What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:09 pm

This day turned out much differently than most any other day. I went for my 6.5 mile walk, and Scooby was fine for the distance, as the air temperature has dropped considerably, and with the nights getting longer, and the days getting shorting we are having cooler, almost cold night, and so early in the morning it is cooler than it has been even though by late afternoon it is pretty warm.

I tried to call about Carol's insulin shipment yesterday afternoon, and that was the only time that I ever called that place in the late afternoon. I learned that there are enough people calling in the late afternoon before the end of the day, that the lines are jammed, and twice they sent me to a voice mail, so I told Carol, it is a mistake to call later in the day rather than the morning when I always called. So this morning I called them, and they told me the insulin shipment is in transit, and will arrive today! Just a little while later we got a call from the medical clinic, and they told us that Carol's insulin was there, so I took a shower, put on clean clothes, and off to town we went. We had a lot of fun as well as picking up the insulin. We ate at the Dairy Queen where they have discounted meals, with drink and hot fudge sunday every day during certain hours, so we ate pretty reasonably. Before that we went to the library, and borrowed some more movies. Then we returned some materials that we did not need to use on the shower tub, on the wall, and then we ordered a shower curtain rod and curtain. After that we filled the car with gasoline, went to our youngest daughter's house, took a short nap, and came home.

We ate supper right away, and watched a very fun movie. I played the piano off and on, and now I am doing this. When we got home I dug out a probably 20 gallon watering container for our youngest daughter's animals. I don't need it, so I am giving it to her. Then I found a pedistal sink that I brought with me from where we used to live. She wanted something like that, but she had no idea that I had one, and she found out, because we found one in the store, and I told her that I had one of them at home. Then she said, "Why didn't you tell me you had one?" Well, I had no idea she wanted one, and I got it because it was new, free, and nice, but I don't need it, and I am very happy that she wants to use it! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:09 pm

It took a while, a few hot days, and a couple of unsuccessful walks before it dawned on me that I needed to get out walking as early as possible. One time I only made it 2 miles before my doggie Scooby got too hot and too tired to continue. When he stood there and stared at me, I knew our walk was finsished. He sat down, and I told him, "Let's go home," and with renewed energy he got up, and we went home. The other time we made it 5 miles, and Scooby was finished, so we went home. Both times it rained early in the morning, so I couldn't walk first thing, and because it had been raining and cool I was under the false impression that the day was a cool one. Well, both days after the rain was finished it turned hot. Most mornings I wake up really early anywhere from 4:30 a.m. to 6:20 a.m., just on my own without setting the alarm. But when I woke up later rather than earlier part of the distance was slow, and one time in particular I thought we were finished, but I had a feeling that Scooby should not have been that hot and that tired by that time, so we went on, and it worked. There were a couple or three times when the walk was so slow because it was borderline too warm, so I got started setting the alarm just so that I would wake up for sure by 5:00 a.m., rather than 6:20 a.m. Many times I still woke up before 5 a.m., but last night I forgot to set the alarm, and I did wake up late. Most of the time I have woken up early without the help of the alarm, so when I woke up, I just assumed it was early, until I was ready to walk, and then I looked at the time on the computer, and it said I was over an hour late. It had been raining during the night, and was maybe raining earlier, so it is just as well, and it has been overcast with clouds and cool to cold all day long, so It didn't matter that I got out late. This morning it took forever for me to walk. We missed walking Friday because we went to the fair, and we missed yesterday because it was Sunday, and because of missing those two days of walking, the doggies had to examine everything, and pee on many things growing along the way. After the rain I think the smells were different too, and that caused the doggies to smell of everything, and pee on many things, so this morning was a very slow walk, even though they had lots of energy, and were capable of walking so fast that I would have needed to have run to have kept up with them! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby m&m » Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:57 pm

It was holiday yesterday so I stayed home. I have a good time at home, doing the iron of the curtain and it takes me more than hours to do that because it is a very big curtain at living room. three big curtains and mama said, i need to iron those before i will replace the old one and did the laundry for that last saturday. So tiring but enjoyable. :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:25 pm

Crisi, nice to stay home when it is a holiday. Even if you have to do work that is tiring, if you enjoy that, and you make some accomplishments that is what is important. Ironing is elbow muscle work, and then when it is already hot, ironing makes it hotter. This makes me think of my parents' life up until I was a few years old. Before we moved from this hill when I was 2 yrs old, our family had no electrcity, so right in the heat of the summer they were lighting the cook stove to cook our meals. They also had a pitcher pump on the well, and had to pump water into bucket and jars for use. They had a milk/cream house that a spring stream ran though, in which they had a trough, in which they set the butter and cream, using the spring stream to keep those products cool and from spoiling until they could send them out with the mail carrier to sell their products. The place where we moved when I was 2 yrs old, he got an electric cook stove, drilled a hole from the outside to run the electical wires through, then he went inside to finished drilling, and I held my thumb in the hole so that I would know when he finished drilling that hole. Needless to say I ended up with a bloody thumb. I also tested each burner to see if it had been on, and I found one that was black instead of red, but it was still hot! After that I put my hand on the window pane to cool it off as it was winter. I learned my lesson and didn't touch any more burners to see if they had been hot! I was about the same age or maybe a year older, and our car would not start in the winter, so Mom and Dad took the tractor out to pull start the car, as it was standard, shift transmission. They left me in the house alone without explaining anything to me, and I thought they were leaving me, so I took the front window out with my fists, and when they returned I ended up with bandaged hands!

You were tired, huh, Crisi, but you felt good for our accomplishments, huh? :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:27 am

Our baby daughter is in school for the first time today. We miss her company at home. Now that both at school time that i have to get some job. Applied for a work at home job but seems not stable esp if it is commission basis. Looking one that has health insurance benefit. Will see today if it is my lucky day in searching job. :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:08 pm

Your daughter is a pretty little tike, Red. I hope you have good luck and God's Blessings in your job hunt. I think it is pretty difficult to get a good sitution working at home. I think most people are more likely to get scammed. I almost got into a couple of them, and then I google searched, and I learned about other people's unfortunate experiences with those companies early enough to avoid damages. Yesterday I carried enough rocks to put in those concrete block holes for about half the fence. I think today we will get enough wire, about 150 feet, short flimpsy stuff, but it will keep Ducky from leaving the yard, which is important, then in a few days we can put Ducky, Rand, and Scooby all out there in that yard together. We do now sometimes, but it usually doesn't take Ducky long to crawl through one of the spaces, and he is on the outside, then we go to the front door and call him, then he comes right away, but we need him not to get out, so we will Ducky proof the fence! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:43 pm

It turned out as productive day indeed. I found a job though but kinda not really satisfied coz it is temporary. Had interview and they hired me and so they wanted me to go orientation next week. Now I am having conflict emotions because the hours will forbid me to say byes for my girls as they go off to school. I wanted to be able to prepare them in the mornings and make sure i see them home from school.
Yes Sir Ed, there are a lot of scams out there for work at home type jobs. I found some that are legit and i qualified for one company but i wanted to undergo training course first before i will schedule for training. It is in AT&T company. I will be able to just stay working at home just set up a quiet office at home and that way i can see my daughters before and after from school. I am really praying for this because of my daughters.
We were able to attend the prayer meeting tonight and it was really good. We became more involved in this church so we decided to be members soon. We feel at home the members are very warm and nice small church so it feels like family. I prefer small church. :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:19 am

I just want to ask the members to please pray for my uncle Edgar. The doctor found out his lungs have water or fluids. He is very skinny now. I hope God will give him another change to be healthy.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:39 pm

Will include that Crisi...got a long list already here...we have few people at church that need prayers for cancer. :(
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:24 am

It is hottest days so far i experienced here. It means increase of electric bill. I had rough night last night did not sleep well because of humidity. I wanted to nap little bit but my husband's grand baby won't let me thus we ended up dancing together. This little kid just can't keep quiet for a bit.
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