reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship

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reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship

Postby cheryz » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:51 pm

Trust is a fundamental human experience, necessary for society to function and for any person to be relatively happy. Without it, fear rules. Trust is not an either/or proposition, but a matter of degree. Everyone has uncertainty about whom to trust, how much to trust, when not to trust, and so forth at one time or another. In fact, every day we make choices about whom and how much to trust, and sometimes we trust more and sometimes less. That’s a good thing; a total lack of mistrust would indicate a serious psychological problem. Judgments about when and whom to trust help keep us alive!

There are many reasons why you may doubt your partner or have trust issues, but they usually fall under these 10 reasons.

#1 You think your partner lies to you very often.

#2 You think your partner lacks integrity. They’ve cheated on someone in an earlier relationship / You’ve cheated on someone and *knowing how easy it is to cheat* you assume your partner may be cheating behind your back too.

#3 You don’t know much about your partner’s life and what they do when you aren’t around.

#4 You don’t know your lover’s friends and their inside jokes which makes you feel insecure when they’re around.

#5 Your partner is secretive. *locks their phone or deletes their messages often*

#6 You feel threatened by your lover’s friendship with someone you don’t know well. [Read: Why guy best friends are nothing but trouble for a girl]

#7 You’ve had bad experiences in love where an old lover has betrayed your trust.

#8 Your partner just doesn’t share details about their life with you as much as you share yours with them.

#9 Your partner gets furious when you intrude into their private space without their permission.

#10 Your lover flirts with others.

If you’re in a happy relationship that’s built on trust, these 10 reasons for trust issues may seem trivial. But if you’re insecure, even the smallest of these reasons could send you sulking to the corner of the room.
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Re: reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship

Postby angel » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:10 pm

some of that are true!!! i really agree with it. some of guys are doing that because they not contented with the girl. i think its like a clothes they change very often! i dont know why they do that maybe they dont really love the girl!
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Re: reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship

Postby cheryz » Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:05 am

indeed angel, just for a thought that some men are like that attitude of polygamous, but only some not all men maybe there are some who are faithful, maybe some have different kind of situations are facing in life. some are has reasons to marry more women, but i could also say some women are doing also it depends on situation.
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Re: reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship

Postby wayne208 » Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:10 pm

I also know what it is Like to Have an unfaithful Mate . Also the lying and stealing of money did not help either . True it happens more to Ladies then Guys ,.. But It does happen to Us Guys also . It took Me a long time to trust another person after that . But now I am in a much better place in My Life thanks to Having God in My heart .
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Re: reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship

Postby cheryz » Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:00 am

its really hard to forget about what happen with the issue about trust, its to much pain in you deep in your heart and mind. being unfaithfully is like killing you at the back while you are being faithful its really unfair sometimes if you think thats happen to you. but for now keep in faith in God and believe theres a light upon your life.
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