a few hours, I will do my own thing, whatever that might be? :roll: :lol: :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:21 pm

Yesterday was our Independence Day, so we celebrated by going down to our youngest daughter's place. We ate a meal from food that Carol took down the hill with us. Then we had pizza for supper. It was a fun day. We left to go home just before the fireworks started, as they wait for darkness so the displays being shot off will be better seen. Our doggies escaped the fireworks, and that was nice for them, as we live so far from anyone that we didn't see or hear anything. Our daughter was not so lucky with her animals as they were scared to death of the noise and the shooting displays in the sky. It made the goats cry, and the doggies very nervous! We had a short time at home, and then it was time for bed. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:37 pm

Today is almost a ditto of day before yesterday so far. I did wake up at 5 a.m., washed my face and shaved. I fed Scooby, tested the water to see is some needed to be pumped out of the cellar. The first part of July is still bringing water in the cellar, but that might be almost finished as it has been a couple of days since any water was pumped. I imagine very shortly no more water will come in the cellar until next spring. Going out to the mailbox for our 6.5 mile walk, I put both doggies on the leash as our daughter living here doesn't want Rand to pee on any of the bales of hay that they just baled. I grew up with my family farming and ranching, and of course instead of a very small operation we had anywhere from 80 to 130 cows and calves pairs, and a couple thousand acres instead of 40. We had cow dogs and we did not worry about any dogs peeing on any of the hay! Its ok, I am honoring her wish. She doesn't want me to allow any dogs on our driveway without being on the leash so they will not pee on any bales of hay!

When I got out on the County Road I took Rands leash off and let him go free. I had to keep him on the leash until I got to the mailbox to keep our daughter happy! While walking on the County Road past where their hay is on the other side of the fence I just watched Rand closely, and he didn't even care to go over there where their hay is, so that made me happy, because he is so well behaved that he doesn't need to be on a leash except for our daughter's worry about him peeing on hay!

On mile 3 and 4 of our walk I collected more weeds for the chickens. I took 2 walmart plastic shopping bags out of my pocket, and filled them completely full of the weeds that have all the seeds on them. I'm not sure what the scientific name is but we called them pig weeds, and there are lots of nutritional values in those seeds, high in protein. I stashed them at the mailbox, and when I brought them home, it was a pleasure to watch the chickens and the turkey eating them. They love those weeds, and that makes collecting them worthwhile and a pleasure, just to see those chickens and turkeys having such a good time eating them. The little rooster crowed and Carol said that the rooster was telling me "thank you!" :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:02 pm

When I got back from my walk with the doggies, Carol and I took care of the chickens, feeding them the weeds, and giving them water. Then while Carol was fixing breakfast I played the piano. I was playing out of church hymn/song book that was from one year before I was born. It had some wonderful old church songs in it. Now I am playing out of a Methodist Church Hymnbook that was produced when I was a senior in high school! It has some wonderful hymns in it, but the songs are a little different style than the songs in the older book. I am hoping that it will have some songs in it about the blood of Jesus, and I will be looking for them! The trend in some churches during those years, maybe they could be described as the falling away years, the backslidding years, or years people were straying away from God, were that they were trying to avoid songs about the blood of Jesus, and also the miraculous. In our lives and in the church, the blood of Jesus is important, because we are cleansed from our sins by the blood of Jesus, and the miraculous is important also because John said that Jesus performed those mircles so that we would have reason to believe, and that in believing we would have eternal life through Jesus' Name. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:02 pm

My Doggie, Rand, has a special personality. He is very loving, very trusting, and just a wonderful doggie. I had to pull 14 porkipine quills out of his mouth last summer while Carol was gone to the East Coast. Once he realized what I was doing it was difficult to get him to keep still while I got onto the quill with the plyers to pull it out, and by the time I was pulling the last few, I was having to threaten him to get him to cooperate. He wanted me to help him, but he didn't really understand. For several nights after that he stayed outside, and I had a hard time getting him to come into the house. Every spring into mid summer we have lots of ticks that get on the doggies. I pull them off and destroy them. Scooby does not mind me looking for or pulling ticks, but once in a while it hurts him, so he lets me know that he objects to that treatment. Rand is paranoid about tick hunt. During the summer if I even pet him, he is suspecious that I am looking for ticks. When I find one and pull it, he jumps around, tries to get the tick away from me, and just goes burserk. If I clap my hands together to kill a mosquito, Rand runs and jumps in Carol's lap. If we use the fly swatter to kill flies, Rand runs and hides.

Because of our daughter's concern about dogs peeing on their hay, I have had to put Rand's collar and leash on him to make sure he doesn't get near a bale of hay! He has never been collared or leashed, so yesterday he was upset, and I think he thought I was punishing him for some reason. When I got started walking on the County Road I took it off from him, because he is a very good doggie, and listens and obeys every command. I get started so early so that I won't be walking Scooby in the heat that Carol is still asleep. She requires a lot of sleep and is tired a lot of the time. Anyway I went to put the collar on Rand, and he ran into Carol's bedroom, and jumped on top of her while she was sound asleep, and scared her to death. Rand was calling to her, "Save me, save me, please!!" :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:30 pm

Last Sunday, I am so blessed with the message given by our Pastor. It speaks about to desire to improve our respective Christian life. We live in the world today that is full or immorality. We live in a world that there is no more basis of what is right and wrong. As what people have believe, they try to live it the way what they think what they believe. As Christian, we must live beyond the world standard. The world says, hate those who hate you, but God says, we must love our enemy. THe world says, do unto others what you want do unto you, but the Bible says, love your neighbor and do good to them that persecute you or despitefully use you. I have so much things to develop in my Christian life. I want the Lord Jesus be true to my life and really apply what He says. The world today is looking unto us Christian. We must profess what Christ is about because it is where we can tell them the truth by loving them even for us it seems unlovable.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:33 am

Yesterday was our Sunday, and it was a time we were able to go to church. We have a fill in Pastor between Pastors, as the other one left. We have now heard two of them, and this guy is with us for the duration until another pastor is selected. He was very friendly, meeting us at the door, and he had a very good message as well.

Today I had the results, and the visit to the doctor resulting from my PSA test. My PSA readings are still climbing, and the doctor said that he didn't like to see that, but now twice as a result of climbing PSAs I have had biopsies, and they don't show cancer. He said today that he needs to watch me more closely because of the climbing PSA, and requested that I return in 4 months, as well as saying that he thinks if the trend continues he will need to do another biopsy. He said if anything is developing he needs to know it right away for successful treatment. I am very happy for his concern, but I am not thrilled thinking about another biopsy. The first one was a 2 hour drop in my vital signs, but everything turned out ok. My second biopsy 6 months ago went well with no bad side effects. When I first got into his examination room, my blood pressure was 160 over 88, and about 20 minutes or so later, it was 138 over 88. The doctor told me that my blood pressure was high because I didn't want to see him, and I said you are correct, and then we both laughed! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:41 am

After the doctor's appointment then we had fun. We went to a thrift store, Salvation Army, and our youngest daughter and her daughter who were with me bought a lazy boy recliner which she thinks will help her to rest better. She has lots of lingering problems as a result of having the day lights beaten out of her by her ex husband. She bought some baby stuff as she is helping care for a friend's baby. The mother was worried, becasuse of problems that the baby had starting out, but then our daughter worked for a number of years as a baby nurse, everything from ICU to regular care, as well as delivering babies in the doctor's absense. She also found some really nice stainless bowls of all sizes, as well as finding some containers to use to feed her animals.

We then went to the China Buffet, and enjoyed eating all we were able to eat. I try to concentrate on foods that are good for me, and avoid some of the heavier foods, but I eat a large plate of food. Then I have a large helping of a variety of fruits. I finish it off by having two small bowls of icecream, and I do not over eat, I am not stuffed, but boy is it good!!!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:54 am

Our youngest daughter goes with me to drive because lately after working pretty hard I fall asleep without any warning. She had taken some muscle relaxers because of the pain she deals with, so less than an hour into our trip she was not able to drive any more, so I drove the rest of the way there. After eating we went to some more second hand thrift stores, and I fell asleep at a red light, so she took over driving for me after that, and she was fine from that time on. One of our twins asked me if for her birthday I would get her some really old table cloth, so I got a bunch of them, and they were 50 % off, so I got them pretty reasonably. I also found 5 church, hymn/song books that were in nice condition and reasonably priced, so now I have 5 more of them, and before I only had a few hundred of them, I haven't counted actually, but I do have a large variety from most of our Christian Bible Believing churches. We then went to a ware house grocery store, and bought a few necessities. Then we headed home, stopping at a place that plays Christian music, which is always refreshing. One of the thrift store was playing Christian music as well, and I think the gal working in there was a Christian, a very nice and friendly person. We had fun.

When I dropped our daughter off at her house, I went to get more concrete blocks. They took a long time to get them out for me, then there were enough of them, so I got a refund, the bought 30 half blocks, 8 inches, by 8 inches, by 8 inches. I never thought about anyone worrying about me, but our daughter and Carol both were worried sick, but I knew where I was, so I wasn't worried, but I did feel badly that I caused them to worry. It was a good day, and a fun day! :D :D
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