Happy Sunday

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Happy Sunday

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:21 pm

Here it is 4:13 p.m. on a Saturday, July 20, 2013, but in the Philippines it is Sunday Morning, 7:13 a.m. Many of you in the Philippines are getting ready to attend church. I wish you all a very happy Sunday Morning. This is the Sunday that we don't need to supervise the child visits, so I think we are going to be able to attend church. It is funny because years ago when I used to Pastor churches, it would irritate me when people would sleep in church, and now of all things I do it! I don't require a lot of sleep; I sleep short nights, but then at times I can't drive without falling asleep at the wheel. Since I am retired, if I get sleepy I just sit in my chair and fall asleep. I will not lay down during the day because I don't want to get comfortable enough to sleep too long and then not be able to sleep at night. I still have several projects that I need to complete, but there is no rush, no stress, and when I get finished with them that is fine. So, I feel badly about sleeping in church, but is seems that it just happens. Anyway we will enjoy being in church tomorrow! :lol: :D
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby red » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:46 pm

Hey sir ed, I hope you won't sleep at church tomorrow lol. I bring some candy with me at church it help me awake the whole service. Yes it is sunday there in the Philippines now everybody mostly i know are in church right now. I miss our church there, the sunday's school is about over by now. I miss the praise and worship there and the members of the church that are so warm and smiling.
The Pastor in the church that we go here won't be present tomorrow coz he and his wife and a member went to texas for a singing competition. The young lady that will be singing from here is hands down great singer with great voice. She can be a great country gospel singer. I hope and pray she will bring home a good news of being a champion. :D
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:55 pm

Yes, Red, I hope that lady will win the competition! Carol has a wonderful voice, and sings beautifully. She recorded a tape once, and then she had a friend who produced her a CD. She sold them for a while, maining giving them for a donation, as legally that worked the best for her. She used old church hymns/songs that were no longer copyrighted, so she didn't have to pay royalties for using the songs. After a while she started just giving them away, and she has given a lot of them away, and I don't think we even have very many of them left ourselves. I can understand, Red, how you would miss your church with wonderful worship, and all the smiling faces. I am glad that you found a church where you are that you enjoy as well. For a while Carol would jab me every time I would doze off, but here lately she just lets me sleep! I am not sure what the preacher thinks, as I have not asked him! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:02 pm

I am going to tell on myself now! When I was Pastoring in our second church, when our kids were like in the 1st grade in school, and the youngest one was less than a year old, we had a film to show that everyone was interested in. I think it was the story of a guy who supplied music for funerals, and when he was taking off in his airplane everything did not go right, and he landed in the trees tearing his airplane apart, it catching fire, and it burned his face until he had to have it repaired a lot. But God was with him, and he recovered. Anyway I was working hard nights at the sawmill, and I was tired beyond what you could imagine. We invited all the churches in that town to come enjoy the film with us. I started the film, sat down, and went right to sleep, and I think I slept through most of it. The lights came on, I woke up, tried to stand up to pray, but my leg was numb and I had a terrible time standing up, but I did, and I don't know if anyone knew I was sleeping, but I did, and boy was I embarrassed! I was about 28 years old at the time, and that shouldn't have happened to me, but it did! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby red » Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:01 pm

Last Sunday we attended the sunday's school. We been going to this church for two months already. Every sunday's school, it always question in my mind why only seniors attending sunday's school. Me and my husband were whispering about the attendance and I said to him "you know you are not far from their age" :lol: I am the only young one in the group. Then when sunday's school over the rest of the members showed up and they are many. So we asked the member sitting next to us if there is a separate class for certain age group then she said yes and that next time we have to go downstairs. Me and my husband were looking at each other i said " oh man, we attended the wrong group" :lol: :lol: No wonder the seniors always look at me maybe they think we are lost or they wonder if me and my husband are 60 years old :lol: :lol: The sunday school teacher was discussing about harry potter and walking dead movies..she said that we should not be watching those because they are witchcraft...my husband said " hmmm old fellows just don't understand the young ones" I said " do you not consider yourself old?" :lol: I always pick on him that day...ha ha i like to do that sometimes. :lol:
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:23 pm

When we lived closer we attended 1st service 4 older people then Sunday School class and went home. They only have one service now as the attendance has dropped. It is more geared to what the younger people's service used to be. We live far enough away, that we come in time for church service & I don't know what they do for Sunday School classes. That is funny about you attending the wrong Sunday School class by mistake. One of our kids does not like Harry Potter, and the other, the kids read Harry Potter, so who knows. It is often true that the older and younger people are not on the same page. When they used to have 2 services, they would sing out of the hymn book for the older people's service, and they would sing choruses, the more modern ones in the service for the younger people. I like them both. I wish they would sing more hymns! In some churches that is a big conflict whether to sing what older people enjoy, or whether to cater to the younger people. I would like it if they would do a little of both. :D :D
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby red » Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:30 am

I heard from Rosie today wife of the Pastor that our contestant for singing contest was in 7th place...North Carolina and Soouth Carolina got most of the awards and a lady from Hawaii got third place. We will have auction sale tomorrow at church funds will be used to help build new church of new location. Anyone interested to buy some stuff for cheaper price come visit. ;)
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:10 am

Thanks for the news of the contest, Red! That is nice that your church has vision to work towards growing to build in a new place. It is always nice to see work thriving, growing and expanding. :D :D
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby red » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:31 pm

We did not go to church today. Just stay home and kr took the girls to Lowes for some kids activities. I spent time online purchasing some products. One thing I learned here in US is buying stuff online instead of going out to store spend for gas and time. I find it time and gas efficient. :)
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Re: Happy Sunday

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:54 am

Yes, online buying is great. In the early 1990s I started buying Durango Boots from J C Penney's stores. They got me hooked on them, and then they quit carrying them. I found 2 other clothing stores that handled them, and then I started buying them online. I love to wear them, but breaking them in hurts my feet for a while, because I get the widest I can, and that is not quite wide enough for my foot. I just have to wear them a while, while still wearing my old boot to get them broken in without hurting my feet. It is nice to have online buying possibility, because we are a long ways from town! :D :D
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