A few thoughts about the new site:
I just checked on the total number of members, and it now has 56 active members, with 43 being ladies. That seems to be a tad more than 20, doesn't it? Maybe there were only 20 in the age range or country being searched, perhaps, but there were 43 female members last Friday. Before a person who joins can actually view any profiles, that application has to be approved by either mystic or myself, so if one joined and then tried to search profiles, one would not see anything except their username and age.
That is 56 total members within approximately one month (with another 22 being suspended for failure to post a photo) . When jaderune first started, it had 8 members after the first year. So in comparison, hmmmm...doesn't seem that shabby so far, does it? I know of other Filipina dating sites that have mixed results. One was started about 5 years ago, and after 3 years they had 3 members, so I think they finally threw in the towel and quit trying. Another site that is popular today started by pouring about $20,000 into the launch, and charging for memberships that allow actual one-to-one communication. They started with mostly fake lady's profiles to make their site look successful and inviting to the men who are the ones who actually pay the membership fees. Over time, they have attracted many actual Filipinas as well as paying male members, but their site still has about 6 of 10 lady's profiles that are fakes. When a few guys get interested in those fake accounts, then those accounts are deactivated, and new fake accounts take their place. I am not that unethical or desperate for members since this is a free site, and I am content to let this site grow at what ever pace it grows, and the membership roles will not be falsified or inflated to take advantage of trusting people, or to line my pockets with ill-gotten gain.
Jaderune.com and Christian-Pilipina.com are not the right site for everybody. So if it doesn't fit your expectations, then good luck to you in your search elsewhere. It will take time for the new site to attract members, but I will do my best to make sure they are real people. Once again, many, many thanks to you, mystic, for all of your time and hard work to get the site online.