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Tell us about yourself

Postby crisipicada » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:06 pm

Everybody is invited to share about himself or herself. This is one way to know each other and understand each other. This is also the way to know the way we think and what others are thinking. Also this is the way that you will know the person better and know his or her perspective.

To start with, I will start to share a little about myself.
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Re: Tell us about yourself

Postby crisipicada » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:12 pm

I am the youngest daughter of eight in the family. I grow up in the barrio or town far from the city proper. I use to stay at home doing household chores like doing the laundry using bare hands, cleaning the house, scrubbing the floor when our floor was made of wood or cement. I use to grow in a place where there is not a lot of people.

Because of this, I have very aloft to talk to people and very shy. I was not a good communication. But later on, I develop myself and improve a little or more.

With regards to family, I am very close to family. I am close to my mother rather than my father. Since my late father was so strict to us, I have a hard time to talk to men a lot because he did not want me to meet a lot of people especially men. I grow up wherein my routines before was house, school, church, house, school, church and so on. Since my parents separated when I was around first year high school at 11 years old, so I stayed with my father. At that time, he wanted me to join monologue, declamation, and to teach kids in our neighborhood. So I love kids, even now, I do have fun with children and of course to my niece and nephews.

Regarding going to different places, my life is not very interesting. Because I was not able to develop myself to go to different places or do not like travelings a lot. This is due to financial constraint and for me it is not wise to waste money while others are suffering.

About financial aspect, I am very thrifty person. One thing is I learn to live within means. So my goal in life now is to pay all debts that I encured in my salary loan and not to into it anymore. It was just I have had emergencies before. Since I feeling better lately, so I guess I have move on with the past and forget it especially forgiving and forgetting the pain and anger to my late father. And to my brothers who cause me nervous when they were drunk. So far, i am doing fine.

About work, I am dedicated person. I try to be responsible and be able to do things perfectly. If not at least it is accurate and proper. I do not want to do things in a hurry but always on time and right one. I try to be courteous and responsible to the job that I have especially treating my officemates and clients that I encounter. I pray that I will be able to do my job with the best that I can by God's grace. Regarding fire code fees, I am very cautious about it because it involves money. So far so good and no problem about the audit of our fire code fees since 2010 to present this 2013.

About love life, I do things with care. I try to be nice as much as possible. Also I try to treat people as Christian friends. I know that God guides. So am still waiting for His guidance. Of course it is not right to be involve into a married person or separated one. That is what I believe.

To be continued

To be continued
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Re: Tell us about yourself

Postby Edwin » Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:09 am

I was the middle child of five in our family. My grandparents on both sides had like 10 or 12 kids, so our family was not large by those standards.

I was born down over the hill from where we now live in one of the towns down there. I can almost see the place from here where I lived the first two years of my life. My Dad and Mom lived about a quarter of a mile from here, the first year of their married lives. When I was two years old we moved to a mountainous valley 50 or so miles from here. We lived there until I was 14 years old, and then we moved back to this same Native American Indian Reservation only 20 or so miles from here almost to the valley. Where we lived we had no neighbors closer than a number of miles away, and when I went away to the big city to Bible College I was reminded that I could not dress in front of the windows because we had neighbors. It didn't occur to me, because where I came from we had no neighbors. They tried to get me to wear pajamas to bed, but I never wore them before, so I tore them up, and used them for rags to clean my trombone tubes with. They thought I might be embarrassed wearing almost nothing in case of a fire, but I decided I would take that chance, as I could not sleep in anything more than briefs and a tee shirt!

When my parents lived here close, my mother used to carry their laundry to her older sister's place 2 or 3 miles from here. I don't know what kind of a washing machine they had, or if they used the scrub board. I think I saw my Mom use the scrub board for clothes when I was a little guy.

Anyway we are retired here. I spend most of my time walking with the doggies, working on projects, playing the piano, and watching movies. We go to church as often as we are able to do that. :D :D
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Re: Tell us about yourself

Postby red » Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:51 am

Everybody here calls me Red just screen name. My age is close to half century age. Hoping and praying for longevity of life so I can see my girls grow in life. I love the Lord my God, my family, my husband and children and I am a very protective mother and wife. (Watch out!) :P I spoil my girls and my husband in anyway i can. I love my siblings my parents too. I am too generous to my siblings that it hurts me sometime. I love my mama but I am a father's girl. :D At work, I work hard. My favorite time at work is when it is two hours before going home because it will be soon home and I get to see my darlings. :D I have ambitions still. And that includes the church ministry to grow. I am a good friend. I believe in the golden rule ( Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.) I also believe that time is gold but I always tend to do some things on the last minute! I guess some things never change. :lol: One more thing, I have high respect of elder people. I was brought up to respect the elders. One thing I can daresay, don't under estimate them because one day you will get old too and surely you don't want young people to treat you bad, unless you die sooner.
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Re: Tell us about yourself

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:54 pm

I am 67 years old, and I don't know how I got here so quickly! :lol: I, like you, Red, am hoping for some good years yet! I am very healthy, and I take no medications for anything. I have started taking vitamins and minerals about a month ago at the suggestion of my medical eye doctor, so I am feeling good that I made that decision at his suggestion. I do have the ever present possible problem with my prostate gland. I had surgery for it in 2005, and I have been fine since with no bad symptoms, except the bleeding that I did a year and a half ago. It had only happened to me once in all that time, and my brother tells me that it happens to him on a regular basis, so I can be thankful that I don't have that problem. Because of that they started testing me more, and now I have had two prostate gland biopsies, and I didn't need either one of them, but how do you know? I complained to a finance person at the medical clinic about how much it cost me to find out that nothing was wrong with me, and she told me that I can refuse the service any time I want to, but I am a glutton for punishment, and I suppose I will go along with their requests for tests. They are letting me go 6 months before the next test! I will have no cancer, but if they tell me I need a biopsy, I guess I will agree with that! :lol:

I would love to not even have that problem, but I can be thankful that I don't have other health issues, and for a guy 67 years old not to need any medications of any kind, I can be pretty thankful for that. I am strong, healthy, agile, and active, so lets keep it that way! If anyone sneaks up on me, I want to be able to run or fight!!!! :lol: Just kidding of course! :lol:

Anyway we are retired, and I only have to do what I want to do. If Carol asked me to do something, I consider it for about a week, then maybe the next week I will do it. That is reasonable, isn't it? Anyway I have to put another fence around the back yard. I also need to finish redoing my bathroom. I also need to dig in a path, ramp entrance from the other side of our house, then break a hole in my block wall to frame a door for an entrance/exit into and out of my cellar. I want to take a course to learn to tune and repair pianos. I also want make another trip to the Philippines, maybe to see that Dahilayan Adventure Park. That would be fun, wouldn't it? I need to wait until the time is right, and then I will go, the Lord willling! Dreams for the future, huh? :roll: :lol: :D
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Re: Tell us about yourself

Postby crisipicada » Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:12 am

I got saved in 1992. I am glad that someone had really extend time and effort to share about the gift of salvation. We must receive Christ as our personal Savior and Lord.
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