Sir Edwin

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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:47 pm

It is entirely possible that his home computer has 'cookies" enabled, so when that computer opens the log-in page, that the username and password are automatically entered, and anyone opening that page could log-in. Starband is/was his email

I do feel sad for what has happened between him and Carol, but at the same time, I can understand it. I did leave my ex-wife, and we are divorced now. She remarried about 5 years ago, and I am happy for her that she was able to find another man. I can only say that I am praying for Sir Edwin and also for Carol and their family.
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby mystic » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:22 am

Well, all is possible. But cookies should expire after a session, when the browser is closed. It would be a security risk to allow indefinite facebook access, because anyone could log in automatically with the credentials of another even after *days*. So, I don't think that is possible. I would say: Either he logged in, or someone logged in his account with his password.

I don't judge actions, since I am also divorced. But I see a lot of harm being made.
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby Chas » Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:49 pm

This was unexpected! I go away for a week to a more remote part of this country and I have no internet contact only to find this on my return. When he stopped posting I was concerned that Edwin had some medical emergency that was impacting on his life and stopping him posting. I am glad this is not the case, but sad at the circumstances.

From what Edwin shared about his life it sounds like he and his family have, over the years, had some tough times, yet come through them successfully. I guess this is just another jolt in a bumpy ride.

I wish you and your family well Edwin, thanks for your posts and I hope to see you make a return to the forum in due course.

Remember - It will all work out OK in the end, and if it is not OK it is not yet the end!

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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby mystic » Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:18 am

No further new from Ed. So, his appearance in Jaderune must have been a casuality. If he cut completely with his old life, it's unlikely we will see him again.

By the way, all life in his family seems hung. Nobody is posting on Facebook anymore... so I guess all are devastated.
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby lyrehc » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:40 pm

i dont understan d why everything turned out this way, i can't imagine a woman from jaderune stole a husband...will...i dont know sir ed reason but im speechless or clueless about what happen...if he read our msg i do hope that his gonna be fine...i'm gonna miss him in forum...
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:09 am

Sir Edwin, if you read this, then know that you are missed, and you are welcome back here.
I was surprised because of the developments in your life, but I do not judge you for your actions.
I have been in 3 marriages in my past. In the first, my wife left me. In the second, my wife died. In the third, I left her. Not for another, but because we were not happy being together. She has remarried, but I have not. I can understand how breakups happen. I have been through it.

I hope that you are doing well, and are in good health, and know that some of us are praying for you, and we will always wish you the best. Godbless!
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby jadegil6 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:41 pm

I just wanted to post an update about Sir Edwin.

I received an email from him. He and Carol have reconciled, and he has canceled the divorce paperwork. He says he has some problems to work through, and he and Carol need to find a place to live because his children don't want them living on their property anymore. But as soon as he gets re-established, and gets settled somewhere, he says he plans on returning to the forum.

I hope that you will join with me, and add him and his family in your prayers.
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby Smiley » Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:26 pm

Dave and Carol: I wish nothing but the best for both of you,both as individuals and as a couple.
I know that I am not alone when I say that I am VERY happy that you have reconciled.You will now be able to move on and build a happy comfortable future together.
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby red » Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:00 am

It is an answered prayer! :D I am very happy to hear that news. Please extend my warmest regards to both. :)
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Re: Sir Edwin

Postby Chas » Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:52 am

Indeed good news. I am sorry at the continued upset with his kids. I am also sorry for the upset in the lives of the dogs, Scooby and Rand must wonder what is going on. Life is indeed a rollercoaster!
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