Heating and Cooling

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Heating and Cooling

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:48 pm

It was interesting to me that when I left here to go for my visit to the Philippines in year 2010, ice was freezing on the water during the middle of each night, and when we got into Manila, my friends ran the airconditioner all night and I nearly froze, but I had covers so it was okay. When we lived at the head of the lake for 10 years in the National Park, for 6 of those 10 years we lived in a doublewide that was 70 feet long, and there was an additional 20 feet square room on the front, that the stove was in. It was a huge Fisher stove that I could put wood logs in 3 feet long. The owner asked me to make the fire hot at least once a day to keep everything in the chimney burned clean which I did. That house was so long, that the room that the stove was in was miserably hot. The kitchen and livingroom was too warm. The two bedrooms down the hall was comfortable, and our bedroom on the other end was cold! We were fine though because I sleep with lots of covers. In this house we have a huge airconditioner in Carol's bedroom, and a huge airconditioner in my bedroom, so both rooms are cold, but the cold air doesn't get out into the living room, so we are a little warmer in that room, and that is fine with me, but Carol would like to be cooler. We have been her 5 years and this is the first year that we have used any kind of cooling. I would be fine without it, but Carol complained so much that my sister gave us 2 airconditions, and I was mad at her, because I was afraid they didn't work, and she was just passing her garbage to us, but guess what? They both work beautifully! :)
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Re: Heating and Cooling

Postby red » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:05 pm

It is so very hot here. We need another unit of AC coz the the one in living room is not enough to cool the entire house. Today I saw our neighbor mowing the yard wearing short shorts and bra!??? :o I can't dare do that here. I rather get wet with sweat but no way i wear just a bra around the neighborhood. I miss the coolness in bukidnon just so right temperature. Makes me happy sometimes when it rains. :)
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Re: Heating and Cooling

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:41 pm

Red, I worked with a guy at the sawmill who said that he loved the extreme hot weather because all the girls took off more clothes than they should have! Just Sunday I talked with a lady I have been dealing with for about a year buying building materials at Home Depot. She is always so nice, and wonderful to deal with, and we were discussing the heat because it was about 106 degrees F. in the shade or more with very little shade, and she told me that she preferred cold weather to hot, because she said that she could put enough clothing on in the winter to keep warm, but in the summer you run out of clothing that you can take off! :lol: :lol:

We went many years without any AC, as I don't require it, but Carol did suffer as the heat bothers her. I had a little unit given to me, and we used it in a window before we got the Sliding glass door, but it fell out of the window, and made vibrating sounds ever since. I guess hitting the ground was hard on it, so I gave it to our youngest daughter for one of her bedrooms. Carol complained long and loudly enough that my younger sister brought us 2 huge AirConditioners. I was mad at her, because they looked old and used, and I thought she just brought us her garbage, because it costs a lot of money here to dump airconditioners, but now I am sorry for being mad at her, because both of them work beautifully, and we have one in each bedroom which makes the two bedrooms almost cold and the living/dining/kitchen comfortable. Well, Carol thinks they are still too hot, but that is her version. They are comfortable.

Carol and I have this little friendly argument, because I don't like to run the airconditioner in the car either. I tell her that in the winter she wants the house 80 degrees, but in the summer she want the house and the car 50 degrees. I know that 80 degrees in the winter is cooler than 80 degrees in the summer. It has to do with radiation from the walls, and outside the car. It is unbelievable, but it is true. I will bet that you do miss the cool from Bukidnon, and I love it when it rains also. I like the relief from the heat even though it doesn't adversely affect me; cool feels better after extreeme hot! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Heating and Cooling

Postby Smiley » Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:06 pm

I think that the worst day of summer is better than the best day of winter.

A friend in the Philippines once jokingly told me that Canada had 4 seasons while the Phils only had 2. . . summer and typhoon :lol: I corrected him that most of Canada only has 3 seasons; Last winter,this winter,and next winter :lol: :lol:
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Re: Heating and Cooling

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:02 pm

Very funny, Smiley, but many times that seems true! An independent bus driver where we used to live and work was complaining to me about the weather one summer. In that valley we get a lot of weather from the coast as it comes in through a valley/gorge in the mountains. It was too cold to suit him, because tourists tend not to come when it is cold and rainy, and people with independent businesses depending on the tourist trade suffer. Some people say the warm weather in the south agrees more with their bones. I know Carol suffers with changing weather with her joints. Spring and fall are much the same as far as temperatures, winds, and rain, except in the spring things are coming to life, but in the fall things are dying. I like summer and winter both, but I sympathize with those who have a hard time dealing with the more extreem temperature swings, the cold, the wind, and the snow. We just have to prepare for them and be safe. :D :D
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Re: Heating and Cooling

Postby red » Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:09 pm

Now I feel cold in the house. lol.. We got a good deal of AC units over craiglist Maytag and Samsung although slightly used but it was a great deal two units for 100$. So now i won't hear anyone complaining about oven heat in the house. But I gotta put more clothes on coz im freezing. lol
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Re: Heating and Cooling

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:10 pm

Red, in year 2010, when I went to the Philippines with my friends it was freezing ice on the water at night before we left October 15th. When we got to Manila, my friends ran the airconditioner all night long, and I was too cold, but I had covers so it was okay anyway. We have had a really lot spell here lately, but Carol says the weather forcast calls for cooler temperatures. You never know, July can be hot, and August can be hot, and sometimes it cools off in August especially at night! :D :D
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