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Postby mystic » Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:54 am

A few times I saw those funny guys with a t-shirt, and "free hug" written on it, who were giving away the free present of a hug to everybody who wished. After my first face of "shock" :shock: I thought that it was a wonderful and cute idea. :roll:

So, today I would like to extend a big hug to whoever is in a difficult situation, in need, or simply needs encouragement.

When we look at our problems, often we cannot solve them ourselves. But when we help another just for the sake of helping, our problems go to oblivion, and through the action of our help we are useful in solving or lightening some situation. And the good that we are doing comes back in the form of a big smile.

And another big hug for all those who have heart aches (justified or unjustified) and worries, so that they (the aches, not the persons) may disappear at once and never come back. Hey, I am waiting for my smile back :lol: :lol: :lol:
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Encouragement

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:35 pm

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Re: Encouragement

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:47 pm

Hugs are good! I grew up in a family where very little if any hugging took place. We all loved each other, but there wasn't any hugging. I shook hands with my dad after not seeing him for some time, and I remember hugging my grandmother, Mom's mother when I was about 18 years old. I hugged my Dad the last time he drove away to take a flight to Texas to have those famous heart doctors opperate on him in 1973. I felt kind of funny hugging him, and it was the last time I ever saw him alive. One time my brother in law, Carol's sister said he did not do hugs with men! But he was very warm and affectionate, and when coming or leaving he would take your hand with hand meant for shaking, and affectionately hold your forearm below your elbow, which was kind of an arm hug. My son in law didn't get his message, even though he told him, "no hugs," but he hugged him anyway! :lol: :lol: When I was teaching I heard of one elementary teacher who hugged every student as each student went out the door. Others were afraid to hug, because schools' positions on no touching of students. In our families we all hug each other, and it always feels good. There were a couple of situations where hugs were not welcome, and you learn after a while and avoid the embarrassment! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Encouragement

Postby mystic » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:17 am

I understand you, Ed. I grew also with no hug, and that's why I felt shocked the first time I saw those guys. Among the few remembering I have when I was a kid, I recall meeting my grandma. I don't remember exactly if it was because I was not seeing her from a while, or I had some bad experience and was happy to see her. But I run to her of happiness and wanted to hug her. But when I was near... I felt she would not have done that. I felt ashamed and instead of hugging I ended my run turning left and entering another room. At the end, I think I never hugged her in my life :(
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Re: Encouragement

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:57 am

mystic, you can't/shouldn't feel badlly about anything like that in your childhood, because you didn't know if that would be accepted or not. When I was really little I didn't even think about what people thought, and I just assumed that everyone loved/liked me. As I grew into my preteen years, I began to feel self conscious, and I started thinking maybe people didn't like me; didn't accept me, and I don't know the reason for that, but I still battle with those feelings; not like I used to, but somewhat. What happens now if anyone gives me reason to think they might not like me, then I think they don't like me, and much of the time, I think they might be mad at me. It is an unhealthy feeling that I have that I still need to overcome. Most people do like/love me.

Many of us had insecurities as children, and many of us still feel insecure at times. The Lord can help us with that though. The old saying holds, "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Encouragement

Postby suman » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:21 am

very true!I can't believe it that when I came to wellington, New Zealand, my first job was bank teller and my first comment was 'OMG, I've never seen or touched a computer back home.'what did my boss said?never mind, we are all learning here because we will be trained in this on Monday when you start...' Glorious me, saved by the bell. I was truly naive, illiterate in computers as we never had this back in Iloilo, Philippines where I was working right after University.Then came the mobile phones.Initially it was so big and heavy,the motorola ones.then I upgraded it to Nokia and from then on, I loved Nokia because they were so user-friendly, easy to manage.Hoever my kids were getting Iphones and I got jealous so I got one myself, a mini Ipad which my 3 year old granddaughter can operate better than me? I can't cope with all these gadgets....now I've got galaxy s4, more complicated but I love to be up to date on my electrical gadgets like the kids. :roll: :lol: :P It's good to be up to date and so we can go with the flow of this advancing technology.Apple stores where I bought my Mini Ipad was offering free tutorials or workshops they call it and even if I had that 1 hour session, I didn't get any as I learn by the day or when i use it... :lol: :lol: :lol: thanks for this....
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Re: Encouragement

Postby erwin » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:23 pm

Glad to share your experiences and nothing to worry because everyday is a learning process and we are all learning, do you agree? Experience is the best teacher, as what old times say.
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Re: Encouragement

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:33 pm

Erwin, you are correct; experience is the best teacher. Often I find that tutorial manuals either tell too much or have too little information. If you already have a lot of knowlege then tutorials can be redundant, and even confusing. Too much information confuses me even when I am ignorant on the subject. I am better off to have just a little information then experiment and find out on my own. I try it on my own, and if I am unable to figure it out, then I will google it or look at the manual.

Suman, you are not alone. I remember getting the Apple IIe and thinking I had something wonderful, and boy it cost a lot of money. About all we could do with the Apple IIe was play games and do word processing. A community college instructor told me he thought it was a pretty expensive word processer. Then I got a 286, text only, no graphics, chatted with people all over the world including the Philippines, one who told me how dangerous it was for him to operate his business with bad people demanding bribes! I was so frustrated, not understanding what I was doing, that I was tempted to take that computer to the back of the house and throw it hard down on the concrete patio. Then more computers, more frustations, more learning, and then a little confidence as I learned that I could do a few things!

We lived where cell phones had no reception, so for the ten years when cell phones came into being we knew nothing of them. One tourist, getting off the boat, walking on the ramp from the boat to the landing over the water dropped his cell phone in the lake, and that was the end of that. Well, when we moved back home, we got shock treatment in cell phone usage! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Encouragement

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:32 pm

All of us needs encouragement. It will give help us to live a life that is beyond problems, if we have one. I know, me needs encouragement, too. THanks for your kind encouragement to me and to the people who is there for me.
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Re: Encouragement

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:45 pm

Whether we live right, and we are persecuted for our faith, or someone is mean to us for no good reason, or whether we do what is wrong, repent, and either way we need encouragement. David the King was in a really tough spot! His family was against him at times. Also King Saul and other enemies tried to kill him. They hunted him like an animal, and David found encouragement in the Lord. In his darkest hours David encouraged himself in the Lord. Encouragement from others is great, but if there is no one to encourage we can encourage ourselves in the Lord, and He will see us through! :D :D
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