The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby mystic » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:15 pm

Oh yes, best thing to agree that we disagree sometimes :D
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby mystic » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:35 pm

Oh, I will add another funny thing.

Do you know that movie with Gibson about Jesus' life? I heard funny comments in the Jewish world. Well... don't think that Jews don't watch movies about Jesus!

So, they were so perfect to reconstruct things that there are even some dialogues in Aramaic. Well, Jews criticized nothing really, but those dialogues. It happens that the production chose some experts of the Church and thought they would do a good job. Unfortunately, Aramaic only used to survive in some small places in Iraq, before the deposition of Saddam Hussein. For the rest of the world, it is a dead language. Some Jews can understand it, but it is like Latin for an Italian, with the added difficulty that there is no comprehensive grammar.
So, the experts of the Church (I don't know which church, but it was Christian) really took the effort to write the dialogues for a dead language, but it came out sooooooo funny that it resembled nothing similar to Aramaic. So, the Jews were pointing out that and saying: why did they not ask somebody who really knows instead of making the only weak point of the movie? Because, indeed, there are still people who know. A person who only studied a grammar and some words cannot talk a language, really. It's something that only stays in his imagination.
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:29 pm

I am so thankful that God found me through His Son Jesus Christ. I am thankful that I found Him but actually He found me.

When I was young, I was always thinking that to do good is the way to heaven. Even before, I do believe heaven and hell as in they are literal. And when I become Christian, and learn to know more about His word, the Bible, my mind is open and I learn how much I needed forgiveness.

My life was a lot of trouble when I was not a Christian. I realized that I needed someone to fill my emptiness in my heart. As I grow my faith in God, through reading His word, the Bible, my life is being polished in the process. I am still in the flesh and I still commit mistake but it is possible to live a godly life through His Son Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father but by Him.

Without relationship with Christ, there is no relationship with God.

I am thankful that my life change up side down when I commit myself to Christ and accepted Him as my personal Savior and Lord. God loves us very much, even to those who are not willing to accept the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ. He has done everything and He loved us so much. FOr those who are willing to accept His Son Jesus Christ, becomes the son of God. Therefore, it is conditional, for those only who wanted to accept Him. Remember, our hearts and minds are only a ruler apart. We must accept Him now while it is not too late. In fact He is waiting for those who are willing.

Do not delay because you might not have time anymore. He is waiting, you only need to listen to what He speaks in your heart.
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:50 pm

Yes, Jesus is standing at our hearts' doors knocking, wanting to come in. Then there is fellowship once we let Him come into our lives. Sometimes we think we found Christ, but He is the one who has found us. My Mom said that when she was little before she knew the Lord she thought you had to be good enough to get to heaven. Well, none of us are good enough, but it is by God's grace, through faith in Him as we accept Him. Many people think that if they are good enough they will get to heaven, but it is not our goodness, or our rightesouness, but it is His goodness and His righteousness! Once we find Jesus as our Lord and Savior, everything changes, and we become new creations in Chirst Jesus, Old things pass away, and all becomes new! :D :D
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:07 pm

I do not need Greek or Hebrew to counter error,

I do not need to study either, in order to be fully understand the Bible.

It is a personal experience to everyone for those who are willing to make His word, the Bible be real in their lives.

A person commented, says,
"Jesus paid in full the penalty for our sins on the cross, but we still need to accept by faith to have its benefits to our souls. as far as the verse talking about the son not bearing the sins of his father or vise versa. IN bible times if I committed murder in some societies they would punish the whole family. God said this was unfair. each person must suffer the penalty of society for their own sin or wrong doing and not pass the punishment onto the whole family
that was Gods way which is truly just
it holds to the bible concept that I am alone responsible before God for my sin."
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:15 pm

The Bible wont ever contradicts and that explanation of mystic, is not acceptable for me because I believe that man has a living soul and it is eternal. It is up to the readers if they accept or that, but you have to listen what God has says in your heart and not using only your own reasoning.

Well that contradicts the Bible for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God there is none righteous no not one , if there is no sin then Jesus need not have died. In Adam we all have sinned the best answer is passages that state mans sinful condition and if they say other wise they are contradicting Scripture.

In that case, what you are saying is that YOU HAVE NO ABSOLUTE MORALITY. it is a subjective thing, but God is not subjective he is the greatest absolute in the universe, and his standard of holiness is ABSOLUTE, that is not up for debate, I can deny and say that mystic Is not Italian, but would my denial change the absolute truth of what you are?
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:17 pm

The Word of God was written originally in Greek and Hebrew and translated into just about every language on the earth the word of God is eternal and unbroken, the problem is not the translation but the persons sinful heart.

What and how is the state of your heart? I am referring to readers here. It is important to know and confess our sinful heart. We need forgiveness and He alone can forgive us.
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:18 pm

Satan is a liar and he has been sin the fall and this person heart is so deceived that no matter what language or version they read the Bible in,they would deny it
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby mystic » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:47 am

crisipicada wrote:The Bible wont ever contradicts and that explanation of mystic, is not acceptable for me because I believe that man has a living soul and it is eternal.

Didn't say that the soul is not eternal. I said that there are 2 words in Hebrew, both translated as soul (Nefesh, Neshamah). However, they are two different things. In Hebrew there is this distinction, in English we lose the meaning and confuse the two.

The eternal/living/divine soul (Neshamah, upper soul) is the spark of God and is eternal. There is no reference in the Bible to a possible death of the Neshamah.

The instinctual/passional soul (Nefesh, lower soul) is perishable. There are many references in the Bible that it will/might die. Of course, if you think: You don't bring basic passions/instincts to heaven. They die with the body. And why does the Bible need to talk a lot about the Nefesh, purifying it, admonish it about death if it sins, etc.? Because we have to control our instincts, which lead us to sin.

So I am not contradicting what you say. Just adding some insights about the use of the Holy Language and explaining some nuances that in English cannot be detected.

crisipicada wrote:If there is no sin then Jesus need not have died.

Of course there is sin. The original sin needs to be washed again. That's the purpose of rebirth.
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Re: The New Morality, Immorality and Morality

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:15 pm

Mystic, your comments about the Aramaic in the Jesus film that Mel Gibson stared in were interesting. That reminded me of something that happened maybe 8 years ago or so. We were singing a Christmas program where we lived formerly. Our music director was proud of this one piece of music that had a foriegn language in it. She was directing us to sing it a certain way, and telling us how to say the words. We had a skeptical bass singer who was in doubt about whether we were singing it correctly or not, because she did not know this language of this song. The bass singer said he was afraid there would be someone at our little Christmas concert who would know how it went, and maybe we would do it incorrectly, and they they would laugh at us! :lol: :lol:
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