does being too honest is bad?

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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby Smiley » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:20 pm

Please do not ever be be ashamed of being a single mother.To do that robs both you and your child of the dignity that you deserve.Be a good mother and be proud of the fact that you triumph over the odds.Some small minded people may talk in a mean way but you and I can not do much about that.Pray for these people that God may reveal their sins to them.
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:35 am

Rhusette_me and being_meh, I am so happy that you found this site where you can get encouragement and support from people who have love in their hearts. Jesus loves you and He loves your little ones as well. Jesus told his disciples to let the little children come to Him and forbid them not. You have one of it not the most important jobs in the world, raising a little one, instilling love, hope, and faith in that little one, and guiding that person into God's ways. :D :D
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby Smiley » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:08 pm

Truth and honesty are very important. We should also be aware of another persons vulnerabilities and take some care to not trample their feelings. Truthfulness does not have to mean cruel and heartless.
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby Edwin » Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:24 am

Smiley, you are so correct! Speaking the truth in love is what is important. I had someone, one of my instructors in Bible College years ago, said that if someone would throw medication at him, he would throw it back. But if someone would hand him medication, and he needed it, he would take it. This has a lot to do with attitude and love expressed. Someone who is dishonest is not a friend. A friend finds a way to speak the truth even if it does hurt, but being very careful how that is done, because there is no cause for dealing hurt to others purposely.

Tact is important, which means using the truth with kindness, not hurting feelings. I probably should tell someone how fat they are, even if they are fat, and if discussing weight is important, there should be a kind way to deal with the subject. Maybe someone has poor taste in clothing, or color matching and schemes, but there is no doubt a kind way to deal with that.

Be careful with people's feeling, and be kind, and have a heart when dealing with people. Put yourself in their shoes and decide how you would want to be talked to or treated. We all need love and understanding! :D :D
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:36 pm

being_meh wrote:i am wondering if being too honest is bad.. i joined a lot of dating sites online. and all the time i am too honest for who i am really. i even told every person i talked to that im a single mom.. that i have a regular job, etc etc..but why does some thinks im not real at all?that im just after their money and all... for Christ sake, i have a decent regular job here and i can manage to take care of my son all by myself for so long...i never asked money or any help to anyone..i solve my own problems.. YEAh i know its quite difficult to be part of my life coz i already have a son,who happens to have a special needs. is it wrong for me to hope to have a man to share my life and someone who can tap my shoulder saying everything will be fine when tough times comes? my bestfriend?my lifetime companion? everybody needs somebody to love, right? and i know i have so much love to give..or im just having some false hopes again?


If you are not honest, it will always give you guilt in your heart. So better honest that you are single mom. The true person will accept you as you are. No matter what happens, be honest of your self regarding your status, in the end, someone will truly love your honesty. Do not hide anything.
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby Smiley » Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:38 am

Truer words were never spoken Crisi.
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby cheryz » Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:18 am

there's nothing wrong with being honest,but honesty with consideration of the other person's feelings is always also may want to know that being honest will bring good and bad consequences,like you say people will praise you when you're honest about others but they will get upset when it's about them
( this isn't a 100% fact because some will thank you for your honesty)
but like I said before 'be considerate with your honesty'. there's something called being brutally honest and then there's honesty with mercy and kindness attached to has the attitude like i don't care i'm going to tell them the truth no matter if they like what i say or not ...then there's ok I'm going to tell them the truth but considering the other person's feelings by putting yourself in their place ,thinking about how you'd want someone to tell you or approach you with the truth. sometimes being brutally honest may have it's place ,but it may be on rare occassions. :D
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby cheryz » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:55 pm

no...but theres a saying that
being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it always get you the right one. :D
being true to your self it can gain more confidence in you,because that is you.
so they have to accept what they really are! :D
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby angel » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:53 am

the bad things is when your not telling the truth! it says honesty is the best policy! :D i hope my thoughts would help you in this. just be honest because it will reveal it also even your not telling the truth!
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Re: does being too honest is bad?

Postby cheryz » Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:24 am

Being honest with others and yourself can be challenging. Political correctness, being sensitive of other people's feelings, and facing uncomfortable truths about yourself usually requires much patience, vigilance, and hard work.
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