King Money' has failed humanity

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King Money' has failed humanity

Postby angel » Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:50 am

Pope Francis says King Money' has failed humanity
one of article i read in catholic online site
what can you say about it?

Pontiff says 'throwaway culture' had discarded a generation of young Europeans

Fearlessly denouncing capitalism and the pursuit of financial gain, Pope Francis now says that the worship and obeisance of "King Money" has done nothing for humanity in the long run. Francis, speaking out on the issue of high youth unemployment in his first interview in his native land of Argentina this week, warned that today's "throwaway culture" had discarded a generation of young Europeans.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - The pope insisted that the Church must reform itself and pay more attention to the poor. He also says that the church needs to abandon the complacent attitude that says "we have always done it this way."

Issuing an 84-page platform for his eight-month-old papacy, Francis blasted unrestrained capitalism as "a new tyranny." Francis linked high European unemployment to its twin problem of neglecting older people who are past their earning prime.

"Today we are living in unjust international system in which 'King Money' is at the center," he said in the interview.

"It's a throwaway culture that discards young people as well as its older people. In some European countries, without mentioning names, there is youth unemployment of 40 percent and higher," he said. "A whole generation of young people does not have the dignity that is brought by work."

European leaders have failed to adequately tackle youth unemployment. There have been no new ideas to confront this problem which is dangerously fueling social unrest.

Nearly six million people under the age of 25 are without work in the European Union, with jobless rates among the young at close to 60 percent in Spain and Greece.

The pope's skepticism of free markets and concern about the lack of ethics in finance were shared by his predecessor, Benedict XVI. The current pope's modesty and rejection of the traditional trappings of office lend his words particular weight.

"A people that cares neither for its youth nor for its older people has no future," the pope said. "Young people take society into the future, while the older generation gives society its memory, its wisdom."

At one time the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Francis in March became the first non-European pontiff in 1,300 years. He is the first South American pope.

Francis has called for a more austere church that sides with the poor, and has promised to clean up the murky finances of the Vatican bank.
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Re: King Money' has failed humanity

Postby cheryz » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:02 am

im not familiar with this issue but speaking of money, yes we need it for our daily lives and to buy things that we want in our journey of life. but also money can harm us in different situation we encounter in our daily lives. make use with it. 8-)
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Re: King Money' has failed humanity

Postby Chas » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:15 pm

At the moment Pope Francis seems to be a breathe of fresh air in the Vatican. If he can reform and clean up the Vatican Bank it will be a major achievement of his papacy. I hope he is not defeated by vested interests.
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Re: King Money' has failed humanity

Postby angel » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:47 pm

i believe he can, and lets hope and pray for the achievement of Pope Francis.
"A people that cares neither for its youth nor for its older people has no future," the pope said. "Young people take society into the future, while the older generation gives society its memory, its wisdom." :)
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