What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:56 pm

Oh, it seems that this thread is becoming where we post misadventures :D :D :D

So, during the weekend I went to the sea, the first time in maybe 10 years. Since I was a "sea animal" once (liked to swim, go on the windsurf, etc.)... I felt very natural to swim. As soon as I touched the water, I didn't feel intimidated or cautious. I swam for almost 400 meters, and another 400 back to the shore. Since I suffered of sciatica the last 2 years, it was very good that I could have some motion, because I had to keep my spine very rigid for such a long time.

So, I swam on Saturday, and wanted to repeat on Sunday. But... since it was the last day... I thought that I wanted to do all the little silly things that I did when I was young, such as pirouettes in the water, etc. Ohhhh, well, started with one, which came out very well. It made me remember that I have to breathe quickly out the air when I turn upside down, unless the water enters the lungs. The second one, I was too close to the surface and lost control on a side. Third one, I thought there was nothing more to remember, and I did it well.

Fourth one... I remember I was doing up to 5 pirouettes all in one time. So, why not to try 3? That said, I did. But... I didn't calculate well the distance with the bottom of the sea. So, at the third pirouette I went straight to hit my head on the bottom. The first moment, when sand was in my face and entered my mouth, I thought: Oh well, not so bad, fortunately I didn't hit strong. But in the water you never know. A moment later, all the weight of my body arrived on my face. Result, I could almost not move my neck.

Since yesterday, taking a medicine, I'm feeling pretty well again. Only, it makes me sleep a looooot. Well, that's fine, so I recover energies. Overall, it was fun and I'm feeling ok :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:01 pm

red wrote:It is a painful day since yesterday. I woke up with a pain under my left chest. I think it is the rib that is being bruised from that accident happened few nights ago. At least it is not as painful as yesterday. I had to complain yesterday to my little girl told her to pick up all her toys on the floor. She was hesitant but when i told her im dying from pain..i was expecting she would act right away instead she said "mommy you are just accttinnnnngg" i got pissed. So she earned a time out on the wall.

Red, I know this is not funny, but it made me laugh when I read it! I have a bad sense of humor! You were expecting sympathy and help because you were hurting, and your little girl accused you of putting on! I would have been grouched too! I'm glad you are feeling better. It is very uncomfortable when you hurt a rib! Sometimes it even hurts to breathe! I hope you will keep mending from that and feeling better! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:17 pm

Yes, mystic, I started this thread a long, long time ago, and has been very popular. Mystic, at times misadventures are posted here, and there is some healing in writing unfortunate things that happen to you. It is also very elating, like a second success to share you joyful times with other people here, so that is great that you and others post here, whether it be hard times you have, or victories that you win!

When I was in Negros Oriental in year 2010, I had a chance to swim in the sea every day for almost 2 weeks, but once I took my shower and cleaned up for the day, I thought, well, why spoil that and wash off all that deodorant I put under my arms/armpits. I now regret that I didn't swim every single day. The last day we were in Negros Oriental I decided that if I was going to swim in the sea/ocean channel, it needed to be that day, or I would miss my opportunity. So in I went. My friends bought me some, we used to call them thongs, but my grandkids blush, when I use the word thong, and they tell me thongs, you wear as panties, but flip flops you wear on your feet, so ok, they got me some flip flops, so that I would not have to walk on the coral with my bare feet. When I went out swimming I would not keep them on my feet, because I was not used to wearing them, so I set them on a tall rock. As a result I got a large sliver of coral in my foot. I was still walking on it when I got home, so I dug it out with a knife. I swelled with a little infection, so it popped out easily after I got home. Then when I was swiming found a rock with my knee not far below the surface, and I bloodied my knee pretty good. I stood up to recover, and my friend saw me bleeding, and he started yelling at me, "get out of the water, get out of the water, there are sharks here, and your blood will draw tlhem!" So that was the end of my swimming experience in Negros Oriental! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:21 pm

We have had this problem with our next door neighbors, 600 feet away from us, where we are further apart than neighbors in a large city. I don't want to say too much about that, as I am trying with the help of the Lord to overcome hurt feelings from it. I continue to be treated like dirt under their feet, but they will answer for the way they are treating me. It involved our youngest daughter and my helping her when the other daughter here was angry with her, so I got caught in the middle. I am not going to say more than I need to, but, my doggie, our doggie, Rand went home from me two different days instead of finishing our walk. Our daughter saw him at our front door one of the days, so she called Carol, and told her that she didn't want Rand ever to be lose on their property. He came right home, Carol let him in, so that shouldn't bave been a problem. Before they got their hay picked up they were afraid Rand would pee on some of their bales of hay, so I watched him closely as we went by their field, had him on the leash until we got to the mailbox. Now she is afraid he might dig a hole somewhere on his way to the house, so I have to keep him on the leash all the time. At first I though, "Oh, brother, this is going to be horrible," and I don't like it, but I have no choice. It is working out quite nicely actually, but I feel sorry for him. He was their daughter's doggie to begin with before she went away to college and couldn't take him with her, so now he is our doggie, and I feel sorry for him, because he has been free to run all his life, and now all of a sudden he has to be on the leash, in the house, or in the yard, but it is okay, and I need to continue to pray for the Lord to help me not to have bad feelings over all these things. Carol explained to me that our daughter is afraid that I will say something mean or ugly to her, so she doesn't want to be around me. She said mean and ugly things so many times to me, and one time I got pushed too far, so I said something in defense of myself, and now I am on the unwanted list! Oh, well, Carol said that we are not like them, we are loving and kind, and we will not stoop to their level! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:36 pm

In the morning I usually wake up pretty early, like anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30, and then I get right out of bed, and get ready for our walk with the doggies. Some mornings I have been tired, so i would not wake up until maybe 6:40 a.m., and that seemed okay, but on those mornings Scooby gets too hot and too tired on the last round, and one morning he refused to walk, because he was hot, tired, and finished. I tried to finish, went a few hundred feet, but it was obvious to me that he was not going to walk without being dragged, and I was not going to do that to him, because I love him, and don't want to hurt him, so I said, "Scooby, lets go home," and he turned around and walked with enthusiasm on our way home. This is like the horses wanting to run when they realize they are headed for the barn! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby m&m » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:44 pm

First Monday Convocation today, and been standing from 8 am to past 11am.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:58 pm

Wow, m & m, that is hard to stand in one place for that length of time. There is nothing harder on your back, legs, feet, joints than standing in one place. It is much easier to keep moving. I wasn't sure how early I would wake up this morning because we stayed up late last night because of a computer problem with Carol's laptop computer. It has Windows 8, and that is largely a mystery yet. It is much different from 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, but that is what happens, move on, discover the new, have problems with the new until you get used to it. Yesterday Carol took her computer down to have our granddaughter help her understand a few things about Windows 8. After that the mouse pad would not work with no cursor. I researched it on this computer, but I could not find any help telling me how to get the use of cursor. After had done everything I could think of, Windows 8 would not even load up, just click when I put in her password. I was really getting discouraged, and I think I pushed every key trying to get something to work. Magically the cursor reappeared. Then it was not long until everything was working again. Why it quit working is still a mystery to me, and what I did to fix it, I have no idea, but it works again! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:01 am

I got up this morning ready to walk, but it was raining, not hard, but sometimes I have gone out with it barely raining and it has started raining hard, then I get wet, so if it is raining at all, and the sky looks like rain, I don't walk. I walk enough that when I miss it doesn't matter, and I am just happy every day that I can walk.

Today is supposed to be the knitting/spinning guild, and it is, but our daughter here has company, so she decided to skip the guild for this time. Carol really loves to go to the guild, and she misses it when they don't go. They eat together, gossip, or rather visit, and yes they do talk about every body, but that's okay. They have had hard feelings with each other over little things that have happened. Our daughter here was insulted about a year ago and would not attend for about 6 months. Now my sister in law is insulted so she will not go, and her sister supports her, so she won't go either, and Carol said that if they can't run things they are not happy, so everyone else is happier without them! Sad commentary, huh? Well, it's okay, they may come back to it! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:16 pm

After breakfast I noticed that the rain had stopped, the back steps where Scooby is, was all dried up, so I decided I would go ahead and walk. In my mind it was still cool because the recent rain, but once I got out walking I realized just like the time before that it was raining early, and I thought it would be cool, but no it was hot already. We finished walking 2.5 miles, and Rand laid down in the shade of a large rock. Scooby was already hot and tired enough so it took him a long time to drink. It is hard for him to drink when he is hot and tired, but given enough time he will drnk. After the drink and rest was finished I tried to go our normat route, but Scooby didn't want to go. I led him around by the mailbox as sometimes he starts walking when we go by the mailbox, but he just stood there looking at me like, "You are not really going to make me walk are you?" So to the house we went, and better thal than to make Scooby hot, tired, and sick. It is okay because I walk almost very day, and I did get 2.5 miles of walking in, so all is not lost. :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:35 pm

It is a productive day. I was able to repaint my daughter's hair bow. She's been using it for four years now. I am proud that she keeps her stuff for long time. Now she has a collection of hair accessories, fancy rings and necklaces too. When I was at her age I can't keep a hair bow for a month either it is broken or lost. Did make spaghetti as the girls request ala jollibee type. Which reminds me that I miss the cheese on it. I can always add it later and just reheat it. :P
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