the shape of love

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the shape of love

Postby mystic » Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:07 pm

There is one thing that I learned a little through this forum (thanks Crisi) and a little through other means. Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Only she fit in the small shoes. That was the figurative "shape" of her love.

Crisi wrote, we must keep standards, i.e. we have to evaluate a person through a set of rules or requirements, which represent how our ideal half is. Only one person has to fit in the shoes. If there are many, and our standards are low, we are likely to choose the wrong person and find problems.

So, love somehow should not be blind. We are taking a choice that will affect us, our children and our environment for the rest of our lives. So it is good to know what we want, i.e. have an ideal image of our beloved half. Then, it is only matter to make it true.

In my idea, the first and most important is that she is God-fearing. If she is so, she won't go against God's law and will have good values.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: the shape of love

Postby crisipicada » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:32 am

mystic wrote:There is one thing that I learned a little through this forum (thanks Crisi) and a little through other means. Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Only she fit in the small shoes. That was the figurative "shape" of her love.

Crisi wrote, we must keep standards, i.e. we have to evaluate a person through a set of rules or requirements, which represent how our ideal half is. Only one person has to fit in the shoes. If there are many, and our standards are low, we are likely to choose the wrong person and find problems.

So, love somehow should not be blind. We are taking a choice that will affect us, our children and our environment for the rest of our lives. So it is good to know what we want, i.e. have an ideal image of our beloved half. Then, it is only matter to make it true.

In my idea, the first and most important is that she is God-fearing. If she is so, she won't go against God's law and will have good values.

We have different life's experiences. Some are hard to cope up and some are just easy one. But we must remember, those are part of life. Our reaction or respond to the situation is what value most. That has been what I have learned and been learning. I know, God is in control and He will not harm us, but we must trust Him and believe that all things will be okay and for our own good, even we do not understand. He knows best.

Well, I am just an instrument that you learn, mystic. Thanks be to God for giving you enlightenment and learning from my post. :D
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Re: the shape of love

Postby Edwin » Wed May 01, 2013 12:20 am

You are right, Crisi, our reaction to what happens to us is the most valuable. God will not harm us; we need to trust Him! We often do not understand, but God knows what is best for us! :D :D
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Re: the shape of love

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:12 am

mystic wrote:There is one thing that I learned a little through this forum (thanks Crisi) and a little through other means. Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Only she fit in the small shoes. That was the figurative "shape" of her love.

Crisi wrote, we must keep standards, i.e. we have to evaluate a person through a set of rules or requirements, which represent how our ideal half is. Only one person has to fit in the shoes. If there are many, and our standards are low, we are likely to choose the wrong person and find problems.

So, love somehow should not be blind. We are taking a choice that will affect us, our children and our environment for the rest of our lives. So it is good to know what we want, i.e. have an ideal image of our beloved half. Then, it is only matter to make it true.

In my idea, the first and most important is that she is God-fearing. If she is so, she won't go against God's law and will have good values.

It is always by the grace of God that we can have a good values in life. In nature human being is sinner and our nature in the sight of God is not right. That is why we need someone who can change us, we need someone who will pay for our sins and that is through His Son Jesus Christ. Without Christ, we cannot have relationship with God and the man. Only by His son we can unite with the Heavenly Father.

It needs to crucify our old nature. That is why I noticed everyday that if I cannot pray and read His word, my day is so incomplete. It seems that life is full of problems. It is a matter of heart really. That is why, give your heart to the Lord everyday and claim His promise to give us peace. It is important to what standard you live by because this is what makes us.
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Re: the shape of love

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:29 am

Yes, we are promised that if we keep our minds on the Lord He will give us perfect peace. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, and we need a savior, which we find in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We inherited a sinful nature from Adam, and we need the second Adam to save us from that inherited sinful nature. It is important that we give our hearts to the Lord, so that He can make of us what pleases Him. Our standards are really what defines us. If we don't stand for something then we will fall for anything, and that is where standards come into play. We must get our standards from God's Word. :D :D
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Re: the shape of love

Postby crisipicada » Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:49 pm

I Corinthians 13 is the love chapter in the Bible. Love is able to suffer. True love is kind, it is not rude. It is not self seeking.

In your experience in life, have you consider yourself being kind and sincere to someone you love, even when it is in hurtful moments? Love is being tested in times of problems.
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Re: the shape of love

Postby purex » Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:56 pm

mystic wrote:There is one thing that I learned a little through this forum (thanks Crisi) and a little through other means. Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Only she fit in the small shoes. That was the figurative "shape" of her love.

Crisi wrote, we must keep standards, i.e. we have to evaluate a person through a set of rules or requirements, which represent how our ideal half is. Only one person has to fit in the shoes. If there are many, and our standards are low, we are likely to choose the wrong person and find problems.

So, love somehow should not be blind. We are taking a choice that will affect us, our children and our environment for the rest of our lives. So it is good to know what we want, i.e. have an ideal image of our beloved half. Then, it is only matter to make it true.

In my idea, the first and most important is that she is God-fearing. If she is so, she won't go against God's law and will have good values.

When we try to see the person as he or she is, there is really a big tendency that we will be frustrated or disappointed. I have experience that. As human being, we always have failures. As long as we mature in the long run, we begin to understand things.

For me, I try my best to trust the Lord. I believe that "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith", is important for us to apply. It means that, when someone fail, or because all people fails, there is someone who wont fail us, and that is Jesus. He will never fail us nor forsake us.

The next time, we are hurt, we try to blame other people of out failure in life, and the other people do the same way and he or she blames others, it is important to take maturity of our life. That is to keep on living a life that we wont blame others. I know, it would be hard, but it can be applied.

The good thing for people who are mature in his or Christian life is that, he or she knows how to respond life.

Have you found someone, wherein, even when you are in disagreement or bad situation in a relationship, still you want to stay with him or her? That is the difference being being in love and being loving. Being in love is something you feel to someone and it has the tendency to fail. But being loving is much better. It means, despite for everything happens, you remain being loving. :D :D :D :D

Well, to be honest, I really try to be loving, because we Christian must be loving.
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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Re: the shape of love

Postby Smiley » Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:43 am

[quote="mystic"]There is one thing that I learned a little through this forum (thanks Crisi) and a little through other means. Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Only she fit in the small shoes. That was the figurative "shape" of her love.

Please don`t fall into the trap of comparing fairy tales to real life,In the story this jerk of a prince tells Cinderalla that he loves her so much blah blah blah but then the next day can`t even recognize her. So he comes up with a plan where he will marry the first woman who fits this shoe.As if there can be only one woman that will fit it. Sounds to me like he was really just some player with a foot fetish :lol:
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Re: the shape of love

Postby wayne208 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:01 pm

Crisipicade .. I really Liked the Love Quote from The Bible that Really Touched Me .. And from the Looks of things it Has Touched others as Well .. Thank You
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Re: the shape of love

Postby jk.kj73 » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:41 am

Has anyone cook food with wine? Or has anyone sweet and sour food? The shape of love has many taste to uncover. It needs to be sharpen and heated on the furnace. That is how love should be shaped. Realizing that life is not always in accordance with what we planned, the good thing is that, knowing someone in bad times, and in good times, his reaction and her reaction to problems, situations and to people he knows and people she knows and to people he or she doesn't knows, would be a good spices in life. It is part of life as love is being shaped and in due time, knowing someone is the end of life when you wanted to share the rest of your life.
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