Does True Love waits?

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Does True Love waits?

Postby glemarie » Wed May 16, 2012 2:29 am

i've been waiting for true love.I don't want my past failure in loving someone,.it's a mistakes,. an experience where in I learn alot from it..
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby MikeP92563 » Thu May 17, 2012 3:49 pm

If two people are totally comitted to each other I believe that true love can wait, and overcome nearly any obstacle in its way. Many have experienced failures in the past, but it always seems that when one door closes, another one eventually opens. A wise friend once told me even though we may not think so, that God answers each one of our prayers. It's just that sometimes the answer is "No" What may have seemed right to us at the time, may not have been part of God's plan. Yes, we learn from our mistakes and experience is the toughest teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterward. Have faith...You will find what you seek
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby lyrehc » Thu May 17, 2012 11:33 pm

glemarie wrote:i've been waiting for true love.I don't want my past failure in loving someone,.it's a mistakes,. an experience where in I learn alot from it..

will Glee,I think past experience is not a mistake its for you to learn and be a better person.....You don't need to wait for true love it will just come in the right time.... sometimes its the person who goes out of love and sad that others failed to continue giving love to there partner...sometimes its the person who never wait for true love to come..
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby cheryz » Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:39 pm

True love is when you finally find the person whom you've been dreaming and praying for, and when they come into your life you know straight away they are the one, because you've never felt anything like this before. True love is when you would do anything for that person and you make sure that their coffee is not too hold and not too cold, perfect just like them

true love, it does exist, but sometimes you think you have true love, but you don't. Some people find true love quickly and over people it takes time to come to their life, but all that matters is that you find it eventually.
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby mustlovenature » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:21 pm

absolutely, true love can handle ANYTHING..
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby wayne208 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:01 pm

To Me true Love is caring about Someone More then You care about Yourself .
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby edeline » Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:08 am

,In my own opinion it depends on a person. There are some people who has that true love but they get tired of waiting and there are those kind of people who just don't get tired of waiting.
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Re: Does True Love waits?

Postby angel » Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:23 am

maybe yes true love waits, you have to offer it to God if he wants to he will make a way to cross your path. maybe thats true love. and its started with friendship then if you have chemistry then thats love. you understand each other and most especially you cant get off your mind, whatever you do and you cant live without him / her. :)
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