hmm.. SeLf-cOnfidencE??
I think I am Lack Of that tOo.. ActuaLLy, I just feeL it OccasiOnaLLy.. SOmetimes, I feeL that I am a LOw prOfiLe persOn thats why I dOnt cOnsider myseLf with thOse high cLass peOpLe and then I feeL devastated.. I Lack seLf-cOnfidence because Of these twO things I am thinking.. I just graduated high school sO I Limit myseLf tO sOciaLize peOpLe that is higher than me
and because Of my physical feature.. I am a LittLe bit chubby
I just recentLy knew that Ladies must be cOnsciOus abOut their physicaL appearances that why I am dOing myseLf Ok sO thats they cOuLd have a nice impressiOn On me.. I easiLy gOt affected when sOmeOne is LoOking bad at me Or I sense that there is sOmething wrOng arOund me
and by that I easiLy gOt devastated and my seLf-cOnfidence LOse..
I just hOpe that I cOuLd act myseLf weLL when I am sOciaLizing peOpLe because I dO nOt knOw hOw tO sOciaLize.. sOmetimes I feel that I am having Over seLf-cOnfidence and sOmetimes I dOnt reaLLy have it and I just sit in the cOrner..
I LOve pOsting here in the fOrum,
I Observed that as I am participating here mOre I knOw hOw tO sOciaLize peOpLe aLready Or hOw tO speak tOwarDs them!
I am sO happy.. I am mOre inspired in pOsting here, I think its because aLL the peOpLe here are very nice and friendLy..