crisipicada wrote:The Bible wont ever contradicts and that explanation of mystic, is not acceptable for me because I believe that man has a living soul and it is eternal.
Didn't say that the soul is not eternal. I said that there are 2 words in Hebrew, both translated as soul (Nefesh, Neshamah). However, they are two different things. In Hebrew there is this distinction, in English we lose the meaning and confuse the two.
The eternal/living/divine soul (Neshamah, upper soul) is the spark of God and is eternal. There is no reference in the Bible to a possible death of the Neshamah.
The instinctual/passional soul (Nefesh, lower soul) is perishable. There are many references in the Bible that it will/might die. Of course, if you think: You don't bring basic passions/instincts to heaven. They die with the body. And why does the Bible need to talk a lot about the Nefesh, purifying it, admonish it about death if it sins, etc.? Because we have to control our instincts, which lead us to sin.
So I am not contradicting what you say. Just adding some insights about the use of the Holy Language and explaining some nuances that in English cannot be detected.
crisipicada wrote:If there is no sin then Jesus need not have died.
Of course there is sin. The original sin needs to be washed again. That's the purpose of rebirth.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)