My son

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Re: My son

Postby mystic » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:58 am

Amen. Let's keep praying :)
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Re: My son

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:10 pm

I along with many others here are very happy to hear your good report of the latest progress! We, all of here on the forum, are continuing to pray for a full recovery, and good things to come. It is very hard on the loved ones as well as the person suffering to be in the suffering position. I remember a few years ago, 2005, when I was shut down, couldn't urinate, my bladder was filling, and I more miserable than you can even imagine, twice, first when it happened, then when they removed the cathetar, thinking I didn't have a problem anymore, and boy did I ever, but then I learn the sympathetic feelings that our daughter had for me, as I waited in the emergency waiting room, while there was a delay in my care, our daughter was pleading with them to help me! It was so nice of her. She's not been very nice to me for the past 5 years, but she is getting better in some ways. She actually come into the house about a week ago, hugged and kissed me, and told me that she loved me. She has not spoken to me for a year, so that was an improvement! We are continuing to pray, Smiley! :)
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Re: My son

Postby Smiley » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:05 pm

Nathan is now out of the ICU and into a regular room. I have been taking him outside to a rooftop garden for short periods every day,he seems to respond very well.I have been sneaking him little treats to motivate him and it really seems to be working.He can walk a few steps now if I help him.All in all,things are looking up. ;)

Thank you all for your concern and thoughts.
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Re: My son

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:41 pm

You are most welcome Smiley; we are glad to pull with you, and we are all very happy with your reports of progress! Rules are often made to be broken, and it sounds like to me that Nathan needs those treats for motivation! Thank God for his recovery, and his progress. The visits to the rooftop garden sounds like a very good activity, and provides a chance or Nathan to get out of that hospital room for a short period of time anyway! :D :D
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Re: My son

Postby Smiley » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:22 pm

Nathan was released today!! :o !!
19 days in hospital,12 of them on full life support and I have one very tired,kinda confused son again.He still has a long way to go but he is now back where he belongs.
Thank you all for your concern. I think I just might sleep tonight for a change ;)
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Re: My son

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:33 am

Smiley, you deserve a good night's sleep! I think you lost a lot of sleep while attending to Nathan in the Hospital. I am so happy for you that your son is at home with you, like you say, where he belongs! Nineteen days and twelve of them on life support is a long run to be in the hospital making slow progress. Being tired and having confusion is understandable for your son. I am very happy that he is on his road to recovery, and that you have much to be thankful for! :D :D
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Re: My son

Postby being_meh » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:23 am

Hello Smiley!

I'm really glad that Nathan is finally okay Sir.. God is good,and nothing is impossible to Him..

Nathan is very lucky to have you and his siblings to love and protect him.. hod will not let bad things happened to him.. He loves Nathan so much..

Godbless you!
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Re: My son

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:45 pm

Hey, being_meh, we are all glad to see you her, and hear you support Smiley and Nathan in their hard times. Thanks a lot for doing this! This means a lot to Smiley and Nathan to have people come around and show that they care! We want to see more of you, being_meh, and everyone has their own responsibilities, and it is not always easy to come here often, but we all appreciate you making this effort! May the Lord Bless you, being_meh! :D :D
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Re: My son

Postby Smiley » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:03 pm

Yes,I am very happy for all of the concern that has been shown toward my son.Being a special-needs child he has not always had a lot of respect from certain people.I made a promise to him when he was born and I am not the sort to ignore a promise.
I will likely not have a lot of time to spend here for a bit but I will try to check in as often as I can.
I have a lot of things that need my attention right now.

Tired but happy. . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: My son

Postby m&m » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:36 pm

I am glad to hear about your son. I believe that there is nothing impossible in God. Keep up the faith and remember, He is the God that healeth. Let him give encouragement and good thoughts. it will help him to have a happy surroundings and lovely, mellow music. I believe also that good nutrition will help him to recover fast. We will continue to pray for your son.
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