Can you be trusted?

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Can you be trusted?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:46 pm

Dating online is hard, based on my experience, it is full of deceit, full of untruthfulness and sometimes, it is very hard to trust someone when the times someone has failed you. it will always remain to the heart of someone and sometimes will lead to be a man hater or not to trust anyone anymore.

It is important to be true in what you said. For women, they really count on the words that the man is saying. there are women who are just really innocent that they trust the person so much and really give the heart for him and I believe it is vice versa.

For me, it is my desire to find someone who is trustworthy, reliable and dependable. trustworthy, in the sense that even in a long distance relationship, for instance, someone must always be true and not depend on feelings always but have COMMITMENT. Reliable, in the sense that when you needed someone to be with you, he or she is always there for you, and wont turn his or her back on you. Dependable, in the sense that, when you needed someone to depend on, and wont let you go, then he or she is there for you.

How many times you failed someone? How many times, you hurt her or his feelings? It is better to get hurt by a cutting knife on hand rather to be hurt emotionally because it will goes down the heart and it is so painful. It is like, you have a difficulty in breathing and wanted to stop your life.

For me, I always try to live a life that is faithful and true. My father taught me to be honest and to live a life with integrity. Because, that cannot be bought.

To say, "Am sorry" to someone you hurt is not enough. To say "I will not do it again" is not enough if you emotionally wrecked someone. It is important, to ask someone "What can I do to make it right?" Because it always true repentance from the heart.

A double minded person is always unstable in his ways. He will always lead to miserable and destruction in life. It needs wisdom and guidance from the Lord.

Despite of your/our experiences in life, It is my desire that we will grow more and not to faint. Sometimes, it would be hard but we must keep the faith and trust the Lord as what I am trying to apply in life. I know it wont be easy, but I know by the help of God, He will always be there for us.

For those who are not honest and sincere, please be true because you never thought the destruction you have brought to the lives of many people you talk with over the dating online.

Remember, vengeance is not mine, sayeth the Lord.

For those who hurt us, it is important to have forgiveness because it will heal our pain, but it would take time. Try to remain a quiet spirit because that is important to exercise our faith. God will always cause us to be happy and joyful and I believe that.

I hope you can relate on this and reply on my post. Who knows, you are trying to release your pains and hurts.

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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:09 am

That is a good question, Crisi. You have been taught and left an example by your late father, so you follow what he taught you, that you must be dependable and trust worthy. It is sad to say that not all have been taught this, and it seems to be a sign of the age, before the coming of the Lord that people are untrustworthy. I and many of you have heard that there was a time that people didn't need to sign binding contracts because they were good for their word. They made an agreement, shook hands on it, and the people involved would rather die than go back on their word. It is better not to vow a vow, then to vow and then break that vow. God expects us to keep our vows. So, it is important to keep our words, and if we have hurt someone, we much ask for forgiveness, and also ask what we can do to help heal the pain! Many people are unfeeling, and they don't mind hurting people. The Love of God within our hearts is a driving factor in our character if we are really followers of Jesus. Let us all be people of our words, and determine not to cause anyone emotional pain or hurt! Let us be healing agents and not hurting agents! :D :D
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby mystic » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:14 am

In my idea, it depends a lot how the persons are. Usually people are reactive. This means, they are hurt and react, whether it is with hate, depression, or any other way. It's our nature to learn from our mistakes. So, we touch a hot pot on the fire, and we learn that we don't have to touch it again, if we don't want to get hurt.

But indeed, not everybody is so. For me, I would find it boring that the pot has to be hot and touch it again :D Well, not exactly like that. What I mean is that sometimes I am hard to learn, because keep believing in the good faith of everybody. For this same reason, I try to see the good things, not the bad ones. I can say I don't know hate. If I don't really concentrate on the thought of what one is doing to me... I won't feel hate.

Also, when going through something bad, I tend to keep everything inside and get ill. I always had the problem that I cannot bring it out... despite now I try to recognize things for what they are and somehow bring them out. Maybe playing music is one of my ways to bring things out.

So, I never have thoughts of vengeance. I find it a silly thing and rather use my time for more interesting and constructive topics. Better to skip the evildoers rather than lose my time with them. Well, but sometimes in life there are things you cannot quit, because you are responsible for something. In that case, you are brought into a battle that you really don't want. But if you are faithful to your values, you must carry it on. I understand that the Lord sometimes gives us trials, and we are meant to go through them. Here it will become apparent to everybody how we really are inside.

I don't like too much people who are so self-centered that take everything like a personal offense or emotionally wreaking. We are not kids. So, I am usually very light when somebody says "I am sorry" to me for some reason. I almost do not want to hear it, because I appreciate those words and I am easy to cancel the disturbing issue. I don't want to make it more complicate than what it is. Also, I do not want to empower the "other gods", or the "other side", as you wish to call it. I need to turn my face to the good side and see the good in the people. If I have an issue with somebody, I would rather say: "Help me solve this thing. We are not here to stay in a bad situation or do harm".

Good and evil are always relative to the viewer. Where there is hurting, happy moments, etc., it all comes and goes, depending on many factors (emotional factors included). I prefer to live in the Tree of Life, which does not know of good and evil. It's a different kind of happiness, which I would rather call a state of blessing (which is always a happy state, for definition). Who is reborn should understand it.
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby red » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:55 am

I experienced it before many times. I cried a lot but time heals and eventually you will forget it. Even though with that situation i didn't lose faith i keep searching for that love (lol I like to laugh at it now) I forget about it when i got married. It hurts when you are married and committed and your partner cheats on you, it really hurts. But entrusting it to the Lord all that pain is gone eventually with cooperation of your partner to change. I believe in focusing to the Lord and abide in His words always will help you face everyday's challenges like staying away from temptations. Our Pastor and his wife once told me, and I learned from it that when some trials come along don't make some stupid decisions just because you are hurting for the moment. Face the problem and resolve it. And don't talk your problems to unbelievers because they will turn your life miserable. They often give you bad advice. I kept on trying and learned to trust again just like as I trust in the Lord.
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:23 pm

Yes, Red, when trust has been broken, then it is difficult to get it back, and if you are the one wronged it is difficult to trust again. But the Lord can help us with that. We need to look to the Lord for help, and he will help us become healed from the hurts. Yes, time heal, and sleep, rest, good nutrition and exercise helps as well. Face the problems and resolve them is good advice, and yes unbelievers often will give bad advice, so stay away from them. Don't lose faith, and you are right eventually you will laugh about it, although it still will not be funny, but is just will not hurt as badly! :D :D
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby red » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:52 pm

Edwin wrote:Yes, Red, when trust has been broken, then it is difficult to get it back, and if you are the one wronged it is difficult to trust again. But the Lord can help us with that. We need to look to the Lord for help, and he will help us become healed from the hurts. Yes, time heal, and sleep, rest, good nutrition and exercise helps as well. Face the problems and resolve them is good advice, and yes unbelievers often will give bad advice, so stay away from them. Don't lose faith, and you are right eventually you will laugh about it, although it still will not be funny, but is just will not hurt as badly! :D :D

Right sir Ed, it will never be funny and though no more pain but remains in memories. I laughed at it sometimes esp if i talked to a close friend about it because as I go older and more mature in dealing life and pain, I became more open minded. I also realized that everything happens for a reason and that even though I did all the best to save a relationship it still did not work out because there is something better than that. God knows what is best for us and He will save that best for last. ;)
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:03 pm

You are right, Red, God knows best, but we get into a hurry sometimes and try to help God out, and God doesn't need any help! A classic example of this is Abraham, Sarah, Ishmael, and Issac. God made this promise to Abraham that he would inherit, and his offspring would be as the sands on the seashore. Abraham thought if that was ever going to happy he better get things started. So he took Haggar his service, went into the sleeping mode with her, although I'm not sure they got much sleep. Anyway Ishmael was the result. Then Sarah got so mad about it that Abraham had to kick them out of his living space to keep peace with Sarah. Ishmael and Haggar his mother ended up in the desert and got really thirsty, but they survived. The result of that is the Arab nations today. God had mercy on Ishmael and Haggar and saved them, but by and large their descentdants today do not serve the God that we do. There was lots of trouble that came from that union, and the trouble is continuing today. God's plan was to bless Sarah with fertility, and Isaac and a huge population of people was the result. But Abraham couldn't wait for God, so he took things into his own hands, and there has been trouble ever since! If we can trust God instead of trying to do it ourselves, and that includes me, we will be much better off! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby red » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:26 am

Edwin wrote:You are right, Red, God knows best, but we get into a hurry sometimes and try to help God out, and God doesn't need any help! A classic example of this is Abraham, Sarah, Ishmael, and Issac. God made this promise to Abraham that he would inherit, and his offspring would be as the sands on the seashore. Abraham thought if that was ever going to happy he better get things started. So he took Haggar his service, went into the sleeping mode with her, although I'm not sure they got much sleep. Anyway Ishmael was the result. Then Sarah got so mad about it that Abraham had to kick them out of his living space to keep peace with Sarah. Ishmael and Haggar his mother ended up in the desert and got really thirsty, but they survived. The result of that is the Arab nations today. God had mercy on Ishmael and Haggar and saved them, but by and large their descentdants today do not serve the God that we do. There was lots of trouble that came from that union, and the trouble is continuing today. God's plan was to bless Sarah with fertility, and Isaac and a huge population of people was the result. But Abraham couldn't wait for God, so he took things into his own hands, and there has been trouble ever since! If we can trust God instead of trying to do it ourselves, and that includes me, we will be much better off! :lol: :lol:

Nice illustration sir. Thank you so much. We tend to take things in our own hands hence trouble comes. Much better to wait in God, results are sweet for those that wait patiently. :D
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:18 pm

Yes, and in this story of the lack of patience on Abraham's part, and if I remember correctly Sarah told Abraham to go in to her, have sex with her, so that he could have an heir. It was partially Sarah's fault also. It brought sorry to Abraham as he had to kick out his Haggar, and his baby son Ishmael. It put Haggar in a bad position, and also caused suffering for Ishmael, so no one won in that situation. And, the results of the offspring has been disasterous, with fighting and murdering taking place betweent he Jews and the Arabs. That brought bad people into the world with fightings and killings. This same thing took place with the unions between the Israelited and the Caananite people who were cursed by God becasue of their devilish ways. Those unions brought evil Caananites into and amongst the Jewish people to cause sin, and idolitry. There is still evil amongst those people because of the mixing of their blood with Caananite people who God cammanded them to destroy, along with all their belongings. Instead of obeying God's commandments they took their belongings, intermarried with those people, and because of that they became an adulterous nation, worshipping false idols instead of worshipping the true and living God.

God has promised His good things to those who wait upon Him and trust in Him! :D :D
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Re: Can you be trusted?

Postby m&m » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:12 pm

The best thing to do is to trust the Lord more than anything else. Who knows, the other is cheater. So if you give it to the Lord, their sin will find them out. That is the only hold I have now.
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